Page 10 - Rubrik 2022 Benefits Guide
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Employee Assistance Program Ginger On-Demand Emotional
Everyone needs a little help from time to time. That’s why Health Support
we offer you and your eligible family members access to
licensed counselors through our Employee Assistance Ginger is a behavioral health mobile app to support you
Program (EAP) provided through Lincoln. The EAP is and your dependents. Ginger offers coaching, therapy
available to you whether or not you elect other benefits on demand, psychiatry, health assessments and various
coverage through Rubrik. other resources to help combat stress and successfully
You can contact the EAP for help with the following: navigate life’s challenges! Coaches are available 24/7 and all
communications between you and your coaching team are
Stress confidential. Coaching is covered under the plan with no
Marital or family problems cost to you. Video visits with a psychiatrist or psychologist
Anxiety and depression
Substance abuse (alcohol and/or drugs) will have a low cost or copay.
Financial issues You can start a live chat session just minutes after
Aging parents downloading the Ginger Emotional Support App, available
Pet care from Google Play or App Store. A unique access code
Maintenance and repair providers
Community volunteer opportunities will be sent to you in your Welcome Email that will need
Child care issues – including identifying schools, to be entered in the App to begin. Rest assured, all of
daycare, tutors, and more your information is securely stored and protected by
HIPAA regulations. Rubrik will not have access to a list of
Through the EAP, you and family can receive immediate participant names or records of any conversations.
support and guidance, including up to five free counseling
sessions, and referrals for further services.
It’s important to note that all EAP conversations are
voluntary and strictly confidential. In addition, there’s
never a cost to you when you contact an EAP counselor;
Rubrik pays the full cost. However, if you and your
counselor determine that additional assistance is needed,
you’ll be referred to the most appropriate and affordable
resource available. Although you’re responsible for the
cost of referrals, these costs are often covered under
your medical plan.