Page 12 - 2023 HCTec Benefits Guide Consultant
P. 12

Voluntary Plans

        Accident Plan- CIGNA                                      Critical Illness Plan- CIGNA
        Accident Insurance provides benefits to help cover the costs   Critical Illness Insurance provides cash to help pay for both
        associated with unexpected bills due to covered accidents,   medical expenses not covered by your medical plan as well as
        regardless of any other insurance you have. If you purchase   day-to-day expenses that may start to add up – like rent,
                                                                  mortgage, car payments, etc. – while you are ill. With Critical
        coverage and are hurt in a covered accident, you will receive
                                                                  Illness Insurance, if you are diagnosed with a covered illness,
        a cash benefit for covered injuries.
                                                                  you get a lump-sum cash benefit, even if you receive other
        Coverage amounts                                          insurance benefits.
                       CIGNA Accident Plan                        Coverage amounts

         Cash benefit based on type of accident                        Employee          Spouse         Child(ren)
         (Ranges from $50-25,000)                                   $5,000,         $5,000 or        25% of employee
                                                                    $10,000,        $10,000          coverage amount
        Examples of covered:                                        $15,000 or      (Cannot exceed
         Broken bones                                              $20,000         Employee
         Burns                                                                     coverage)
         Torn ligaments                                          Examples of covered illnesses:
         Cuts repaired by stitches
         Eye injuries                                             Cancer (Invasive)
                                                                   Heart attack
         Ruptured discs
         Concussion                                               Major organ failure
                                                                   End-stage renal (kidney) failure

        Medical GAP Plan- Symetra                                  Stroke
        Medical GAP Insurance provides a fixed lump-sum payment   Your initial benefit provides a lump-sum payment upon the
        that can help cover hospital expenses not covered by      first diagnosis of a covered condition. Your plan pays a 100%
        insurance, or to pay for expenses while you, your         recurrence benefit on the above listed conditions if it
        spouse/domestic partner and/or dependents are in          reoccurs 12 months apart without treatment.
        the hospital.                                               Legal Plan- MetLife
         The plan pays $300 per day, for up to 5 days (per person,   The legal plan provides legal representation for you, your
          per calendar year), that an individual is hospitalized.
                                                                  spouse, and your dependents at a price that won’t break your
         The plan pays $600 per day, for up to 5 days (per person,   budget. You can receive legal advice and fully covered legal
          per calendar year), that an individual is in intensive care.   services for a wide range of personal legal matters from a
                                                                  network-participating plan attorney. Services provided
                                                                  through the plan include:
        Pet Plan- Nationwide
                                                                   Court appearances
        You can purchase health insurance, administered by
                                                                   Document review and preparation
        Nationwide, for your dog or cat. Like a regular health     Debt collection defense
        insurance plan, a pet insurance policy can help you plan for
                                                                   Will preparation
        your pet’s health care — and offset costs for routine care and    Family law
        unexpected illness or injury. Your premium is based on your
                                                                   Real estate matters
        pet’s species, age, the benefits coverage you select and
        where you live. For more information, a quote or to enroll,   When you use a plan attorney for covered services, there is
        visit                  no waiting period, limits on usage, deductibles or copays. The
                                                                  plan is available at a low monthly group rate, which you can

                                                                  pay through automatic payroll deductions.

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