Page 12 - Reedley Exponent 4-11-19 E-edition
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THE REEDLEY EXPONENT  Thursday, April 11, 2019
Sign Permit 2019-1
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in accordance with Sections 65090 and 65091 (Planning and Zoning Law) of the Government Code; and, pursuant to the procedures of Title 10 of the Reedley Municipal Code, the Reedley City Council will conduct a public hearing to consider the
1. Environmental Assessment No. 2019-5: Recommend that the City Council  nds the project is exempt under Section 15002(k)(1), Section 15378(a) and Section 15061(b)(3) of the Cali- fornia Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines.
2. Sign Permit 2019-1: Recommend that the City Council ap- prove the  nal design of a community mural proposed to be on the north-facing wall of the Bank of America building located at 936 G Street Reedley, CA 93654.
Date: Tuesday, April 23, 2019 Time: 7:00 p.m., or thereafter Place: City Hall Council Chambers 845 “G” Street, Reedley, CA 93654
The City Council Meeting Agenda will be available for review on the City of Reedley’s website at by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, April 19, 2019.
Any interested person may appear at the public hearing and present written testimony, or speak in favor or against the project proposal. If you challenge the above applications in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues, you, or someone else, raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence deliv- ered to the Reedley City Council at, or prior to, the public hearing. NOTE: Government Code Section 65091 (Planning and Zoning Law) requires that this notice be sent to owners of property within 300 feet of the subject property. The City of Reedley, Community Develop- ment Department has mailed this notice to the property owners within 350 feet of the project.
Additional information on the proposed application, including the en- vironmental assessment, is available for public review and may be obtained from the Community Development Department, 1733 Ninth Street, Reedley, California 93654. Please contact Ellen Moore, As- sociate Planner at (559) 637-4200, ext. 222, or by email at ellen. for more information.
Assessor’s Parcel Numbers: 368-142-10S
April 11, 2019
Public Notice
AT&T Mobility, LLC is proposing to install new wireless telecommu- nications antennas on an existing 151.6-foot self-supporting lattice tower located at 755 E Manning Ave., Parlier, Fresno County, CA. The new facility will consist of 12 new antennas (4 per sector) and 27 new RRHs (9 per sector) mounted at a top height of 133 feet above ground level on the existing tower. In addition, a new diesel generator and cabinet will be installed on new concrete pads with a new GPS antenna mounted at the base of the tower. Any interested party wishing to submit comments regarding the potential effects the proposed facility may have on any historic property may do so by sending such comments to: Project 6119001302-MI c/o EBI Consult- ing, 6876 Susquehanna Trail South, York, PA 17403, or via telephone at (443) 866-1410.
April 11, 2019
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2201910001579 The Following Person is Conducting Business as
New Filing
Fictitious Business Name
Soaring Sparrow Designs 1011 G Street, Reedley, CA 93654 Fresno County
Mailing Address
1011 G Street, Reedley, CA 93654 Full Name of Registrant
Maribel Sorensen 195 E El Monte Way, Dinuba, CA 93618 Registrant commenced to transact business under the Fictitious Business Name listed above on: March 1,
This business conducted by: Individual
Type or Print Signature and Title
Maribel Sorensen, Owner Filed with the Fresno County Clerk on: March 13, 2019
Brandi L. Orth, County Clerk
By: Marissa Curits, Deputy Notice: This Statement Expires On: March 12, 2024
A new statement must be filed prior to the expiration date.
March 21, 28, April 4, 11, 2019
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2201910001567 The Following Person is Conducting Business as
New Filing
Fictitious Business Name
Phantom Virtual
1205 2nd Street, Selma, CA 93662, Fresno County
Mailing Address
1205 2nd Street, Selma, CA 93662
Full Name of Registrant
Andres Christian Gomez 1205 2nd Street, Selma, CA 93662 Registrant commenced to transact business under the Fictitious Business Name listed above on: March 13,
This business conducted by: Individual
Type or Print Signature and Title
Andres Christian Gomez, Owner
Filed with the Fresno County Clerk on: March 13, 2019
Brandi L. Orth, County Clerk
By: Sonya Soy, Deputy Notice: This Statement Expires On: March 12, 2024
A new statement must be filed prior to the expiration date.
