Page 8 - Reedley Exponent 6-6-19 E-edition
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The Reedley Exponent A8 Thursday, June 6, 2019
ABOVE: Reedley High School’s green cords and white cords recipients stood up and were recognized during the school’s 119th annual graduation ceremony on May 31 in the foot- ball stadium.
ABOVE RIGHT: The new graduates reacted as fireworks explode overhead. There were 329 graduates in the Class of 2019.
NEAR RIGHT: Some of the valedictorians and salutatorians gathered for a group shot before the ceremony. This year, there were 31 students who attained valedictorian status with a grade point average of 4.0 or above. There were nine salutatorians who achieved GPAs of 3.9 to 3.99.
FAR RIGHT: Jocilynn Pueblas showed off her plaque as one of Reedley High’s Principal’s Award winners.
Valedictorians — Jose Antonio Aguilar Ambriz, Cody Walker Bender, Daisy Jean Porras-Bernal, Emily Samantha Booth•, Rhianen Mae Callahan, Rodolfo Corrales, Itsuri Dinidi Delgado, Hope Esperanza Duarte-Raya, Orlando Figueroa- Gonzalez, Jacob Daniel Friesen, Madeline Sueann Gates, Martha Paola Godinez Diaz, Melissa Gomez, Alexa Rae Ortega Gonzalez, Gisele Yaire Gonzalez, Erica Aguilar Hernandez, Jenelle Erlinda Jaramillo, Matheu James Keith, Reese Kimiko Kubo, Ethan Robert Lloyd, Annabel Xiaoping Marsh, Eduardo Martinez, Clare Ann McGahan, Alexandria Marie Moncada, Adamaris Vanessa Padilla, Krystal Rodriguez-Martinez, Maria Del Carmen Rodriguez, Julie Shannon Scott, Donglin Song, Emily Masako Takasaki, Elise Katherine Thiesen. Salutatorians — Justin Lee Crittenden, Abigail Angelina Duenas, Carmen Hernandez, Danielle Rose Layne, Michael Benicio Marin, Jeremy Luis Moreno, Jocilynn Mckenzie Pueblas, Klaryssa Monique Reyes, Victor Ferreyra Ruiz.
• Top valedictorian
REEDLEY HIGH Continued from page A1
give up. But then I quickly realized how much harder I had to try, so I did.”
Garrett Champan, also a graduat- ing senior, said he was feeling bitter- sweet going onto the field, because he felt he wouldn’t see his close friends anymore.
“I remember the band practices that I didn’t go to, I remember the football games that I didn’t go to,” he said. “Mostly I remember hanging out with my friends, I remember the good times and mostly just getting through my classes.”
There were a total of 329 graduating seniors, of that number, 32 were valedic- torians, 9 were salutatorians, and 8 were Pirate Pillars.
Emily Booth, top valedictorian for Reedley High School, dished out plenty of thanks during her speech.
Photos by Jon Earnest / The Exponent
“With sincerity and gratitude, I’d like to thank the freshman teachers for handling our new energy, the sopho- more teachers for shaping us as we set- tled into high school, the junior teachers for challenging us as upperclassmen and the senior teachers for getting us their extra time and love and sending us away with every possible advantage,” said Emily Booth during her remarks to the class speech.
“The class of 2019 owes its success
to each of you, finally, thank you class of 2019, you all have given me some of the most joyous times and you’ll always have a piece of my heart, congratula- tions.”
Hector Chapa, senior counselor for the 2019 class, read off recognition of California Scholastic Federation mem- bers and green and white cord recipients. John Ahlin, RHS principal, made the an- nual Principal’s Awards as well as read- ing recognition for State Seal Biliteracy, Golden State Seal of Merit and CTE Sec- tor Completors.
The Reedley High Madrigals, featur- ing a handful of graduates, sang a stir- ring rendition of “It’s Time” by Imagine Dragons. Booth was one of the singers, and after graduation ended she reprised her role as an RHS drum major by lead- ing the band in the school’s fight song.
Following the graduation ceremony, an all-night Sober Grad celebration was held in the gym.
Emily Samantha Booth, Rhianen Mae Callahan, Justin Nicholas Fonseca, Madeline Sueann Gates, Reese Kimiko Kubo, Clare Ann McGahan, Alexandria Marie Moncada, Julie Shannon Scott.