Page 7 - Mid Valley Times 9-19-19 E-edition
P. 7
Sanger Rotary puts 'Service Above Self'
The View From Here
After a few months of not having any results, I began to change up my workouts at the gym.
I'd stick to
a treadmill,
do a little
stretching, nothing too in- tense. One day I decided I wanted to challenge my- self some more. I decided to take a chance at a piece of equipment called the stair climber. Basically some moveable stairs, it is great at building endur- ance and burning fat.
My first attempt at the stair climber lasted a total of three minutes. I finished the short workout winded, and tired. Eventually though, I was able to build enough stamina to stay on the stair climber for about 15 minutes.
When I work out, I dress in typical gym attire; mate- rial that is breathable and not too heavy, t shirt, yoga pants, and running shoes. The conditions I face at the gym are comfortable.
These conditions are a stark contrast to the condi- tions facing first respond- ers on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001.
"With everything on, turnouts, it all adds up to be about 75 lbs.," Wesley Miller.
Miller was one of the Reedley firefighters who participated in the depart- ment's yearly stair climb event.
See COLUMNonpageA10
Pet of the WEEk
By Dick Sheppard
Mid Valley Times
Sanger Rotary presi- dent Gilbert Carrisalez and president-elect Junso Ogawa stopped just short of declaring the event a total success
It certainly seemed to be a success judging from smiles on the faces of the more than 300 who attended the club's annual fund raising barbecue at the Kings River Winery on Sept. 15 or the number who were enthusiastically bobbing heads and swaying to the beat of classic rock music from the 5150s band on stage most of the evening.
Carrisalez and Ogawa wanted to wait until the bills were paid and the profit was in the till waiting to be put to use on Sanger Rotary community and international service projects.
"This is what Rotary is all about, service above self."
- Junso Ogawa
coming involved in a couple of international projects," said Carrisalez.
"We're hoping to do well on the silent auction and on ticket sales for our raffle prize, a four day cruise for two to Catalina Island and Baja Mexico. All the money we raise will be used to fund our service projects," said Carrisalez. "That's what Rotary is all about," said Ogawa. "Our motto is 'Service Above Self.'"
Juanita Adame
Dick Sheppard
/ Mid Valley Times
Sanger Rotary members Tim Lopez and Erlinda Valdez were kept busy dishing out more than 300 meals at the club's annual barbecue fun- draiser.
After all, it was a fundraiser to underwrite service projects next year like the senior lun- cheon that provides free meals for more than 300 Sanger se- nior citizens, Rotary schol-
arships for graduating high school seniors and five yet to be decided on local commu- nity service projects during Ogawa's term as president.
"We're also considering be-
Local artists display at Reedley Art Hop
By Juanita Adame
Mid Valley Times
They were displayed on a table just inside 'The Nest' boutique in downtown Reed- ley; several hand drawn pet portraits and a couple of larger intricate paintings.
Beside the artwork, a light up sign with the words "Art by Emma."
"I do mostly custom pet portraits," said Emma Schwa- gerl, a local from Reed- ley who has been painting
and drawing since she was young. "Those [pet portraits] are my biggest seller right now, I also work with water color and sometimes colored pencils combined."
Schwagerl was just one of the many artists who was in downtown Reedley on the evening of Sept. 12 for Reed- ley's first annual 'Arthop' event celebrating the city's newest mural.
The mural, displayed on
See ARTHOP on page A8
Juanita Adame / Mid Valley Times
Emma Schwagerl stood next to some of her artwork during Reedley's first ever 'Arthop' event.
Oyervidez is 2019 Miss Dinuba
Mila is sweet, great with kids. Info at kim Reed at (559) 250- 5270 or animal control officer Mario Irazoqui at (559) 618-9071 or message the Sanger Animal Shelter Facebook page.
JuanitaAdame /MidValleyTimes
Albert Rodriguez, captain with the Reedley Fire Department, descended a flight of stairs on the evening of Sept. 11. The de- partment has participated in the event for the past four years.
By Juanita Adame
Mid Valley Times
Reedley Fire Department engineer, Fabian Morales, stood at the bottom of the stairs inside the Sal Gonzalez field on the evening of Sept. 11 with a bottle of electrolyte supplements in his hand.
"How you doing, do you need one?" he asked a visibly exhausted firefighter. "If you need some, let me know, they help with dehydration."
Morales was among the 30 firefighters from the depart- ment who showed up to the stadium on the anniversary of the attacks to participate in their annual stairclimb event.
katelyn Oyervidez, 17, was crowned 2019 Miss Dinuba during the 105th Miss Dinuba Pageant, held at Dinuba High School's Hellbaum Auditorium. Complete coverage on the event will be in the upcom- ing Mid Valley Times' Raisin Day tab.
Reedley Fire Department honors 9/11 fallen
See CLIMB on page A8
Sanger certified employees granted tenure during Sept. 10 board meeting
ABOVE: The group of newly tenured employees posed for a photo following the meeting.
Dick Sheppard / Mid Valley Times
By Dick Sheppard
Mid Valley Times
More than 50 certificat- ed employees of the Sanger Unified School District were granted tenure by the board of trustees at a Sept. 10 meeting in the new Jackson Elementa- ry School multipurpose room.
The happy, newly tenured are as follows: Alice M. Add-
ington, Amporachane Arun, Simran K. Atwal, Celeste D. Ayala, Navpreet K. Ball, Garri- son P. Bennett, Edith S. Boldt, Jefferey D. Burkett, Angel Ca- bral, Denise M. Cantu, Nicho- las J. Colin, Shawn D. Covert, Ana C. Cuevas, Casandra O. Davis, Judith De Oliveira, Ju- dy H. Duran, Crystal Flores,
See TENURE on page A10