Page 16 - Reedley Exponent 5-23-19 E-edition
P. 16
Youth & Education
The Reedley Exponent B8 Thursday, May 23, 2019
Downtown DOINGS
Photo Contributed
ABOVE: From left Jeanine Brown and Rosemary Hernandez of the Educational Employees Credit Union, and Rene Lemus holding a prize of headphones who was awarded the prize for perfect atten- dance at a recent Kings Canyon High school attendance rally.
ABOVE: From left, Erik Valencia and Jean Clemons during the Kings- burg Sweedish Festival. Reedley was represented by the Greater Reedley Chamber of Commerce and their Reedley Ambassadors at the festival on May 18.
ABOVE: Several musical performances were part of the Kingsburg Swedish Festival parade on May 18.
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ABOVE: The Chamber participated with an informational booth at the event. They handed out copies of the Discover Reedley Community Guide and Business Directory and held a free drawing for a gift basket filled with items and gift certificates donated by Reedley businesses. The winner of the basket was Melissa Smith of Selma. This was the second "out of town" event the Chamber has participated in recently. Their first venture was in April when they participated in the Clovis Big Hat Days event.
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