Page 26 - 2022 DPR Construction Benefit Guide_Craft Employees
P. 26

Glossary of  Terms

        Aggregate Deductible                                      Copay

        Typically found on high-deductible plans; when enrolled   A fixed amount (for example $15) you pay for a covered
        in family coverage, the health plan does not begin paying   health care service, usually when you receive the service.
        benefits until the entire family deductible has been met.  The amount can vary by the type of covered health care
        The amount of money (or other types of compensation,
        such as wellness credits) you receive from an insurance   The amount you have to pay for covered health care
        carrier.                                                  services before your health plan begins to pay.

        Brand Name Drugs                                          Dependent

        Drugs that have trade names and are protected by patents.   A qualifying child or spouse/domestic partner who relies on
        Brand name drugs are generally the most costly choice.    you for financial support.

        Calendar Year Maximum                                     A child includes a natural child, a stepchild, a legally
                                                                  adopted child, a child placed for adoption, a child for
        A calendar year maximum is the total amount paid each     whom legal guardianship has been awarded, or a child
        year by your insurance company for each family member     for whom health care coverage is required through a
        enrolled in the medical plan.                             ‘Qualified Medical Child Support Order’ or other court or
                                                                  administrative order. Please refer to your plan summaries
                                                                  for age restrictions.
        The sharing of cost between you and the plan. For example,
        80 percent coinsurance means the plan covers 80 percent   Explanation of Benefits
        of the cost of service after a deductible is met, and you will   A statement sent by your insurance carrier that explains
        be responsible for the remaining 20 percent of the cost.  which procedures and services were provided, how much
                                                                  they cost, what portion of the claim was paid by the plan,
                                                                  and what portion is your liability, in addition to how you can
                                                                  appeal the insurer’s decision. These statements are also
                                                                  posted on the carrier’s website for your review.

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