Page 14 - 2023 SpecialtyCare Puerto Rico Benefit Guide
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2023 Benefits Guide
Associates are eligible for reimbursement up to a maximum of $2,000 in adoption assistance benefits to help
offset qualified expenses associated with adopting a child not related to either the Associate or their spouse.
Details of the Adoption Assistance Plan and Reimbursement Forms are available on the ABOUT YOU website or
in the SharePoint Benefits folder.
Professional Development
The Professional Development Plan provides The professional development allowance for a
Associates financial support for job-related continuing Clinical Associate in a certified or licensed position
education, and the benefit amount per calendar that requires (at minimum) a Bachelor's degree is up
year is per your position. Regular associates are to $1,500 per calendar year, and three paid training
eligible for the professional development benefit, and days with a rolling three-year maximum benefit of
regular part-time Associates receive a proration. $4,500.
The professional development allowance for Non- The professional development allowance for a
Clinical Associates is up to $500 per calendar year and Neuromonitoring Physician is up to $3,000 per
two paid training days. calendar year with a rolling three-year maximum
The professional development allowance for Clinical benefit of $9,000. RNP Associates can take up to four
Associates in a position that does not require a paid training days per calendar year.
Bachelor's degree is up to $1,000 per calendar year Associates must obtain prior approval from their supervisor
and two paid training days. or manager to be eligible for job-related professional
development expenses reimbursement.
Professional Dues and Membership
Associates must obtain prior approval
All regular associates are eligible for reimbursement of up to $500 per from their supervisor or manager to be
calendar year to help pay for the cost of job-related professional eligible for reimbursement of
associations and memberships. professional membership or dues