Page 18 - Mid Valley Times 10-8-20 E-dition
P. 18

Thursday, October 8, 2020 | B8 | Mid Valley TiMes
Garden Checklist: Pick herbs in morning for better flavor
The Garden Check- list is filled with tips and tricks for local gar- deners who wish to keep their greenery, flowers, and herbs looking beau- tiful all year long.
Cool fall mornings in- vite you to enjoy a stroll in the garden with a cup of something hot.
Tasks, top dress warm-season lawns with well-composted manure.
Sharpen and clean tools for fall pruning
Pruning, leaf fall is the time to start prun- ing — except for apri- cots and olives, which should have been done in August.
Fertilizing, feed cool- weather plants and veg-
etables to promote fall growth.
Planting. This is a good time to plant land- scape trees and shrubs.
Continue to plant cool-weather annuals and those that use less water such as Classic Coreopsis or hybrids such as ‘Rum Punch’ Pe- rennials: Lantana, Pen- stemon ‘Margarita BOP’
Bulbs, corms, tubers: allium, anemone, Ba- biana. Fruits and veg- etables: carrots, garlic, lettuce, plant from seed.
Annuals: Michaelmas Daisy (Aster novi-belgii), snapdragon (Antirrhi- num), calendula, chry- santhemum paludosum.
Trees, shrubs, vines: Cotoneaster. Enjoy now Harvest almonds, hazel-
nuts, walnuts and pecans when the outer hulls split open and ground. Pick up daily or short- en the task by shaking branches or down with a pole.
Before shelling, dry nuts in the sun for 2-3 days; properly dried nut- meats should snap in two rather than bend. Use shelled nuts right away, or store in the freezer to prevent oxidation (ran- cidity), mold, and infes- tation by ants or small worms.
Things to ponder. Overnight temperatures in late October occasion- ally drop below freezing. Frost protection will be needed for houseplants, citrus, avocados and oth- er cold-sensitive plants.
Continued from page B1
day, October 16,” he said. “Students planning to at- tend in-person instruc- tion need to do nothing further and should ar- rive at their school site on the date indicated in the letter.”
The California De- partment of Public Health announced on July 17 that schools in counties with lowered COVID-19 cases would be allowed to apply for on campus instruction waivers.
Although, Fresno County remains on the
Do not replace vinca with pansies in the same bed. A soil-borne fungal root rot affects these plants.
Drought tip. Use drip or soaker hoses for cool- season vegetable gar- dens, rather than less efficient overhead or furrow irrigation.
Source: Adapted from “A Gardener’s Companion for the Cen- tral San Joaquin Valley,” 3rd edition, currently available from Fresno County Master Garden- ers for $30.
Gardening Questions answered at (559) 241- 7534. Prepared by Judy Parker, Fresno County Master Gardener.
county monitoring list, the COVID-19 cases here have dropped below 14 new cases per day per 100,000 people averaged over a 7 day period.
This allowed for schools in the area, in- cluding St. La Salle and now the Kings Canyon Unified School District to apply for the waivers allowing students in the lower grades to return to campus.
More than 10 Schools in Fresno County, Tulare County, have also been approved.
For more information on start dates or health screenings for students, visit,
Last weeks answers
Have a story idea? Call Juanita Adame
(559) 638-2244
Kings Canyon Uni ed School District School Board Representative, Area 7
Let’s continue to put our kids  rst!
I am the current incumbent for Area 7 and have proudly supported our kids for the last 7 years as your school board representative. I am a lifelong Reedley resident and attended Great Western, Navelencia, Reedley High School, and Reedley College. My children, and now my grandchildren, attend KCUSD Schools. I have lived in Area 7 for 39 years.  is is my home.  at is why it is extremely important that I serve my community with honesty and integrity. As your school board representative, I always ask myself, “Is this good for our kids?”
I have worked for 29 years with Alleluia Facilities who serve the developmentally disabled.  is has helped me understand the needs of our Special Education students and how I can support their edu- cational development. I have previously volunteered as a Catechist for St. Anthony of Padua religious program. I also volunteer with the Catholics In Action Reedley High School Youth Group for the last eight years.
