Page 3 - Mid Valley Times 6-11-20 E-edition
P. 3

Dinuba police and fire calls for last week:
Monday, June 1
• Vandalism was report- ed in the 1400 block of East Akers Way at 2:53 a.m. It was reported a white Toyota threw a brick at the subjects ve- hicle window.
• Trespassing was re- ported in the area of South College Avenue and West Inyo Street at 7:53 a.m. It was re- ported transients were
The Reedley Police De- partment handled 623 public-initiated and offi- cer-initiated calls for ser- vice, with 77 dispatched as Priority 1 calls. Offi- cers completed 83 police reports, made 15 arrests and issued 13 traffic cita- tions including three DUI arrests. There were two traffic collisions. There also were four fire calls and 15 medical aid calls.
Monday, June 1
• DUI arrest, Frank-
Monday, June 1
There were 107 calls for service and 2 traffic citations were issued.
• A female subject was arrested for assault with a deadly weapon in the 200 block of K Street. Officers responded to a report of multiple peo- ple involved in a physi- cal disturbance. During the disturbance, police say a female threw a large rock and struck another female in the head. The victim did not sustain serious injury.
• A suspect was taken into custody for domes- tic violence in the 700 block of P Street.
Tuesday, June 2
There were 138 calls for service and 7 traffic citations were issued.
in the Old Boys Scout house.
• Theft was reported in the 1400 block of North Crawford Avenue at 10:17 a.m. Items were reported stole from a motorcycle.
• A non-injury traffic accident was reported in the 1000 block of West El Monte Way at 3:43 p.m.
Tuesday, June 2
• A suspicious subject was reported in the area
wood Avenue and Di- nuba Avenue, 12:14 a.m. • Outstanding felony warrant arrest, 700 block of G Street, 2 a.m. • DUI and child endan- germent/arrest, Myrtle Avenue and Acacia Av- enue, 1:10 p.m.
• Alcohol violation/ci- tation, Reedley Beach, 6:14 p.m.
• Disturbance, 800 block of South Hemlock Ave- nue, 7:16 p.m.
• Disturbance, 1100 block of K Street, 10:22 p.m.
of Greene and Katelyn avenues at 2:16 a.m.
• A non-injury traffic accident was reported in the area of North K and Tulare streets at 11:27 a.m.
• Vandalism was report- ed in the 1400 block of West El Monte Way at 3:18 p.m.
• Phones were stolen in the 800 block of West El Monte Way at 7:27 p.m.
Wednesday, June 3
• A suspicious subject
was reported in the 300 block of North L Street at 8:54 a.m. It was re- ported a male was try- ing to get into a window. • A suspicious vehicle was reported in the 1100 block of Rosemary Av- enue at 12:54 p.m.
• Theft was reported in the 700 block of West El Monte Way at 2:51 p.m. • A non-injury traffic accident was report- ed in the 600 block of South Alta Avenue at 6:41 p.m.
Thursday, June 4
• Shots fired was re- ported in the 1100 block of Magnolia Way at 4:12 a.m. It was reported the caller heard six shots.
• An assault was re- ported in the 300 block of Alice Street at 11:23 a.m. •Abeerrunwasre- ported in the 700 block of West El Monte Way at 12:41 p.m.
• A non-injury traffic accident was reported in the 400 block of West
and Manning Avenue, 6:03 p.m.
• Outstanding warrant arrest, Manning Avenue and Del Atair Avenue, 9:02 p.m.
• Disturbance, 1400 block of East Cypress Avenue, 9:29 p.m.
• Narcotics violation/ arrest, 11th Street and Sunset Avenue, 10:37 p.m.
Friday, June 5
• Vandalism, 1700 block of 12th Street, 12:18 p.m.
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• Items were reportedly stolen from a garage in the 2200 block of Lorena Avenue.
• An unknown subject reportedly poured an unknown liquid on some lawns in the 800 block of Fenmore Avenue.
• Officers conducted a vehicle stop in the 2600 block of Jensen Avenue on a suspected drunk driv- er. The driver was found to be intoxicated and was taken into custody.
• A male subject was arrested in the area of Hume and Eastwood avenues for being in possession of a replica firearm in public.
• A subject was arrest- ed after it was reported that a price scanner was stolen in the 1900 block of Jensen Avenue.
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• A domestic distur- bance was reported in the 200 block of J Street.
Wednesday, June 3
There were 82 (day) calls for service and 9 traf- fic citations were issued. • A female subject was contacted in the area of Jensen and Hoag av- enues and was cited for being in possession of a shopping cart.
• A male subject was ar- rested on DUI warrants
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Roy C. Cotner
April 9, 1923 – May 26, 2020
Roy was born on April 9, 1923 in Arcola, Missouri. He was the second son born to John William Alexander Cotner and Prudence Ellen (Ware) Cotner.
