Page 42 - Practical book PC406-MNU-2025
P. 42

         PHARM D- CLINICAL PHARMACY                        LEVEL II                       INSTRUNENTAL ANALYSIS (PC 406)

            S St te ep ps s   o of f   c co ol lo or ri im me et tr ri ic c   d de et te er rm mi in na at ti io on n: :

           1- Determination of max  by drawing the Absorption Spectrum:

                              [Relation between A &  …… using constant C].

           2- Drawing the Standard Calibration Curve:

                                    [Relation between A & C …… at constant  ( max)]

               It's constructed by measuring the absorbance of a series of standard solutions of

                 known concentration at  max.

               It gives straight line passes through the origin.

               This plot is called "standard calibration curve".


                                                                   the slope of the standard calibration

                absorbance  0.75                                   curve = a or ε or     1%  according to
                                                                                       cm 1
                  0.50                                             the unit of the concentration.


                     0.00    0.25     0.50     0.75    1.00     1.25
                                              (gm/L  OR   gm%   OR  mole/L)

           Standard calibration curve for colorimetric determination of ……....

           3- Determination of unknown sample concentration from the standard calibration curve:

               The unknown concentration of the sample can be determined by measuring its

                 absorbance which is corresponding to the sample concentration on the calibration

                 curve (N.B. Dilution factor should be considered).

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