Page 4 - Mid Valley Times 12-17-20 E-edition
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Thursday, December 17, 2020 | A4 | Mid Valley TiMes Editorial & Opinions
Serving the Readers of the Reedley Exponent, Dimuba Sentinel and Sanger Herald.
A Mid Valley Publishing Newspaper
Founded March 26, 1891, in a two-story building on the corner of 11th and F streets, by A.S. Jones
Fred Hall — Publisher
In my OPINION Perhaps, a lump of coal
for Newsom this year
Tulare County sheriff shares his county's plans during stay at home
Rick Curiel — Sanger Editor Jon Earnest — Reedley Editor Dick Sheppard — Editor Emeritus
“Much of the social history of the Western world over the past three decades has involved replacing what worked with what sounded good.”
— Thomas Sowell (1930 - ),
Is Reality Optional?, 1993
T'was the week before Christmas and all through the state of Califor- nia not a creature was stirring ex- cept the self appointed grinches and scrooges. This prohibition of move- ment by all citizens--there were some noted exceptions-- had been mandated by “king” Gavin of Sacramento! No one deserves impeachment more than thatman. Businessisliterallymaking a trail out of California. Smart money is leaving!
Fred Hall
Hello Tulare County. When we first heard about Covid-19 many months ago, I certainly didn’t anticipate that we would still be in the thick of it in the middle of the Christmas sea- son. Of course I knew it was possible, so I made sure that our department was prepared. But, I was hopeful that by the winter months, we would be once again toasting with family and friends in restaurants and taking family vacations wher- ever our hearts desired.
But, here we are...still in our homes...unable to live our lives as we have always known them.
You’re frustrated. Trust me, I’m frustrated too. That’s why I want our great county to do whatever it takes to get our numbers down and get back to normal as soon as possible.
Here at the Sheriff’s Office, we embarked on a new cam- paign called “MASK UP Tulare County”. And the idea behind it is to educate the public on the importance of wearing a mask to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.
So here’s how it works:
If my deputies respond to a call for service and find that people are not wearing masks out in public or in one of the
designated areas where masks are mandated, they are going to give those individuals one of these, and a mask if they don’t have one.
What my deputies are hand- ing out is an educational pam- phlet. It is not a ticket. It is not a violation. What it is, is a pamphlet with information on face coverings — who should wear one, why you should wear one and when you should wear one.
I also would like to ad- dress the governor’s recent stay-at-home order that we, as a county, once again find ourselves falling under. As I already stated, I encourage the people of Tulare County to wear masks when out in public and practice social distancing to prevent the spread of Co- vid-19.
However, the newly-an- nounced restrictions will not change the focus of the Tulare County Sheriff’s Office. TCSO Deputies will continue to de- vote their time, resources and efforts to defending the people and property of Tulare Coun- ty by prioritizing calls where there is an immediate threat to life and/or belongings. The job of law enforcement offi- cers is to protect the people
they serve and their well-be- ing. That will not change.
••• This pan-
demic is a
shared experi-
ence. We are all
in this together.
And if we want to get through it, we must be good neighbors. We must think of others. And we must look out for one an- other.
The people of Tulare Coun- ty have always taken care of each other. And I’m asking you all to continue to do that now, by wearing masks, practicing good hygiene, and, of course, social distancing.
Like you, I can’t wait for the day when we can celebrate milestones with as many loved ones as we choose, or enjoy concerts and football games the way they were meant to be enjoyed. But we will never get there if we don’t tackle this vi- rus first. And I am asking you to do your part to make it hap- pen.
Hang in there Tulare Coun- ty!
Mike Boudreaux is sheriff for Tulare County.
Mike Boudreaux
This muting of a joyous holiday has been created because of the Governor's “shelter in place” order. That governmental squelch, forbidding the free and unfet- tered movement of citizens should also have included many of the marginally capable people whom we elect- ed to office. It didn't. Deserving special recognition would be Gavin Newsom who was seemingly busy try- ing to destroy the deep, special devotional feelings and merriment associated with the birth of Christ. This is a holiday that is normally celebrated by family gather- ings—until this year!
