Page 14 - Reedley Exponent 2-15-18 E-edition
P. 14
TheReedleyExponent AB63Thursday,February15,2018
130•Professional Services
130•Professional Services
151•Help Wanted
151•Help Wanted
151•Help Wanted
• Mini Track Bobcats • Tractor W/Disc
• Skid Steers
• Track Bobcats
• Trenchers, Tillers • Back Hoes
Sanger Unified
School District
1905 7th St. • Sanger
Clerical Assistant II - Hmong Bilingual - Salary $13.83 - $17.66 per hr. - Req. a HS dip. or equiv. and 2 yrs. of general clerical and typing exp. Req. typing cert. at 45 net wpm. Must speak, read and write Hmong. Deadline 2/26/18.
Apply at or Sanger Unified School District Office (559) 524-6521 EOE
small engine repair
We have replacement engines... Briggs: Authorized Warantee & Service Honda: Authorized Warantee & Service Echo: Authorized Warantee & Service
REEDLEY YARD SALES Loretta Heinrichs Estate Sale 133 S. Flora Circle Sat-SunFeb17th-18th8amDinning tablewith cushion chairs, tables, bedroom sets, buffet side boards, clothes, jewelry, household items, home
decor, collectibles, Christmas items, and lots more.
3 Family Yard Sale
328 E. Linden Ave
Sat Feb 17th 7am-2pm Clothing of all sizes, shoes,
purses,toys,books,andlots more.Comeandsee!
Big Yard Sale!
931 F Street, Reedley
Thurs-Sat Feb 15th-17th 8am-4pm New and used
clothes for all ages, blankets, socks, hair bows, and accessories.
Driveway Sale
10114 S. Fisher, Reedley
Sat Feb 17th 8am New and used household items,
computer furniture, home decor, weed eater, boat, tent trailer, and lots more!
Yard Sale
999 W. Eymann
Fri-Sat Feb 16th-17th 8am-? Lots of women’s
clothes, shoes, purses, and misc items.
Yard Sale
991 S. Church Ave
Sat Feb 17th 7am Kid’s bikes, books, toys, games,
and more!
Multifamily Yard Sale
375 E. Sierra
(Off Frankwood and South Ave.) Sat Feb 17th 7am-
11am No Early Birds Clothes, kitchenware, tools, craft items, glassware, and misc items.
Sat Feb 17th
1546 Laredo St. Dinuba (Rancho Vista Homes) S. on Crawford pass Jefferson School turn right at the stop onto Kamn then right at laredo St. a little bit of everything come check it out.
concrete NEW 1.75 Yard Trailers, 3 Yard
Concrete Delivery Truck To Serve You.
Advertise in both Dinuba & Reedley
M ore coverage = M ore $$$ BIGGER, BOLDER Yard Sales!
Add a description
up to 20 words!!!
MARIA’S HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE Free estimates, 20 years experience. Lic# 201515 and insured. Call 283- 5760 or 875-6351
EDDIE’S HEATING & COOL- ING “Great Customer Ser- vice” 10% discount on any repair for all Military and 1st responders. Habla Espanol. (559) 394-7014
$10 + 10%
Do you need someone to do your grocery shopping?
I’ll do it for you! For $10 & 10% of total cost of your receipt. For details text or call Dee
DRIVERS NEEDED. Class- es, A, B, & C. Must have 2yrs commercial driving experi- ence. Seasonal. Call from 2pm-4pm only 559-859-0949
SPECIALTY TRANSFER truck driver wanted. 2 years experience minimum. Fax re- sume to (559) 638-3599
EXPERIENCED LINE Cooks and Food Servers. Call Brook’s Ranch in Reedley at 559-638-1948.
FULL TIME POSITION- Front desk Secretary. Fax resume to (559) 875-4978 or Email:Renaudchiro07@ya-
SALES: CUSTOMER Service display, bilingual a plus, ex- perience preferred, part-time. Apply in person at 965 “I” Street, Reedley.
Molly Maid hiring for house cleaner. Up to $17.00/per hr. Mon - Fri. Evenings off. Call 225-4387 or go to: Mollymaid. com
(559) 638-2266 Lic.#10120999
Fred’s PLUMBING Residential Plumbing Service 591-3398
$5 Flat Rate Embroidery
custom logos $25 setup fee No Hidden fees. No Minimums
Cleaning lady
Move outs, deep cleaning. De- tailed house or of ce cleaning, vacation rentals, maintenance cleaning, etc. Complete detailed top to bottom. Supplies provided, 13+ yrs exp. References avail. English speaking. For quote call or
text Melissa 559-704-6030
I have access to several thousand
yards of carpet!
