Page 7 - Mid Valley Times 1-9-20 E-edition
P. 7

The View From Here
My daugh- ter’s boy- friend sur- prised us all when he announced that his New Year’s resolu- tion this year was to be- come a vegan.
For those
unfamiliar with this strict di- etary lifestyle, vegans do not consume any meat or dairy products.
According to greatist. com, “A vegan diet focuses on plant-based foods and beverages and eliminates all animal products.”
The website also states that the main focus of a veg- an message is to “eliminate the use and harm of living beings,” Meat, poultry, fish, and dairy are taken off the plate and replaced with veg- gies, fruits, beans, nuts, and grains.
The first few days, he said that he knew it would be a challenge. Finding foods without any of those ele- ments would not be easy.
One day as we were talk- ing about the issue, I asked him why he decided to go vegan.
“It’s to bring awareness to animals being massed produced solely for food,” he said.
I thought about it. My mind raced to images of chickens being compressed into the backs of trucks on their way to a processing plant.
I don’t eat chicken, and try my hardest to stay away from red meat. Other than steak, I don’t eat too much ground beef, although I will occasionally indulge in a burger.
The first thing he realized on his vegan journey was that he likes milk or creamer with his coffee. I asked what are you going to do? “Oat milk,” he replied. For those who haven’t tried Oat Milk, it’s delicious. It's filled with carbs, that’s probably why it tastes so good.
I am lactose intolerant, so I don’t drink much regular milk. I prefer almond milk or soy milk.
My lactose issue requires me to also have a relatively strict diet. I stay away from cheese and most dairy prod- ucts. I do enjoy raw salmon with rice, and a side of pine- apple. Most would argue that is hardly as delicious as I be- lieve it to be.
Anyway, I must commend those who have made com- plete lifestyle changes for the new year by choice.
If you have made a deci- sion to eat better this year, I say don’t give up, you never know where or how it will benefit you.
A year in review, looking back at 2019
July 2019
Juanita Adame
Rosa Padilla polished her great grandaughter's nails. Padilla is the owner of a store called "Baby Town" that specializes in wedding dress- es, makeup and other services. Padilla has been the owner of the store for more than twenty years and was recounting the opening of her store and how it has benefitted the community of Sanger.
September 2019
ABOVE: Sanger Rotary president Gilbert Carrisalez and president elect Junso Ogawa were hoping the club's cruise giveaway raffle will raise enough money to fund several community service proj- ects.
RIGHT: Katelyn Oyervidez, 17 was crowned the 2019 Miss Dinu- ba during the 105th Miss Dinuba Pageant, held at Dinuba High School’s Hellbaum Auditorium.
File Photos
Hayden Tung, 6 began the process of distributing some baked goods to residents of the Golden Living Center in Sanger on July 3.
August 2019
ABOVE: Krystal Moreno, a local singer performed for the crowd duing the Mi Linda Tierra block party that featured food and en- tertainment.
RIGHT: Dinuba Police Officers participated in the city's National Night Out.
File Photos

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