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Well-being The Plymouth Rock Assurance Foundation
Matching Gift Program
Plymouth Rock places a high value on good citizenship for itself and for its employees. In addition
to making grants to organizations working to help those in the communities where we do business,
the Plymouth Rock Foundation also provides matching funds for donations made by employees to
eligible 501(c)(3) public charities.
The Foundation will provide a maximum of $1,500 in matching funds per employee, per year and will send the funds
directly to the organizations that you support. It will double match each donation that you make. For example, if you
donate $100 to an eligible organization, the Foundation will donate $200.
Your Donation $100
The Plymouth Rock Foundation $200
Total Funds for Organization $300
To be eligible for a match, the charitable gift must be in your name and you must submit your matching request within SOCIAL WELL-BEING
the same calendar year of the donation. Gifts made by spouses or other family members, or those made in the prior
year, are not eligible for a match. The Foundation will not match contributions to taxable entities, organizations whose
primary functions are religious or political in nature, or groups whose interests are contrary to Plymouth Rock.
Making a Donation
The Foundation uses a web-based matching gift platform hosted by a company called YourCause. You can donate
by credit card to the charities of your choice directly through the platform and request a match simultaneously. You
can also log a donation you’ve already made and submit your receipt to request a match. To access the matching gift
platform, please go to
For questions about the Plymouth Rock Assurance Foundation or the matching program, please contact the Grants
Manager or visit the Benefits page of RockTalk Insider.
Niagara Falls, NY
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