Page 9 - Reedley Exponent 6-6-19 E-edition
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The Reedley Exponent PB anorama
The latest news and events in the senior community
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Section | Thursday, June 6, 2019
Reedley High students and families celebrate
Reedley (Fresno County) CA 93654
Photos Contributed
ABOVE: Graduates admired a display of fireworks immediately following the ceremony.
BELOW: Graduates prepared to move their tassels to signify their completion of high school.
BELOW: The 2019 class consisted of more than 300 graduates, the event took place at the Reedley High School football field.
Photo Contributed
ABOVE: Dancers from the 'On Pointe Dance Company' rehearsed the finale of their upcoming recital on May 30. The recital will be held on Thursday, June 13.
Upcoming dance recital will feature local talent
Photo Contributed
ABOVE: Family members hugged their loved after they met with them on the field.
MIDDLE: Seniors posed for photos following the graduation with their diplomas in hand.
BELOW: Seniors posed for photos before the ceremony as they waited to enter the field.
Celebrating 70 years
Dancers from the On Pointe Dance studio in downtown Reedley will be hosting their second annual dance recital on Thursday, June 13.
The theme of the recital will be "Dancing on Broadway," and will be held at the Reedley High School Per- forming Arts Theatre.
It will feature almost 50 local dancers from Reedley, Squaw Valley, Parlier, and Dunlap, ranging in ages from 3-15 years old.
The participants are dancers from
15 various experience-level classes in- cluding ballet, hip hop, creative move- ment, tap, and lyrical.
The On Pointe Dance Company has had dancers nationally recog- nized as All-Star Dancers and invited to New York. Three dancers from the Reedley studio spent the summer of 2018 taking classes in New York at various studios and from the Rock- ettes.
The recital will also feature expe- rienced dancers as well as those who are just completing their first season of dance training.
Owner Jessica McCahill said she is excited to see all of her dancers demonstrate their skills. “This recital is a celebration of the hard work our dancers have put in week after week,” McCahill said. “It is a cumulative event of the dance season. This will be a showcase of the new skills and in- creased confidence our dancers have gained this past year.”
On Pointe Dance Company is lo- cated at 1144 G St. in Reedley. For more information, call (559) 643-1382. Tickets for the event will be available at the door for $10.
ABOVE: From left, Merle and Florence Siebert.
Photo Contributed
Longtime Reedley residents Mer- le and Florence Siebert celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary on May 31. They couple was married in 1949 at the Bethel College Mennonite Church in North Newton, Kansas.
They moved to California in 1959 and have been members of the First Mennonite Church of Reedley ever
Florence worked as a secretary
at Great Western School for many years. Merle worked as a math teach- er at Reedley High School and also coached track and jv basketball.
A family gathering is planned for June to celebrate the occasion.