Page 28 - 2022 Arabella Advisors Benefit Guide
P. 28
Additional Benefits
Leave Benefits
• FMLA, Parental, and Family Leave: Federal Family
• Holidays: Arabella Advisors currently maintains a holiday and Medical Leave may be taken intermittently
schedule consisting of seven standard company holidays and during a 12-month period as long as the leave does
up to four optional holidays chosen by each employee—for not exceed the amount of time you are entitled to
a total of up to 11 paid holidays each calendar year. by federal law. You can learn more about FMLA
• Standard holidays are: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther leave here.
King Jr. Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor • Parental leave provides new parents with eight
Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day weeks of paid leave based on the employee’s
• Optional Holidays: Newly hired staff are eligible to receive current base salary rate. This time can be used
up to four optional holidays. See the Employee Handbook within the 14-week family leave period.
for the full list. Employees can only use it once within a 12-
month period.
• Vacation: If you are a regular, full-time employee, you can
accrue a maximum of 120 to 200 hours of vacation leave • Arabella compensates staff members with eight
annually. Your accrual rate will automatically increase each weeks of parental at the following levels:
year according to your anniversary date • Less than one full year of service: 50
• Personal: If you are a regular, full-time employee, you can percent of salary
accrue a maximum of 80 hours of personal leave annually. • After one full year of service: 100 percent
You will accrue 3.33 hours each pay period. of salary
• Volunteer Leave: The firm provides each employee • To receive 100 percent of your salary for eight
volunteer leave per calendar year to make it easier for you weeks, you will need to make a commitment to
to participate in any kind of charitable, social justice, or return to work for at least three months after
political activity. All regular, full-time employees will get a your family and/or maternity/paternity leave
maximum of 20 hours of paid volunteer leave each calendar period is over.
year. Regular, part-time Arabellans will get a prorated
number of volunteer hours each calendar year. Additionally, • Military Reserve
each office holds a half-day volunteering event every • Hazardous weather
summer to celebrate the Arabella Advisors anniversary
• Jury Duty
• Voting: We grant partial-day leave to all employees who can
only vote during working hours.
• Leave Without Pay: In the rare circumstances when you
need it, Arabella may provide leave without pay. To take this
leave, you will need permission from your team leader and
the Culture and Talent team.
• Compassionate Absence: This is the leave no one ever wants
to take. In times of extreme personal distress, such as, but
not restricted to, a death in your immediate family, you will
be provided with up to three days of paid compassionate
COVID-19 Firmwide Benefits
• We want everyone to have an internet connection that facilitates a productive remote work experience. We'll provide
reimbursement of $40 for your home internet each month our offices are closed.
• Remote work will likely be more smartphone dependent. We’re increasing our smartphone service benefit for all staff levels 1-3
to $75 each month our offices are closed.
• For the period that our offices are closed, you may spend up to $400 total (not monthly) for any equipment or supplies that you
need to successfully work remotely. You can read the policy here.
• UrbanSitter membership (see page above).