Roy’s stay in Missouri was a short one. Three months after his birth, the family moved to Alpaugh & later Orange Cove, CA before settling in Centerville, CA. There, along with old- er brother Floyd, the family welcomed two younger sisters, Dorothy and Doris.
Roy went to Centerville Grammar School, but missed most of the eighth grade due to an accidental shooting. Af- ter Recovering, he attended Sanger High School, and later Fresno Tech.
In 1942, Roy contracted with the Army Air Corp., repair- ing aircraft at the Sacramento Air Depot; when, in 1943, Roy was drafted into the Army Air Corp. During the course of the war, he was stationed at 10 airfields throughout the United States. While stationed in Florida, he installed cannons into B-25’s that were destined for North Africa. While awaiting transfer from Vancouver to Hawaii, his troop transport was torpedoed by a Japanese sub. He spent the remainder of the war at the 13th replacement depot at Wheeler Field, Hawaii repairing bombers for the Pacific theater. At the end of the war, he marched in the VE & VJ day parades in Honolulu, Hawaii and crewed training missions with the Chinese in B-24 Liberators; finally returning home in February, 1946.
In 1946, Roy met Eva J. Garbarino at the Rainbow Ball Room and on Jan. 5th, 1947, Eva and Roy borrowed Eva’s mother’s Studebaker and eloped in Las Vegas, NV.
They started farming the year they were married, with Roy’s older brother, Floyd and his wife, Sylvia. After losing their crop three years straight, Dad became a barber to sup- port the family. He barbered for 20 years in Sanger. Dad and Mom, welcomed sons William in ‘49 and Robert in ‘54.
In 1959, they changed from growing grapes and lemons to oranges. Raising oranges from seed, and planting a block at a time. Some trees were sold to farmers throughout the area; some of which are still in production today.
Dad and Mom also started Sanger Tree and Vine Supply, selling their patented tree prop hooks for 10 years, before selling to Fruit Growers Supply of Orange Cove, CA.
Dad retired in 1993, leasing the farm to his two sons, Bill and Bob, then later to Bill. You could always find Dad on the farm, beside Bill, working until the last 6 months of his life. He suffered a heart attack on April 13th, but never fully re- covered. He was brought home to the family farm, the place he loved the most, and passed away on May 26th, in the same home that he and mom lived in for 70 years.
He was preceded in death by his wife, Eva in 2014; broth- er, Floyd; sister, Doris; and daughter-in-law, Debra.
He is survived by his two sons, William Cotner and wife, Damartha and Robert Cotner and wife, Sherry; sister, Doro- thy Johnson; grandchildren, Alexander Cotner and wife, Ruth, Kyle Cotner, and Kaitlyn Vanderwall and husband, John; and great grandchildren, Abigail and Lillianna Cotner, and Jensen Vanderwall.
Arrangements were under the direction of Wallin’s Sanger Funeral Home, 1524 9th Street, Sanger, CA 93657.
Tuesday, June 2
• Outstanding felony warrant arrest, Haney Avenue and North Av- enue, 9:28 a.m.
• Hit and run collision, 1000 block of North Pecan Avenue, 8:56 p.m. Suspect vehicle described as a white Chevy Silverado.
Wednesday, June 3
• Outstanding warrant arrest, 1900 block of Manning Avenue, 2:10 a.m.
Thursday, June 4
• Narcotics violations/ arrest, 200 block of North Reed Avenue, 11:28 a.m.
• Medical aid request, 1300 block of West Ol- son Avenue, 11:46 a.m. Unfortunately, the sub- ject had died prior to ar- rival of officers. No foul play was involved.
• Non-injury traffic col- lision, 1400 block of I Street, 1:51 p.m.
• Outstanding warrant arrest, Reed Avenue
in the 1200 block of K Street.
• Graffiti on three trail- ers was reported in the 800 block of Academy Avenue. Officers say the graffiti was linked to individuals who where arrested earlier in the week.
• An officer contacted two males in the 300 block of Bethel Avenue who were throwing
See SANGER on page A5
El Monte Way at 4:53 p.m.
Friday, June 5
• Trespassing was re- ported at the Transit Center at 8:10 a.m. It was reported a subject was sleeping in the gat- ed area.
• An unwanted person was reported in the 500 block of North Nichols Avenue at 10:08 a.m.
• Loud music was re-
See DINUBA onpageA5
• Petty theft, 1000 block of G Street, 3:46 p.m.
• Disturbance, 200 block of East Evening Glow Avenue, 8:31 p.m.
Saturday, June 6
• Vandalism, 100 block of East Helen Avenue, 8:33 a.m.
• Narcotics violation/ arrest, 1400 block of E Street, 12:34 p.m.
• DUI arrest, Frank- wood Avenue and Myr-
See REEDLEY onpageA5
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