Page 15 - Mid Valley Times 10-1-20 E-edition
P. 15

Thursday, October 1, 2020 | B5 | Mid Valley TiMes
ealth &Fitne ealth &Fitne
Is it Important to get a flu shot this year?
 e answer is a re- sounding “YES”.  e virus that causes COV- ID-19, will be circulat- ing this year along with the viruses that cause  u. Since both can cre- ate serious complica- tions leading to hospi- talization and possible death.  ere is worry that the healthcare
Now What?
system could become overwhelmed with all types of  u. Conse- quently, getting a  u vaccine during 2020 is more important than ever.
 e  u vaccine will not guard against COVID-19 but they have been shown to
By Ro Linscheid
reduce the risk of get- ting other types of  u thus saving resources that can be used for COVID-19 patients.  e CDC states, “ u vaccine prevents mil- lions of illnesses and  u related doctor’s visits each year.” e  u viruses are studied each year and a vaccine is created that is similar to the  u viruses that are circulating.  is gives the best advan- tage of greatly reduc- ing the risk of having serious complications that require you to go to the doctor, or to the hospital.  ere are sta-
tistics that show it has reduced health compli- cations in people of all ages.  e CDC states, “in recent years,  u vaccines have reduced the risk of  u-associ- ated hospitalizations among older adults on average by about 49%.”
Getting the vac- cination has been
shown to lower rates of some cardiac events in people who have heart disease. Likewise, the vaccine helps people who have chronic lung issues such as COPD.  e CDC reports any- one with a chronic ill-
ness will have bene ts from the  u vaccine by losing the chance of a more serious bout with the  u. Flu vaccina- tions are so important that Medicare, Medi- cal and most insur- ances cover it in full as preventative medicine.
People can still get sick even though they get the vaccina- tion. However, those who have had the vaccination will have lesser symptoms, and are less likely die of complications.
If you ask when is a good time to get the  u vaccination the answer is “NOW.”  e CDC does not rec- ommend you get it in July or August because the protection reduces
over time and leaves you vulnerable later
in the  u season. Late September into Octo- ber is considered the beginning of  u sea- son and the best time. Nevertheless, if viruses are still circulating in January you can still get the shot and have it be e ective.
 ere are a num- ber of places you can go to get a  u vaccina- tion. It is more chal- lenging to get the vac- cination because of the COVID-19 exposure risks. Talk to your doc- tor or pharmacist about how and where to get your vaccination. Si- erra View Homes Re- tirement Community is giving vaccinations
FLU SHOT... Continued on Next H&F Page
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