Page 9 - Reedley Exponent 5-9-19 E-edition
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The Reedley Exponent PB anorama
The latest news and events in the senior community
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Section | Thursday, May 9, 2019
Kings Canyon High School wins 'Model School' award
Reedley (Fresno County) CA 93654
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From left: Scott Braden, the president of California Continuation Education Association, Dan Barajas the vice president of CCEA,BernadetteSanchez,RandyBessey, OscarRagland,andJacieRaglandfromtheCaliforniaDepartmentofEducation.
A local continuation school was recently recognized as a model school by the State of California.
Kings Canyon High School in Dinuba, was among the 31 selected schools to be given the award.
"When stepping onto this cam- pus it is clearly a warm and wel- coming atmosphere where relation- ships between students and staff are evident," said Ron Pack, principal. "Greetings at the beginning of the school day help to make students feel welcome and cared about.,"
"There is a pervasive attitude that failure is not an option," he con- tinued. "And that all students can be met with a truly individualized plan for success."
According to, Contin- uation schools provide a high school diploma program for students ages sixteen through eighteen who have not graduated from high school, are required to attend school, and are at risk of not completing their
education. The schools were select- ed based on a comprehensive and competitive application process that involved effectiveness, assess- ments, and use of data. The process included a peer review panel and on-site visit.
“These schools have created
See AWARD page B8
State of California recognizes 31 schools that have stood out
Advances at State Leadership Conference
The View From Here
Will Return
Jefferson boys take home first
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ABOVE: The Jefferson Elementary boys took home first place in the 4x400 relay race. From left are Adrian Padilla, Aden Ramos, Edgar Gutierrez, Abraham Fletez. Coaches are Jesus Agavo Jr. and Jennifer Alaniz.
Two upgrade meetings remain for Camacho Park
The public is invited to attend a series of public meetings to dis- cuss grant opportunities for im- provements to Camacho Park.
"We welcome your attendance and input for what you feel the pri- orities should be," said Sarah Reid, the Community Services Director for the city of Reedley.
The next meeting will be on Thursday, May 23, from 6 to 7 p.m., and will be held at the Reed- ley Community Center's Senior Room located at 100 N. East Ave. in Reedley.
The third meeting will be held on Saturday, June 1, from 9 to 10 a.m. That meeting will be held at Camacho Park as well.
For more information contact the City of Reedley's Community Services Department at (559) 637- 4203.
Reedley High School's student chapter of Family, Careers and Com- munity Leaders of America attended the California FCCLA State Leader- ship Conference held in Riverside, Ca.
The conference was held from April 27 through April 30 recognizes school's chapters's and members ac- complishments for the year.
The conference also hosted the state's STAR events or Students Tak- ing Action with Recognition. The STAR event qualifies members hop- ing to advance to the FCCLA National Leadership Conference.
Reedley High School's FCCLA chapter was honored as a "State Supe- rior Chapter" for its body of commu- nity service this year.
The chapter was honored for Chapter Member Development. Also attending chapter members Ashley Lopez, Dayana Michel, Liliahna Bedol- la, and Zuheidi Del Rio each earned The Power of One pin for stepping forward, taking the lead and develop- ing leadership qualities.
The four attending chapter mem- bers all placed at this years state STAR competition event. Chapter members were scored by a panel of judges on their oral presentation, question and answer, portfolio, display board and writing sample.
Dayana Michel, a sophomore placed first in Promote and Publicize. Her event focused on promoting a
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ABOVE: From left, Reedley High School teacher and chapter advisor, Lisa Bueno, chapter members, Ashley Lopez, Dayana Michel, Liliahna Bedolla, Zuheidi Del Rio, and chapter advisor, Richard Bueno.
campaign of public awareness through technology and social media. Liliahna Bedolla, a sophomore placed first in the Chapter Service Project.
The chapter's service project fo- cused on the dangers of teen drinking and driving. Zuheidi Del Rio, a sopho- more, placed first in Sport Nutrition. Her event focused on a nutrition and hydration plan for a student athlete.
Ashley Lopez, a junior placed
second in "Illustrated Talk." Her topic focused on "E-Cigarettes, the flavor trop." Her topic focused on how the tobacco industry has targeted middle school and high school students with their "kids menu" of candy flavored and packaged tobacco products.
E-cigarettes are now the number one tobacco product used by today's youths.
"I would like to thank Reedley
High School's administration for their help and support of our FCCLA chap- ter," said Lisa Bueno, advisor. "Dur- ing the summer we will be going to the national leadership conference in Anaheim and joining 8,000 national members in exploring career path- ways, conferences, workshops, and STAR competitions, that conference will run from June 29 through July 5."
Spring sports rally held at Reedley High
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ABOVE: Reedley High School swim team members, donning swimsuits over their clothes, were joined by onlookers as they cheered to the “diving” entrance of teammate Hayden Mankrum.
LEFT: Members of the Reedley High School baseball team waved flags and cheered as the entered the gym filled with students who there to support their league championship hopes.
The entire Reedley High School student body came together the morning of April 26 to cheer on and support the many spring athletes who are nearing playoff time.
The event highlighted each spring team, including some that have already clinched league titles such as the varsity softball team, girls varsity swim and dive team and
the boys golf team.
“Varsity baseball, track and boys
swim all have a very good shot at clinching league titles, as well,” said Darren Minami, RHS Athletic Direc- tor.
Members of the community are invited to cheer on the RHS teams in their upcoming events. For a cur- rent list of contests please visit, sites. home.
"This is a pervasive attitude that failure is not an option."
- Ron Pack, principal Kings Canyon High