March 21, 28, April 4, 11, 2019
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2201910001196 The following person(s) is(are) conducting business
Backstage Theatrical, 523 N. Burgan Ave., Fresno, CA 93727, County of Fresno
Lightworks Unlimited, LLC, 523 N. Burgan Ave., Fresno, CA 93727 Registrant commenced to transact business under the Fictitious Business Name(s) listed above on: N/A
This business is conducted by: LLC
Articles of Incorporation: 201823510672
This Statement has been executed pursuant to section 17919 of the Business and Professionals code.
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information, false declarations are a misdemeanor punishable by a fine up to $1,000).
S/ Randal C. Garabedian, Managing Member
Filed with the Fresno County Clerk on February 26, 2019
A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code).
3/21, 3/28, 4/4, 4/11/19
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2201910001186 The following person(s) is(are) conducting business
Hiester Hardwood Flooring, 2201 14th Ave., Kingsburg, CA 93631, County of Fresno Registrant:
Tyler Hiester, 2201 14th Ave., Kingsburg, CA 93631 Registrant commenced to transact business under the Fictitious Business Name(s) listed above on: 03/01/2018 This business is conducted by: Individual
This Statement has been executed pursuant to section 17919 of the Business and Professionals code.
I declare that all information in this statement is
true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information, false declarations are a misdemeanor punishable by a fine up to $1,000).
S/ Tyler Hiester, Owner Filed with the Fresno County Clerk on February 26, 2019
A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code).
New Filing
3/21, 3/28, 4/4, 4/11/19
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2201910001367 The following person(s) is(are) conducting business
Little Farmyard, 1373 Bernadine Dr., Clovis, CA 93611, County of Fresno Registrant:
Amy Durham, 1373 Bernadine Dr., Clovis, CA 93611
Registrant commenced to transact business under the Fictitious Business Name(s) listed above on: N/A
This business is conducted by: individual
Articles of Incorporation: This Statement has been executed pursuant to section 17919 of the Business and Professionals code.
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information, false declarations are a misdemeanor punishable by a fine up to $1,000).
S/ Amy Durham, Owner Filed with the Fresno County Clerk on March 5, 2019
A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code).
New Filing
3/21, 3/28, 4/4, 4/11/19
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2201910001227 The following person(s) is(are) conducting business
Fresno PACE, 2042 Kern St., Fresno, CA 93721, County of Fresno Registrant:
Innovative Integrated Health Inc 2042 Kern St., Fresno, CA 93721 Registrant commenced to transact business under the Fictitious Business Name(s) listed above on: N/A
This business is conducted by: corporation
Articles of Incorporation: C3923448
This Statement has been executed pursuant to section 17919 of the Business and Professionals code.
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information, false declarations are a misdemeanor punishable by a fine up to $1,000).
S/ Abe Marouf, Chief Executive Officer
Filed with the Fresno County Clerk on February 27, 2019
A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code).
New filing
3/21, 3/28, 4/4, 4/11/19
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2201910001471 The Following Person is Conducting Business as
New Filing
Fictitious Business Name
Jimenez Custom Fabrication 7210 S Englehart Ave, Reedley, CA 93654 Fresno County 559-799-1755
Full Name of Registrant
Johnny Jimenez 7210 S Englehart Ave, Reedley, CA 93654 Registrant commenced to transact business under the Fictitious Business Name listed above on: February
11, 2019.
This business conducted by: Sole Propriety “Individual”
Type or Print Signature and Title
Johnny Jimenez, Owner Filed with the Fresno County Clerk on: March 7, 2019
Brandi L. Orth, County Clerk
By: Marissa Curits, County Clerk Admin
Notice: This Statement Expires On: March 6, 2024 A new statement must be filed prior to the expiration date.
