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800-821-6400           i                 i   800-789-2720
                                                                                       (Web Access Code: LEGAL)

            Prepaid Legal Plan                                                                                                     Identity Protection Plan

            This benefit covers representation for many personal legal services for you and your eligible                          Every two seconds identity theft claims a new victim. Offered through Allstate, this benefit provides
            dependents and is similar to having an attorney on retainer. Coverage is offered through MetLife                       you and your family members with proactive monitoring to keep your identity, personal assets
            Legal Plans. It is 100% employee-paid through convenient payroll deductions.                                           and privacy protected. This voluntary benefit is 100% employee paid through convenient payroll
                                                                                                                                   deductions. You can enroll yourself and your family, including anyone living under the same roof,
            MetLife can give you easy access to experienced attorneys and a wide range of covered legal                            who you are financially responsible for, or senior family members age 65 or older.
            services at an affordable price. This includes unlimited phone and/or office consultations for
            virtually any personal legal matter.                                                                                   Allstate will notify you and your family members of any applications for credit cards, wireless
                                                                                                                                   carriers,  utility  accounts  and  non-credit accounts. Allstate monitors  high-risk  identity  activity

              The bi-weekly cost for coverage is $7.96.                                                                            such as password resets, fund transfers, unauthorized account access, compromised credentials,
                                                                                                                                   address changes and public record alerts.                   Bi-Weekly Costs

            Legal representation is available for
      FINANCIAL WELL-BEING  Estate Planning   •   Document Preparation   •   Money Matters   •   Real Estate Matters   •   Elder Law Matters   Features include     Individual Coverage             $4.59                                        FINANCIAL WELL-BEING

            Family Law   •   Traffic Offenses   •   Immigration Assistance   •   Juvenile Matters   •   Consumer Protection
                                                                                                                                                                    Family Coverage
            Defense of Civil Lawsuits   •   Personal Property Protection
            How the Legal Plan Works

              Step 1: Call 800-821-6400
              The Client Service Representative will:
                                                                                                                                   Financial Transaction Monitoring. Alerts are triggered from additional data sources on credit, debit and
              • Verify your eligibility for services                                                                               Identity and Credit Monitoring. Your credit is monitored through TransUnion, Equifax and Experian.
                                                                                                                                   checking accounts.
              • Discuss the coverage available for your legal matter                                                               Case Management and Resolution Have an expert on your side to guide you through the identity restoration process
              • Provide you with information about plan attorneys most convenient to you                                           and fight back against identity thieves.
              • Give you a case number to provide to your plan attorney                                                            $1,000,000 Identity Theft Insurance Policy. If you are a victim of fraud, Allstate will reimburse your out-of-pocket
              • Answer any questions you have about your legal plan                                                                costs to reinforce your financial security.

              Step 2: Contact the Plan Attorney of your choice                                                                     Threshold Monitoring. Gain control of your finances as you set limits on and manage all transactions from all your
              •  When you call the attorney’s office, indicate that you are a client referred by MetLife Legal Plans, provide your   accounts in one place.
               case number and schedule a consultation                                                                             Credit Scores and Reports. Stay informed and protect your financial assets by detecting credit misuse quickly. Access
                                                                                                                                   a monthly credit score and an annual credit report from TransUnion.
              •  The attorney will review the law, discuss your rights and responsibilities, explore your options and recommend
               a course of action                                                                                                  Digital Exposure Report. See and identify where your personal information is publicly available on the internet.
                                                                                                                                   Solicitation Reduction. Reduce unwanted calls, mail and preapproved credit offers and receive guidance on how to limit
                                                                                                                                   exposure to fraud.
                 For more information visit                                                                    Social Media Reputation Monitoring. Actionable alerts help defend you and your family from reputational damage or
                                                                                                                                   cyberbullying on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram profiles.
                 and enter access code LEGAL.                                                                                      Wallet Protection including Emergency Cash. Easily replace the contents of a lost or stolen wallet through an online,

                                                                                                                                   secure vault that conveniently stores important documents. You can be reimbursed up to $500 for cash in your wallet
                                                                                                                                   after providing a police report.
                                                                                                                                   Unemployment Fraud Center. Dedicated support and on-demand access to easy-to-use tools and critical resources
                                                                                                                                   you need to unravel complex unemployment fraud.

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