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Thursday, July 1, 2021 | A17 | Mid Valley TiMes
ealth &Fitne
ealth &Fitn
The Housing Boom and seniors
By Jim Dueck
Have you heard about what is going on in our local the hous- ing market? When the pandemic began, many home sellers put
everything on hold to wait and see what was going to happen. We were told to shelter in place and many seniors were at risk of serious illness should they test positive for the new virus. Just getting the flu can have a dev- astating impact on a senior’s health so many just hunkered down to wait things out.
About this time last year, some virus-re- lated restrictions were eased and most wanted to get back to a normal life. This is when a
surge in home buying began that is still with us one year later. Be- cause there have been more buyers than sell- ers, home prices shot up and purchase offers have been $15,000 - $50,000 or more, over the asking price of a home. Home sellers are receiving unprec- edented prices for their homes, no matter what condition they are in.
So, what does this all mean for seniors who have been think- ing about selling their home and moving to a
different home or a re- tirement community? First, do not sell your home until you have another place lined up to move to. There is a shortage of homes for sale or rent right now and you don’t want to be without a place to live.
Seniors who have significant equity in their home or own a home with no mort- gage, may be able to use that equity to set to set themselves up for retirement liv- ing and potential care
needs for the rest of their lives, especially should they move to Palm Village Retire- ment Community where 5 levels of care are available should they need it in the future.
Housing booms, like the one we are cur- rently in, have never lasted forever in the past and will likely come to an end again and no one knows exactly when that will be. The last housing boom peaked in 2006 and the last time hous-
ing prices reached their lowest point was 2011. Seniors have lived through all of the boom-and-bust housing cycles so they know they always come to an end.
If you are a senior who could benefit by using your home equi- ty to fund your retire- ment years, now is a great time to sell you home and set yourself up for the next chapter in your life.
be used to strengthen muscles in various parts of the body, in- cluding the legs, arms and back. Resistance bands can be pulled or pushed in any direc- tion, which allows for more versatility in a workout than weight machines and dumb- bells. That versatility allows seniors to spice up their workout regi- mens when things get a little stale.
• Pilates: Pilates is another low-impact exercise that can be ideal for seniors with bone and joint issues. According to Silver- Sneakers®, a commu- nity fitness program for seniors that pro- motes living through physical and social engagement, Pilates can help seniors build overall strength, stabil-
ity and coordination. SilverSneakers® even notes that seniors can experience improve- ments in strength and stability by committing to as little as 10 to 15 minutes of daily Pi- lates exercises.
• Strength train-
ing: Seniors on the lookout for something more challenging than a daily walk around the neighborhood should not overlook the benefits of strength training. The CDC notes that seniors who participate in strength
training can stimulate the growth of muscle and bone, thereby reducing their risk for osteoporosis and frail- ty. In fact, the CDC notes that people with health concerns like arthritis or heart dis- ease often benefit the
most from exercise regimens that include lifting weights a few times each week.
Physical limitations are a part of aging. But seniors need not let such limitations rele- gate them to repetitive, boring workouts.
Continued from Previous Page
water aerobics may involve jogging in the water, leg lifts, arm curls, and other activi- ties that can safely be performed in a pool. The YMCA notes that water aerobics exercises are low impact, which can make them ideal for seniors with bone and joint issues like arthritis.
• Resistance band workouts: Resistance band workouts can be especially useful for seniors who spend a lot of time at home. Resistance bands are inexpensive and don’t take up a lot of space, making them ideal
for people who like to exercise at home but don’t have much space. Resistance bands can
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