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i 844-935-4673
Medical Plan Comparison
Open Access Plus
Consumer Choice HSA Plan Open Access Plus In-Network Cancer Support Services
In-Network Out-of-Network In-Network Out-of-Network In-Network Only Plymouth Rock is proud to partner with AccessHope to offer support if you or a family member is
HSA Employer facing a cancer diagnosis. AccessHope brings expertise from nationally ranked cancer treatment
Contribution $250/$500 $0 $0 and research centers across the country along with valuable oncology support services to employees
and their families.
Annual Deductible $1,500 / $3,000 $500/$1,000 $0
Expert Advisory Review
Annual Out-of- $3,400 / $6,800 $2,000 / $4,000 $2,500 / $5,000
pocket Maximum Deductible, co-pays, coinsurance apply Deductible, co-pays, coinsurance apply Co-pays only apply Given how rapidly the field of cancer is changing, you need experts who are up to date with new lifesaving discoveries
Individual/Family medical and prescriptions medical only medical only and treatment options. Employees, their dependents and extended family members including siblings, parents and
grandparents can have a physician from the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute review their unique case to make sure they’re
Lifetime Plan Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Maximum receiving the best, most effective care.
If you’ve received a rare or complex-cancer diagnosis, your case will be automatically sent to AccessHope. A Dana-
Plan pays 100%
Plan pays 80%
Plan pays 70%
PHYSICAL WELL-BEING Well-Child Care Plan pays 100% after deductible $20 Co-pay after deductible $20 Co-pay To request an Expert Advisory Review call 844-935-4673. An oncologist from the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, who
PCP Office Visit
$20 Co-pay
$20 Co-pay
Farber cancer specialist will then review your case and leverage leading cancer expertise to provide recommendations
after deductible
after deductible
after deductible
to your local oncologist.
Plan pays 70%
Plan pays 80%
Specialist Visit
after deductible
specializes in your type of cancer, will review your diagnosis and treatment plan and work directly with your local doctor
Plan pays 70%
Plan pays 80%
to provide the following:
No Co-pay
No Co-pay
No Co-pay
after deductible
after deductible
• A recommendation regarding the appropriateness of the planned treatment
Plan pays 80%
Plan pays 70%
Routine GYN Exams
• A recommendation regarding whether or not genetic testing is appropriate
• Expert interpretation of a genetic test you’ve already taken
Routine Adult No Co-pay after deductible No Co-pay after deductible No Co-pay • A new treatment plan (if needed) PHYSICAL WELL-BEING
Plan pays 80%
Plan pays 70%
Physicals No Co-pay after deductible No Co-pay after deductible No Co-pay • A listing of appropriate clinical trials, if any, which may be suitable for you
Chiropractic & Plan pays 100% Plan pays 80% Plan pays 70%
Acupuncture Services after deductible after deductible $20 Co-pay after deductible $20 Co-pay The services offered through AccessHope are available at no cost.
Plan pays 100% after Plan pays 80% Plan pays 90% Plan pays 70%
Lab and X-Rays No Co-pay
deductible after deductible after deductible after deductible Cancer Support Line
Advanced Radiology Plan pays 100% after Plan pays 80% Plan pays 90% Plan pays 70% $20 Co-pay Call the Cancer Support Line to get help when faced with a cancer diagnosis. A team of experienced oncology nurses is
Imaging deductible after deductible after deductible after deductible available by phone to help you or a family member:
Inpatient Plan pays 100% Plan pays 80% Plan pays 90% Plan pays 70% • Understand your specific type of cancer
Hospital Services after deductible after deductible after deductible after deductible $500 Co-pay • Find answers to questions that arise during your cancer journey
Plan pays 100% Plan pays 80% Plan pays 90% Plan pays 70% • Understand the types of treatments typically provided for your type of cancer
Outpatient Surgery $250 Co-pay
after deductible after deductible after deductible after deductible • Gain access to interactive webinars on cancer screening, prevention and treatment
• Navigate to nearby facilities where you can obtain an appropriate second opinion
MDLive Plan pays 100% after deductible $20 Co-pay $20 Co-pay
regarding your diagnosis and treatment
Urgent Care Facility Plan pays 100% after deductible $20 Co-pay $20 Co-pay • Prepare for your appointments with an oncologist
• Access trusted educational materials
$100 Co-pay,
Emergency Room Plan pays 100% after deductible $100 Co-pay, waived if admitted • Learn about the importance of clinical trials
waived if admitted
Mental Health Plan pays 100% Plan pays 80% Plan pays 90% Plan pays 70%
Inpatient Care after deductible after deductible after deductible after deductible $500 Co-pay To contact AccessHope call 844-935-4673.
Oncology nurses are available from 9 am to 9 pm.
Mental Health Plan pays 100% Plan pays 80% $20 Co-pay Plan pays 70% $20 Co-pay
Office Visit after deductible after deductible after deductible
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