Page 19 - 2022 DPR Construction Benefit Guide_Craft Employees
P. 19

Paid Care Leave                                           Craft Vacation

        DPR is providing eligible employees with paid time off to   In our ongoing commitment to taking care of our people,
        care for themselves and family members when needed.       DPR is providing eligible employees with vacation time for

        Eligibility                                               them to spend time away from work and still be paid.
        •  Any active (includes part-time, interns, and
            temporary/seasonal paid directly by DPR), non-union   •  Any active, non-union DPR Craft employee with more
            DPR employee.                                            than 1 year of service at DPR.
        Accrual                                                   Accrual
        •  Employees will accrue 1 PCL hour for every 30 hours    •  1-4 year(s) of service: Accrue 1 hour of vacation time
            worked up to a 64 hour maximum accrual. An employee      for every 30 hours of regular time worked, up to a
            working 40 hours per week would accrue 1.33 hours of     maximum of 40 hours.
            PCL each week.                                        •  After 5+ years: Accrue a maximum of 64 hours.
        •  Once an employee has reached their maximum accrual     •  Employees are not entitled to accrue vacation time for
            cap, continued accrual will cease, and the employee      hours paid while not working (such as while using paid
            will need to use a portion of their hours to begin       care leave).
            accruing again.                                       •  Accrual starts Jan. 1 of each year, so long as the
        •  If the employment ends with DPR Construction, the         employee’s balance is under the maximum.
            accrued PCL time will not be paid out.
        •  Employees are not entitled to accrue paid care leave for
            hours paid while not working (such as paid holidays, or   •  Supervisors must approve all vacation requests.
            while using paid care leave).                         •  Requests must be made a minimum of two weeks
                                                                     in advance.
                                                                  •  Vacation must be used in increments of 4 hours.
        •  The PCL benefit is intended for employees to take time
            off to care for themselves and/or family members (a   Availability
            child, parent, spouse, domestic partner, grandparent,   •  Use the benefit immediately after accruing the
            grandchild or sibling). It is not intended to be used for   minimum 4 hours.
            vacation time.                                        •  Unused vacation hours will carry over into the next
        •  Employees eligible for paid care leave are entitled to    year, up to the maximum.
            use their accrued, unused paid care leave beginning   •  Employees are not eligible to borrow vacation hours or
            on the 60th calendar day after the start of their        go into negative accrual balances.
            employment (or after 60 days of benefit effective date).
                                                                  Rate Of  Pay
        •  Employees are required to give their supervisors notice
            of the need to use PCL as soon as practical. If you do   •  Employees will be paid their current hourly rate for
            not notify your supervisor of your need to use your      each hour of vacation time.
            accrued PCL at least 30 minutes before the start of
            your scheduled shift, you will not be granted PCL and
            time off will be unpaid.

        •  Unused, accrued PCL will carry over to the next year.
        •  PCL may be taken in a minimum increment of 2 hours.
        •  Employees are not eligible to borrow PCL hours or go
            into negative accrual balances.

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