I will carpet your living room & hall in 100% nylon high- low earthtone carpet for $594! based on 40 yrds. Price includes carpet, pad & installation! Do your whole house, living room, hall & 3 bedrooms for $1188. Based on 80 yrd. Savings in other price ranges in other styles.
732-0126 or 582-4155
157•Licensed Child Care
83•Miscellaneous For Sale
DAYCARE Joyce Penner daycare in the country. Full time openings ages1- 5 years. Hours 7 am.-5:30 pm. Pre school activites, Christian environment. Lic #543805480please call 595- 1744
WALNUT dry 16”-18” long $170/cord. Peach or Plum $160/cord. Free Del. Call (559) 246-2621
FOR SALE Norditrack tread- mill $350 call 595-9761
HAIR STYLIST & MANICUR- IST stations available for rent at Modern Cuts Call Tigran for info 591-5017
HAIR STYLIST & MANICUR- IST stations available for rent at Modern Cuts Call Tigran for info 591-5017
135• Barber/ Beauty
City of Reedley
Full-Time: Human Resources Technician
Salary: $40,450 to $49,167
per year (DOQ)
Under direction, performs a variety of technical human resources work in the areas of payroll, recruitment, selection, classi cation, compensation, bene ts, retirement, and other human resources functions; follows established reporting and record keeping procedures; and performs related work as required.
More information on this position is available at https://www.government-
Candidates are strongly encouraged to apply online for this position howev- er, paper applications may be sent by U.S. mail to:
City of Reedley Human Resources c/o Recruitments 845 G Street Reedley, CA 93654
Applications must be postmarked by the recruitment deadline of 03/02/2018 for consideration. Any supplemental questionnaires included in the job post- ing must be completed and submitted with the paper application.
A paper application and job an- nouncement may be downloaded from the web site or obtained at 1733 Ninth Street, Reedley, CA 93654. E.O.E.
Placement Pros
in Selma is hiring for over 50 general labor positions in the surrounding cities.
Call (559) 637-0691 or visit us at 3607 S. McCall Ave. in Selma
to nd out more information.
We currently have positions open for two departments:
Full Time - noc shift Part Time - am/pm shift
Full Time – am/pm shift
Part Time – noc shift
Quali ed applicants can apply in person, email resume to patriciao@
City of Reedley
Full-Time: Solid Waste Worker
Public Works – Solid Waste Division
Salary Range: $36,582 to 44,466 per year
Thanks to Our Loyal Subscribers
1730 S. College Ave, Dinuba CA-93618 Mobile: 559-355-5931 Ph: 559-591-3300
Under general supervision, assists in the collection of refuse and performs related maintenance tasks. Perform solid waste collection and disposal with accuracy and speed. Learn designated route in a rea- sonable time. Work with heavy automotive equipment requiring good motor coordina- tion and physical strength. Candidates must possess, or have the ability to obtain, a valid commercial driver’s license.
Fetching you the local stories and developments that matter most is what we do best, and we couldn’t do it without your valued readership. Thank you for your support!
“Come join our team at Palm Village Retirement Community. We are accepting applications for the following positions:
F/T and P/T all shifts available
Dietary Aids and Cooks; all shifts. Must be avail- able to work weekends and holidays
Quali ed applicants apply in person, email resume,
to the following: kristinarocha@ 703 W. Herbert Ave Reedley, CA 93654 559-638-8463
More information on this position is avail- able at https://www.governmentjobs. com/careers/reedley.
Candidates are strongly encouraged to apply online for this position however, paper applications may be sent by U.S. mail to:
The Dinuba Sentinel
In Print & Online • Subscribe Today & Save!
559.591.4632 • Make sure you’re enjoying all of your subscriber perks!
City of Reedley Human Resources c/o Recruitments 845 G Street
Reedley, CA 93654
Applications must be postmarked by the recruitment deadline of 02/16/2018 for consideration. Any supplemental question- naires included in the job posting must be completed and submitted with the paper application.
A paper application and job announce- ment may be downloaded from the web site or obtained at 1733 Ninth Street, Reedley, CA 93654. E.O.E
Health&Fitness Runs the first week of each month
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