March 21, 28, April 4, 11, 2019
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2201910001550 The following person(s) is(are) conducting business
Lithia Hyundai of Fresno and Genesis of Fresno, 5590 N. Blackstone Dr. , Fresno, CA 93710 County of FRESNO
Mailing Address:
150 N Bartlett Street , Medford, OR 97501 Registrant:
Lithia JEF, Inc., 150 N
Bartlett Street , Medford, OR 97501
Registrant commenced to transact business under the Fictitious Business Name(s) listed above on: N/A.
This business is conducted by: a Corporation
Articles of Incorporation: LLC/AI No 2020512
This Statement has been executed pursuant to section 17919 of the Business and Professions code.
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information, false declarations are a misdemeanor punishable by a fine up to $1000.) Lithia JEF, Inc.
S/ Christopher Holzshu, Vice President,
Filed with the Fresno County Clerk on 03/12/2019.
A New Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code).
New Filing
3/21, 3/28, 4/4, 4/11/19
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2201910001082 The Following Person is Conducting Business as
New Filing
Fictitious Business Name
Sustainable Resources Unlimited
1840 Shaw Avenue, Suite 105-72, Clovis, CA 93611, Fresno County
Mailing Address
1840 Shaw Avenue, Suite 105-72, Clovis, CA 93611
Full Name of Registrant
Josh Aaron Garrett 1645 Laverne Avenue, Clovis, CA 93611 Registrant commenced to transact business under the Fictitious Business Name listed above on: February
20, 2019.
This business conducted by: Individual
Type or Print Signature and Title
Josh Aaron Garrett, Owner Filed with the Fresno County Clerk on: February 20, 2019
Brandi L. Orth, County Clerk
By: Marissa Curtis, Deputy Notice: This Statement Expires On: February 19, 2024
A new statement must be filed prior to the expiration date.
March 21, 28, April 4, 11, 2019
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2201910001363 The Following Person is Conducting Business as
New Filing
Fictitious Business Name Grandma’s Snack Shack
2377 N. Larkin Avenue, Fresno, CA 93727, Fresno County Mailing Address 1967 Arneis Avenue, Tulare, CA 93274
Full Name of Registrant
Ryan Courtney Medeiros 1967 Arneis Avenue, Tulare, CA 93274
Registrant commenced to transact business under the Fictitious Business Name listed above on: March 5, 2019.
This business conducted by: Individual
Type or Print Signature and Title
Ryan Courtney Medeiros, Owner
Filed with the Fresno County Clerk on: March 5, 2019
Brandi L. Orth, County Clerk
By: Marissa Curtis, Deputy Notice: This Statement Expires On: March 4, 2024 A new statement must be filed prior to the expiration date.
March 28, April 4, 11, 18, 2019
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2201910001521 The following person(s) is(are) conducting business
Spain On Your Table, 2193 Austin Avenue, Clovis, CA 93611, County of Fresno Registrant:
Angelina L. Matchain, 2193 Austin Avenue, Clovis, CA 93611
Luis Guillermo Matchain, 2193 Austin Avenue, Clovis, CA 93611
Registrant commenced to transact business under the Fictitious Business Name(s) listed above on: N/A
This business is conducted by: Married Couple
This Statement has been executed pursuant to section 17919 of the Business and Professionals code.
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information, false declarations are a misdemeanor punishable by a fine up to $1,000).
S/ Angelina L. Matchain, Co-Owner
Filed with the Fresno County Clerk on March 12, 2019
A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code).