Ironically, it does appear that many of these politi- cians believed their “shelter in place” orders did not apply to them as they enjoyed their $350 entrees at the French Laundry restaurant in NAPA. Politicians have always fed at the trough of government, but even that has to have its limits!
Hard to believe but Christmas, everyone's favorite holiday, is only eight days away. Frankly, we don't see why our “leaders” seem dedicated to isolating the pub- lic during a traditional period of fellowship. With the entire country being so deeply divided over politics, the stay at home order seems counterproductive. Fam- ily plans of gathering with loved ones are being torn asunder!
If memory serves me correctly, Joe Biden warned that we were entering a dark winter—or in words that were similar in context--during his Covid-19 address and state governors and local authorities seem hell- bent on making his prediction come true. We are being asked to curb our celebrations of Christmas as well as the new year. The true meaning of Christmas is so far removed from the comprehension of most of the petty little politicians who are suddenly enamored with their newly discovered powers as to make their proclama- tions null and void.
Government should never be allowed to pick win- ners and losers but that is exactly what is happening during this pandemic. Big box stores and internet gi- ants like Amazon are prospering during a period when we are told there should be shared pain Try telling that to restaurants, service oriented businesses such as barbers, hair stylists, nail salons and a plethora of other brick and mortar operations.
The restaurant business as well as smaller “mom- and-pop” stores, boutiques and shops have always of- fered the bulk of employment opportunities and entry level jobs. It's heartbreaking to consider many of them will not survive. I remember a wise man once saying that the government does not support or drive the econ- omy but rather the economy supports the government. In other words, all of you little bureaucrats go to your cocktail parties and continue to feed at the trough, but get the hell out of the way of a hard-working private sector! The private sector functions best when left alone. This portion of my column is being penned after learning that the Supreme Court took the timid way out by ruling that Texas had no standing in the suit over a tainted election. Even Jimmy Carter and Jim Baker said years ago that absentee ballots represented the greatest threat to a fair election and this year the number of ballots which were cast by mail increased exponentially. One has to ignore statistical anomalies, complete improbabilities and coincidences to truly be- lieve that Joe and Kamala won a free and fair elec- tion. Americans will accept the results and struggle on through the nightmare that is coming.
Letters from readers
But, as always, that's only one man's opinion.
Election results show the people have spoken
President-elect Joe Biden defeated Donald Trump in the general election, getting a re- cord-breaking number of votes. More Americans voted in this last election than ever before, with more than 66 percent of eligible voters participating. Joe Biden now holds the record for having the most votes in a pres- idential general election. Some people may ask how this hap- pened. The answer is simpler than theories of voter fraud.
The turnout for Trump was similar, he received 11,323,000 more votes than he did in 2016. Which means that both Trump and Biden had a very large turnout this election. Biden just had more than Trump after all
was counted. This doesn't mean there was mass voter fraud. But it does say something about our nation after four years of Trump. He created dissension and discord amongst the free citizens of this country. His controversial tweets and divi- sive rhetoric served to deepen the rift between the left and the right, the conservative and the liberal, Republican and Demo- crat, etc.
The turnout at the polls and absentee voting in this election directly reflects how divided "We The People" are. Both sides showed up in record numbers to vote, because the sociopoliti- cal atmosphere has made the people passionate about their beliefs. But the election results speak for themselves, the peo- ple have spoken. The majority wants Trump out and Biden in.
Trump did nothing to bring the people together, as a presi- dent should. Instead, he was the driving force behind the polar- ization of our nation. He never exhibited any effort to help our nation heal. Trump never understood that the office of the presidency is a position of service to, and for the people. Trump isn't good for America. I believe Biden will do his best to bridge the gap that Trump helped create.
Biden may not be everyone's choice, but it would benefit the country greatly if you would get behind our president-elect as he comes into office in Janu- ary. For the sake of the spirit of our nation. A nation of unity, not division. The United States of America.
Ray Mendoza Dinuba
Letters Policy
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be 350 words or less, and bear the author's name, address, and phone number. Letters can be mailed, emailed, submitted via our website, or personally delivered to: Editor, Reedley Exponent, 1130 G St, Reedley CA 93654.
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