Parlier Post 12-13-17 E-Edition
P. 1

City, YCA host separate holiday events
Contributed File Photo
The City of Parlier and Youth Centers of America have hosted a joint Christmas event every year, targeting families with a dinner and children with a toy giveway. This year, the city and YCA will have separate events. YCA will hold its event at its new location on Dec. 23, while the city will host its annual dinner on Dec. 22.
WEDNESDAY, December 13, 2017
Karina Vargas / The Post
The Parlier Unified School District held a superintendent meet and greet Dec. 6. Jaime Robles, superintendent for PUSD, meet with par- ents to introduce himself and answer any questions they may have.
District superintendent meet and greet
By Karina Vargas Dec. 6 as part of a "meet and greet."
Robles not only shared Jaime Robles, some of his plans while superintendent for the working for the district
By Karina Vargas
The city of Parlier and Youth Centers of America are holding separate Christmas events this year.
The two entities have held a combined event in past years. This year that will change.
The city's annual Community
Reconstruction of intersection of Manning and Zediker avenues
Staff report
The Parlier City Council approved to move forward with a right-of-way acquisition of land for the widening of East Manning and South Zediker avenues.
The reconstruction of the intersection requires the acquisition of additional street right of way from the northeast and southeast quadrants of the intersection.
The widening project will construct exclusive left-turn lanes for S. Zediker Avenue approaches and exclusive right-turn lanes for the northbound S. Zediker and westbound E. Manning Avenue approaches.
Each approach will be widened the corresponding number of lanes for between 650 to 450 feet.
The project requires the acquisition of 8.5 to 24 feet of right of way from two property owners.
The property at the northeast corner is fallow agricultural land. The appraised value for the property is $11,000.
Christmas dinner will be on Friday, Dec. 22, at the Community Center. YCA has scheduled its Toys for Tots giveaway on Saturday, Dec. 23, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at its facility.
The Parlier High School Leo Club will team up with YCA to serve hot chocolate during the event. Santa Claus will also make his annual appearance.
Children will have another chance to
get a toy during the city's annual event on Dec. 22.
When council members Diane Maldonado, Trinidad Pimentel and Mayor Alma Beltran learned that YCA would hold its toy giveaway at their location, they decided to organize a another separate toy giveaway.
TRADITION... Continued on Page 8
Parlier Unified School District, met with parents on
DISTRICT... See Page 8
Parlier's Winter Lights Parade a success
Parlier Rotary's annual Christmas parade drew a large crowd on Dec. 4. The club spearheaded the event in collaboration with other local organizations, includ- ing the City of Parlier. Following the float presentation, a tree lighting was held.
LEFT: Parlier Unified attendance "Superheroes" participated in the parade.
ABOVE: Champions for Change brought Santa Claus in a carriage for the tree lighting celebration.
BOTTOM: John C. Martinez Elementary School students march down Parlier Avenue.
Karina Vargas / The Post
Brothers Jose Alejandro Avalos and Christian Eduardo Avalos, mixed martial arts fighters, were recognized by the Parlier City Council on Dec. 6.
Karina Vargas / File Photo
By Karina Vargas
Mixed Martial Arts fighters Jose Alejandro Avalos and Christian Eduardo Avalos were recognized by the Parlier City Council on Dec. 6 for representing the city through their dedication in the sport.
Jose Avalos, 26, debuted professionally in the sport on Nov. 2, winning the first round. He has a jiujitsu record of 27 wins and 26 loses; competed at worlds and panamericans and; has completed many of the high level trainings.
His plans are to open a gym one day and to give back to the community.
"I want to be able to inspire kids and show them that there is hope out here — if you do follow your dream and you commit to whatever it is that you want to do, you can make it," he said.
Avalos said he had a tough time after high school but managed overcome that.
"I failed at everything I wanted to do after high school," he said. "I hit restart and started from the bottom."
He now attends Reedley College and balances between school work and fighting.
After graduating high school, Christian Avalos, 23, started working in construction with his father, Jose Mario Avalos.
The brothers, both Parlier High graduates, said their motivation to get involved in the sport is their family, primarily their father.
"Every time I wake up in the morning that's my motivation right there, having to go to work and see my dad struggle," Christian said.
Christian holds a record of 4-0 in the amateur league. He plans to follow his brother's footsteps and go professional in 2018.
Both said the sport allows them to become mentally and well as physically strong.
They train at Ralph's House Fight Gym in Selma and are coached by Ralph Alvarado and Mike Moreno.
They have been residents of Parlier since 2000 and are proud to represent the city.
"We're all fighters," said Jose. "Everyday, life throws stuff at us that pushes us back. But when it pushes us back we come back four steps forward and we fight back everyday, and everyday is a fight."
"We're making a name for our selves and we represent Parlier proud."
Parlier MMA fighters recognized by Council
THE PARLIER POST, A MID-VALLEY PUBLISHING NEWSPAPER • • (559) 638-2244 • (559) 638-5021 fax

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