Our board relationship with our Superintendent, Administration, teachers, and sta  is extremely important, and this relationship must continue so that we can meet the educational needs of our stu- dents. I will continue to work diligently to keep this relationship  owing and growing. I have served as school board President and regularly attend school board meetings.
I  rmly believe that students bene t most from learning in the classroom with their teacher and the social interaction with their peers. I will continue to support measures that ensure our kids have a safe return to the classroom while taking all recommended safety precautions.
It is with great honor that I have served not only Reedley, but our surrounding communities of Orange Cove and Dunlap as your school board representative. During my time in o ce, I have voted for and helped implement the following:
•Supported higher achievement for all schools; •Added new facilities, including classrooms and librar- ies; •Opened Reedley Middle College High School on the Reedley College Campus; •Implemented A er School Programs, Transitional Kindergartens and added Pre-schools; • Purchased land for a fu- ture elementary school in Orange Cove; •Increased safety measures for the protection of our students and teachers; •Supported additional VROP career pathways, a choice for those students who may not desire to go on to college; •Increased our social workers to support our students, teachers, and fami- lies; •Supported partnerships with City of Reedley, Adventist Health, Community Youth Ministries, and POM Wonderful for the enhancement of safety, health and educational programs for students; •Helped maintain  scal stability.
OUR CHILDREN ARE OUR FUTURE. I want to continue to help make decisions that provide stu- dents with increased educational opportunities, emotional support, and co-curricular activities so that they may become well rounded and successful in life.  is is why I became a school board member.
 ere’s No Place Like Home!
Presented by Jaber Motors
 ere’s No Place Like Home!
Thursday, October 8 Thursday, October 8
Reedley Fiesta Diaper Derby Reedley Fiesta Diaper Derby
Call 559-637-4203 to participate
Call 559-637-4203 to participate
Presented by Jaber Motors
Friday, October 9 Friday, October 9
Reedley Fiesta Drive-Thru Eats
Thursday, October 8
Reedley Community Center Parking Lot - 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Reedley Fiesta Drive-Thru Eats
Crowning of Fiesta King & Queen Reedley Fiesta Diaper Derby
Reedley Community Center Parking Lot - 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Greater Reedley CChalml 5b5e9r-o6f3C7-o4m2m03ertocepFaarctiecibpoaotek Live at 5:45 p.m.
Crowning of Fiesta King & Queen Reedley Fiesta Frog Jump
Friday, October 9
Greater Reedley Chamber of Commerce Facebook Live at 6:00 p.m. Greater Reedley Chamber of Commerce Facebook Live at 5:45 p.m.
Reedley Fiesta Drive-Thru Eats
SatuReredaley,FieOstactFrobg Jeurmp10 Greater ReeCdrleoywCnhainmgbeor fofFCieomstmaeKrcienFgac&eboQouk eLievenat 6:00 p.m.
Reedley Community Center Parking Lot - 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Rotary’s Reedley Fiesta Reverse Parade
Greater Reedley Chamber of Commerce Facebook Live at 5:45 p.m.
Drive through the parade route between 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Saturday, October 10
Reedley Fiesta Frog Jump
and view display entries on G Street. NO WALKERS ALLOWED.
Greater Reedley Chamber of Commerce Facebook Live at 6:00 p.m.
Mechanic’s Bank Fiesta Virtual Walk/Run Rotary’s Reedley Fiesta Reverse Parade
Saturday, October 10
Call 559-637-4203 for more information
Drive through the parade route between 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Reedley Fiesta Drive-Thru Eats Rotary’s Reedley Fiesta Reverse Parade
and view display entries on G Street. NO WALKERS ALLOWED.
Reedley Community Center Parking Lot - 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Drive through the parade route between 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
and view display entries on G Street. NO WALKERS ALLOWED.
Mechanic’s Bank Fiesta Virtual Walk/Run Mechanic’s Bank Fiesta Virtual Walk/Run
Call 559-637-4203 for more information Call 559-637-4203 for more information
Reedley Fiesta Drive-Thru Eats Reedley Fiesta Drive-Thru Eats
ReedReleydleCyoCmomumnuintyityCCeenter .2top.m2.p.m.

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