Page 24 - 2022 DPR Construction Benefit Guide_Craft Employees
P. 24

         The following section must be completed if either the Employee or any Dependents are waiving medical coverage.

         I certify that:                                                                                               Tear out at perforation.
         …   I am declining coverage for myself
         …   I am declining coverage for my spouse/domestic partner
         …   I am declining coverage for my child/children
         Reason for Waiving Coverage:

         …   I am covered by my spouse’s plan.  Insurer: __________________________________________ Policy Number: ______________________
         …   I am covered by an individual health plan
         …   Other: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
         The available coverage and plans have been explained to me by DPR. I have been given the opportunity to apply for the available coverages.
         I have decided not to enroll myself and/or my dependent(s). I understand that waiving health coverage now may result in the
         imposition of late enrollment penalties, should I later elect to enroll for myself and/or dependents.  Also, by declining
         coverage, I acknowledge that I and/or my dependents may have to wait to be enrolled until the next Open Enrollment
         Period or enroll within 30 days of a qualifying event.

        Employee Signature                                                    Date

        Please Read Carefully – Signature And Deduction

        Authorization Required

        I have received and read all materials explaining the DPR Construction benefit program. I understand that I am making a binding
        election concerning my benefits for the entire plan year and may not be changed except as provided in the cafeteria plan
        document. I hereby apply for and/or cancel insurance for which I and my eligible dependents have designated. Election changes
        must be made within 31 days of any qualified status change. When available, contributions will be deducted from my pay on
        a pre-tax salary deduction basis. If there is a change in premiums, the amount of my pre-tax benefit election will be adjusted
        automatically. I understand that my benefit elections may continue in subsequent plan years. I also understand that this
        agreement is subject to the terms and conditions of the benefit plans, as amended from time to time. I hereby request coverage
        for the Group Insurance selection above for which I am or may become eligible and authorize DPR to make the necessary
        deductions from my pay for the contributions required for the insurance coverage.
        I attest by signing below that I have reviewed the information provided on this application and to the best of
        my knowledge and belief; it is true and accurate with no omissions or misstatements.

        Employee Signature                                                    Date

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