Page 18 - 2022 DPR Construction Benefit Guide_Craft Employees
P. 18
Additional Benefits
Pretax Commuter Farmers GroupSelect Home and
Spending Account Auto Insurance Discount
Use pretax dollars to pay for your parking or public Your home and your car are two of your most valuable assets.
transportation expenses while commuting to work. This It only makes sense to access group rates so you can pay less
program is voluntary and you may participate on a for your home and auto insurance. You may start or stop your
month-to-month basis. Commuter elections take place on coverage at any time throughout the year, and your coverage
the Navia benefits website (when registering in the Navia stays with you even if you leave DPR Construction.
website, please note that the requested employer code
is DPR). Both payroll contributions and reimbursements Homeowners insurance includes coverage for your house,
cannot exceed the monthly statutory limits. Any unused condo or rental property (plan not available for Florida or
funds in any month may be used in subsequent months. Massachusetts residents). Auto insurance includes coverage
The contribution amounts are current as of the time of this for your automobile (including classic and antique cars), boat,
publication but are subject to change by the IRS. motor home or recreational vehicle. For more information and
to enroll, visit Farmer’s Insurance Group.
Monthly passes, Let’s not forget about our furry friends! MetLife Pet
Transportation tokens, fare cards/ $280 monthly Insurance helps offset the cost of caring for your pet with
or vouchers (transit more than 6,400 covered medical treatments. It covers
Public Transit and vanpool maximum everything from preventive care to accidents and illness,
expenses) as well as the costs of X-rays, office visits, medications,
surgeries, and hospital stays. You can either choose your
Fees associated
own vet or use a licensed vet in the MetLife network. The
with parking at or
cost of coverage depends on your pet’s age, species, and
near your place
the coverage level that you select.
of employment
or parking at $280 monthly 529 Plan
or near public maximum
transportation to The 529 Plan is available to set aside money for higher
get to work (e.g., education expenses. This account can be set up for
parking at a bus or a designated beneficiary. The plan is administered
subway station) by Vanguard and can be set up with Vanguard directly.
For more info, visit