Page 29 - 2022 Clari Open Enrollment Benefits Guide
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        Important Notices

        Current Health Plan Notices                                                Summary Plan Descriptions (SPDs)

        Notices that must be provided to plan participants on an annual            A Summary Plan Description, or SPD, is the legal document
        basis are available on Clari's intranet and includes:                      for describing benefits provided under the plan as well as plan
                                                                                   rights and obligations to participants and beneficiaries. The

        • Medicare Part D Notice                                                   following SPD is available on ADP Workforce Now.
           Describes options to access prescription drug coverage for              • Clari, Inc. Health and Welfare Plan
           Medicare eligible individuals.

        • Women’s Health and Cancer Rights Act
           Describes benefits available to those that will or have                 Summary of Benefits and Coverage
           undergone a mastectomy.                                                 A Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC) is a document

        • Newborns’ and Mothers’ Health Protection Act                             required by the Affordable Care Act (ACA) that presents benefit
           Describes the rights of mother and newborn to stay in the               plan features in a standardized format. The following SBCs are
           hospital 48-96 hours after delivery.                                    available on ADP Workforce Now.

        • HIPAA Notice of Special Enrollment Rights                                • Cigna HDHP/PPO
           Describes when you can enroll yourself and/or dependents in             • Kaiser HMO (CA and OR only)
           health coverage outside of open enrollment.

        • Notice of Choice of Providers                                            Paper copies of these documents and notices are available if
           Notifies you about the plan’s requirement that you name a
           Primary Care Physician (PCP).                                           requested. If you would like a paper copy, please contact

        • Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act
           Describes availability of premium assistance for Medicaid
           eligible dependents.

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