Page 6 - 2022 01 Benefits Guide Murata Flipbook
P. 6

Dental Plan Summary - MetLife

                        Using an In- Network provider is encouraged.             Dental Plan
                        Out-of-Network benefits are reimbursed in the 90          Dental Plan
                        percentile of the UCR (usual, customary, and reasonable)

                        Annual Deductible*
                        Individual                                                     $50
                        Family                                                        $150

                        Office Visit Copay                                             N/A

                        Annual Maximum Benefit                                       $3,000

                        Preventive Services: *oral exam, cleanings,                   100%
                        bitewing x-rays, etc.
                        Basic Services: *composite fillings,                           80%
                        prefabricated crowns, root canals, etc.
                        Major Services: *bridges, dentures, implant
                        services, etc.                                                 50%

                        Orthodontic Services (Adult and Child)                         50%
                        Orthodontic Deductible                                        None
                        Orthodontic Lifetime Maximum                                 $3,000

                        *There are frequency limitations in place

                                  *Bi-weekly Deductions              Metlife PDP Plus Dental Plan

                                            Employee Only                          $7.36

                                      Employee + Spouse                           $15.34

                                    Employee + Child(ren)                         $17.85

                                                     Family                       $25.92

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