Page 22 - 2022 Arabella Advisors Benefit Guide
P. 22

Fitness Discounts

                    A little help reaching your best health

      No stoppingyou
                                                                            Built-in plan discounts
      Everytimeyoutakethestairs,eatahealthysnack,orkick abad        With no referrals, claims or limits.
      habit,yourbodygetsstronger.Nowhere’ssome motivationto
      keepupthegoodwork:good savings.                                  Your family can use them, too.

      With your Aetna plan,you get discounts on gym
                                                                  Even moresavings
      memberships, health coaching and much more through
      LifeMart . ®                                                Ifyou’d liketo work toward your fitness goals at home, you’ll
                                                                  love these savings.
      Healthy lifestylediscounts
                                                                  One-on-one healthcoaching
      Save on gym memberships, health coaching, fitness gear and  Get support to lose weight, ease stress and more.
      nutrition products that support a healthy lifestyle.
                                                                  Online group fitnesssessions
      You also saveon:                                            Tryaclassonyourschedule,inprivate,withonline, on-
                                                                  demand fitnesssessions.
                                                                  At-home weight-lossprograms
      •Yoga, meditation, and wellness programs
                                                                  Get weight-loss tips and menus and track progress from
      •Group fitness on demand                                    the privacy of your home.

     Through our partnership with LifeMart, you can also save on thousands of products and services including health and wellness products,
     tickets, car rentals, and coupons.

        Note that Aetna’s fitness benefits are separate from Arabella’s $90

                              monthly fitness reimbursement benefit.

                                         How to getstarted
                                                                              You’ll find discounts onfitness and
                                         Logintoaetna.comandlook for
                                         the “Stay Healthy”tab.
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