New Filing
3/28, 4/4, 4/11, 4/18/19
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2201910001365 The Following Person is Conducting Business as
New Filing
Fictitious Business Name
3ple S-K Transport 341 E. Ponderosa Ave, Reedley, CA 93654 Fresno County (559) 318-2163
Full Name of Registrant
Carlos Alberto Cruz Sanchez
341 E. Ponderosa Ave, Reedley, CA 93654 Registrant commenced to transact business under the Fictitious Business Name listed above on: March 5,
This business conducted by: Individual
Type or Print Signature and Title
Carlos Alberto Cruz Sanchez, Owner
Filed with the Fresno County Clerk on: March 5, 2019 Brandi L. Orth, County Clerk
By: Madeleine Her, Deputy Notice: This Statement Expires On: March 4, 2024 A new statement must be filed prior to the expiration date.
March 28, April 4, 11, 18, 2019
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2201910001693 The Following Persons are Conducting Business as
New Filing
Fictitious Business Name
Cartozian Reunion 1317 W. Palo Alto Ave, Fresno, CA 93711, Fresno County
Mailing Address
1317 W. Palo Alto Ave, Fresno, CA 93711 Full Name of Registrant Nora G. Adishian
1317 W. Palo Alto Ave, Fresno, CA 93711 Arthur P. Adishian 1317 W. Palo Alto Ave, Fresno, CA 93711 Registrant commenced to transact business under the Fictitious Business Name listed above on: March 1,
This business conducted by: Married Couple
Type or Print Signature and Title
Nora Gonzalez Adishian, Owner
Filed with the Fresno County Clerk on: March 18, 2019 Brandi L. Orth, County Clerk By: Elizabeth Orozco, Deputy Notice: This Statement Expires On: March 17, 2024 A new statement must be filed prior to the expiration date.
March 28, April 4, 11, 18, 2019
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2201910001410 The Following Persons are Conducting Business as
New Filing
Fictitious Business Name
El Llanerito Restaurant 1405 Whiston ST, Selma, CA 93662, Fresno County (559) 672-4133
Mailing Address
1850 S College Ave. #124F, Dinuba, CA 93662
Full Name of Registrant
Juan Torres Estrada 1850 S College Ave. #124F,
Dinuba, CA 93662 Jhonny Garces Cardona 1850 S College Ave. #124F,
Dinuba, CA 93662 Registrant commenced to transact business under the Fictitious Business Name listed above on: March 5,
This business conducted by: General Parternship
Type or Print Signature and Title
Juan Torres Estrada, Co-Owner
Filed with the Fresno County Clerk on: March 6, 2019 Brandi L. Orth, County Clerk By: Madeleine Her, Deputy Notice: This Statement Expires On: March 5, 2024 A new statement must be filed prior to the expiration date.
March 28, April 4, 11, 18, 2019
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2201910001280 The Following Persons are Conducting Business as
New Filing
Fictitious Business Names:
Turn of the Century Corner
Reedley Executive Center and Suites
1011 G St., Reedley, CA 93654 Fresno County
Mailing Address
458 Ponahawai St., Hilo, HI 96720
Full Name of Registrant
Makiji Hase Residual Trust Trustee: David Matsuura 458 Ponahawai St., Hilo, HI 96720
(808) 936-7118
Ruth K. Hase Survivor’s Trust
Trustee: David Matsuura 458 Ponahawai St., Hilo, HI 96720 Registrant commenced to transact business under the Fictitious Business Name listed above on: September
20, 1997.
This business conducted by: General Partnership
Type or Print Signature and Title
David Matsuura, Trustee Makiji Hase Residual Trust, GP
Filed with the Fresno County Clerk on: February 28, 2019 Brandi L. Orth, County Clerk By: Marisssa Curtis, County Clerk Admin
Notice: This Statement Expires On: February 27, 2024
A new statement must be filed prior to the expiration date.
