Page 4 - Interior Architects-2022-23-Benefit Guide
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Active, full-time employees working at least 30 hours per week are eligible for the benefits described
in this guide.
Most benefits are effective on the first of the month following, or coinciding with, your date of hire. The following
dependents are also eligible:
΅ Your legal spouse
΅ Your domestic partner
΅ Your children up to age 26
Changes to your benefits
Generally, you may only make or change your existing benefit elections as a new hire or during the annual open enrollment
period. However, you may change your benefit elections during the year if you experience an event such as:
΅ Marriage, divorce or legal separation
΅ Birth or adoption of a child
΅ Loss or gain of other coverage by the employee or dependent
΅ Eligibility for Medicare or Medicaid
You have 30 days from the qualified life event to make changes to your coverage. Depending on the type of event, you may
need to provide proof of the event, such as a marriage license. If you do not make the changes within 30 days of the qualified
event, you will have to wait until the next open enrollment period to make changes (unless you experience another qualified
life event).
Steps to Enroll When Coverage Ends – COBRA Coverage
The choices you make when you first become Your IA employer-sponsored benefits end on the
eligible are in effect for the rest of the plan year. last day of the month following your termination.
It’s important to review your needs and the needs You may be eligible to continue coverage for
of your family so you can make the best choices the following benefits for yourself and your
from the options available to you. Follow these dependents as allowed under the Consolidated
steps to enroll in your benefits. Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA):
1. Evaluate Your Needs ΅ Medical and Prescription Drug
΅ Carefully consider the benefit costs and your ΅ Dental
family’s needs for the upcoming year. ΅ Vision
΅ Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs)
2. Review Your Options
΅ Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
΅ Review this benefits guide to compare
your options and evaluate plan costs and To participate in COBRA, you must enroll within
potential savings. 60 days of your notification date or coverage
end date. You will be responsible for making
3. Enroll Online
monthly payments for the full premium, plus a 2%
΅ Visit ADP to enroll. administration fee. In most cases, COBRA coverage
΅ Follow the prompts to select or waive each of is available for up to 18 months, though extensions
your benefit options. may be available under qualifying circumstances.
4. Confirm Your Elections
΅ After you submit your elections, review your
confirmation statement carefully to make sure
your benefits and dependent information are