Page 7 - 2022 Benefit Guide NA Construction
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Health Savings Account

    If you enroll in the BCBS HDHP 1500 medical option and meet
    the eligibility definition you MUST OPEN a Health Savings
    Account (HSA) at Fidelity for the Company Contribution to be
    provided.                                                 Eligibility Requirements — to contribute to an HSA:
                                                              •  You must be enrolled in a CDHP or HDHP medical
    What is an HSA?                                              option.
                                                              •  You cannot be covered by any other non-CDHP or HDHP
    •  An individually-owned, tax-free  account  that you use to pay   compatible health plan.
       for eligible medical as well as dental and vision expenses.
                                                              •  You cannot be claimed as a dependent on another
    •  Contributions can be made by you, the company, or both.   person’s tax return.
                                                              •  You cannot be covered by Medicare A or B, TriCare or
    •  Money accumulated in an HSA may earn interest or you may   have received VA benefits in past 3 months.
       invest it.  It can be withdrawn to pay for qualified medical
       expenses for you, your spouse or eligible dependents – even if   •  You cannot be covered under a general Medical FSA,
                                                                 including through your spouse.
       they are not covered by the CDHP.
                                                              •  You must be a U.S. citizen with a U.S. residential
    •  Unused funds will roll over year to year and will never be   address.

    •  Accumulate funds for the future. After age 65, funds can be   Employer Contribution:
       used for healthcare expenses in retirement or withdrawn for   Each year, Fives will contribute to your HSA as follows:
       any purpose without penalty.  (May be taxable income.)  •  Contributions paid ½ in January and ½ in July.
    •  You may use the HSA funds for your spouse and dependents    Employee Only:   $500 |  All others $1,000
       (on your tax return) eligible expenses even if they are not   New Hires, paid each quarter following hire date during your first
       enrolled in a CDHP.                                  year of employment.
                                                                   Employee only:   $125 | All others $250
     What are the Annual Contribution limits?
                                                                   Bonus HSA Match Contribution Opportunity
    •  Contributions to the HSA by both employee and employer
       cannot exceed the annual limit set by the IRS.          New Enrollees: Fives will match employee contributions
                                                                        made January 1 – June 30, 2022
                                                                             dollar for dollar up to
             2022 Maximum Contribution Limit                        $250 Employee Only and $500 Other Tiers.

                                                             Must be actively employed in July 2022 when the contribution is made
              Employee Only           $3,650
            Employee + Spouse
           Employee + Child(ren)      $7,300                Using Your HSA:
                  Family                                    •  Debit Card: For instant access to your HSA funds.  Just swipe
    •  The contribution limits go by the enrollment choice you   your card to pay for eligible expenses.
       selected for your CDHP.                              •  Reimburse Yourself:  You can make a withdrawal at any time.
    •  If you and your spouse both have an HSA the total Family limit   The best option is to transfer the funds directly to your own
       is $7,300 for the both of you combined.                 checking or savings account.

    •  Catch Up Contributions:  If you, the accountholder, will reach   •  Pay Providers:  You may pay providers directly from your
       age 55 by December 31 ,  you can make an additional $1,000   account.
       contribution to your HSA.                            •  Pay expenses out of pocket and Save your funds to use later
                                                               or in retirement.
    •  Employees are responsible for monitoring their account and
       verifying they have not exceeded the limits.
         Go to Fidelity for more information on using your account,   Website:
         investments, FAQs, etc.   New Enrollee: Click the OPEN      Phone: Fidelity Client Service Center:  800-544-3716.
         button by Health Savings Account.

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