March 28, April 4, 11, 18, 2019
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2201910001606 The Following Person is Conducting Business as
New Filing
Fictitious Business Name
Print Theory 1584 21st Avenue, Kingsburg, CA 93631, Fresno County (559) 813-0266
Mailing Address
1584 21st Avenue, Kingsburg, CA 93631
Full Name of Registrant
Daniel James Murrieta 1584 21st Avenue, Kingsburg, CA 93631 Registrant commenced to transact business under the Fictitious Business Name listed above on: March 14,
This business conducted by: Individual
Type or Print Signature and Title
Daniel James Murrieta, Owner
Filed with the Fresno County Clerk on: March 14, 2019 Brandi L. Orth, County Clerk By: Elizabeth Orozco, Deputy Notice: This Statement Expires On: March 13, 2024 A new statement must be filed prior to the expiration date.
April 4, 11, 18, 25, 2019
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2201910001702 The following person(s) is(are) conducting business
Bowlmor AMF Centers, 7313 Bell Creek Road, Mechanicsville, VA 23111, County of Hanover Registrant:
AMF Bowling Centers, Inc., (incorporated in Virginia) 7313 Bell Creek Road, Mechanicsville, VA 23111 Registrant commenced to transact business under the Fictitious Business Name(s) listed above on: July 1, 2013 This business is conducted by: Corporation
Articles of Incorporation: C1601641
This Statement has been executed pursuant to section 17919 of the Business and Professionals code.
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information, false declarations are a misdemeanor punishable by a fine up to $1,000).
S/ Brett Parker, Secretary Filed with the Fresno County Clerk on March 19, 2019
A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code).
New Filing
4/4, 4/11, 4/18, 4/25/19
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2201910001924 The Following Persons are
Conducting Business as New Filing
Fictitious Business Name
Cisneros Trucking 1455 E El Dorado Ave, Reedley, CA 93654 Fresno County
Mailing Address
1455 E El Dorado Ave, Reedley, CA 93654 Full Name of Registrant
Juan Cisneros Meza 1455 E El Dorado Ave, Reedley, CA 93654 Salvador Cisneros Cisneros
1455 E El Dorado Ave, Reedley, CA 93654 Registrant has not yet commenced to transact business under the Fictitious Business Name listed above. This business conducted by:
General Partnership
Type or Print Signature and Title
Juan Cisneros Meza, General Partner
Filed with the Fresno County Clerk on: March 27, 2019 Brandi L. Orth, County Clerk By: Jessica Munoz, Deputy Notice: This Statement Expires On: March 26, 2024 A new statement must be filed prior to the expiration date.
April 4, 11, 18, 25, 2019
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2201910001774 The following person(s) is(are) conducting business
Dollar General Store #19018, 3707 W. Shields Ave., Fresno, CA 93722, County of Fresno; Mailing Address: 100 Mission Ridge, Goodlettsville, TN 37072 Registrant:
Dolgen California, LLC, 100 Mission Ridge, Goodlettsville, TN 37072
Registrant commenced to transact business under the Fictitious Business Name(s) listed above on: 12/1/2017 This business is conducted by: Limited Liability Company Articles of Incorporation: 201033610164
This Statement has been executed pursuant to section 17919 of the Business and Professionals code.
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information, false declarations are a misdemeanor punishable by a fine up to $1,000).
S/ Steven R. Deckard, CEO Filed with the Fresno County Clerk on 03/21/2019
A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code).
New Filing
4/11, 4/18, 4/25, 5/2/19
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2201910001773 The following person(s) is(are) conducting business
Dollar General Store #18529, 4044 East Belmont Ave., Fresno, CA 93702, County of Fresno; Mailing Address: 100 Mission Ridge, Goodlettsville, TN 37072 Registrant:
Dolgen California, LLC, 100 Mission Ridge, Goodlettsville, TN 37072
Registrant commenced to transact business under the Fictitious Business Name(s) listed above on: 2/9/2019 This business is conducted by: Limited Liability Company Articles of Incorporation: 201033610164
This Statement has been executed pursuant to section 17919 of the Business and Professionals code.
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information, false declarations are a misdemeanor punishable by

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