Page 20 - 2022 Arabella Advisors Benefit Guide
P. 20

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

           Who is covered?                      Work/Life balance services
           Unum’s EAP                           Employees can also reach out to Unum’s Work/Life
           services are
           available to all                     Specialists for help with balancing the demands of home,
           eligible employees,                  family, and the workplace. Our specialists can answer
           their spouses or                     questions, as well as put employees in touch with outside
           domestic partners,                   resources.
           children, parents,                    Work/Life Specialists can help find:
           and parents-in-law
                                                 CHILDCARE SERVICES

       Employee assistance program               • Childcare centers          • Community resources
       Unum’s employee assistance                • Babysitter tips            • Nanny agencies
       program (EAP) is designed to help         • Family-run child care homes  • Pre-schools
       your employees lead happier and           ELDERCARE SERVICES
       more productive lives at home and
                                                 • Assisted living facilities  • Adult day-care services
       at work. When they have issues,
                                                 • Nursing homes              • Geriatric care managers
       they can work with Licensed
                                                 • Independent living options  • Services for adults with disabilities
       Professional Counselors to define
                                                 FINANCIAL SERVICES
       the problem and obtain appropriate
       assistance.                               • Debt-management solutions
                                                 • Budgeting assistance
          Through the EAP, employees can
                                                 • Credit report assistance
          get help with personal, family
                                                 LEGAL SERVICES
          and work issues
          such as:                               • Personal/family and elder law
                                                 • Real estate
                                                 • Identity theft
        Stress, depression, anxiety
        relationship issues, divorce, job        ADDITIONAL KEY FEATURES
        stress, work conflicts, grief and        • Medical Bill Saver service that can help negotiate out-of-pocket medical and
        loss, addiction, eating disorders,         dental expenses over $400.
        and mental illness
                                                 • 24/7 access to master’s level staff clinicians for information, assessment, short-
                                                   term problem resolution and referrals.
         The Licensed Professional               • Up to three face-to-face counseling sessions.
         Counselor will either address            Sessions are conducted by a network of qualified EAP consultants.
         concerns during a few initial
                                                 • In lieu of face to face sessions, we offer HIPAA compliant video counseling sessions
         sessions or refer the employee to
                                                   for those in rural communities, those with transportation concerns, or those that
         other appropriate counselors or
                                                   may prefer the use of technology to receive the service.
         community resources for long-
         term help.                              • We provide access to a national network of over 60,000 licensed EAP affiliates.
                                                   All EAP providers have a master’s degree or higher with state licensure.

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