Page 9 - Reedley Exponent 6-13-19 E-edition
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The latest news and events in the senior community
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Section | Thursday, June 13, 2019
Sierra View Homes to expand dining hall
The View From Here
ABOVE: Guests of the benefit dinner enjoyed music and raffle prizes inside the dining room of the Sierra View Homes retirement community that will soon be expanded.
BELOW: Items displayed in the hallway leading to the dining room at the Sierra View Retirement Community included an ice chest and some decorative kitchen bowls.
ABOVE: Several of the items on display for the silent auction during the Sierra View Homes benefit dinner.
BELOW: A laptop cover, quilt, and a doll were also among auction items.
Photos by Juanita Adame / The Exponent
Lucky student wins cash prize during Reedley's Sober Grad
Reedley (Fresno County) CA 93654
Congratu- lations to all the graduates who earned their diplo- mas, promo- tions and degrees this year. And, a special recog- nition to the four students I interviewed a couple of weeks ago; Wendy Var-
Juanita Adame
By Juanita Adame
Guests who attended the annual Spring Benefit dinner and auction at the Sierra View Retirement Commu- nity on the afternoon of June 8 were treated to some good food, music and a silent auction.
"Sierra View does it once a year, each year there are different things we raise funds for," said Jodi Botel- lo, the activities coordinator with SierraView. "Thisyearit'sforthe expansion of the dining room and patio equipment."
Botello said the expansion proj- ect is expected to begin in a few weeks and residents are excited for the change.
"This dining room that we're in, it's going to be expanded out," she said. "I'm not exactly sure how many feet it will be expanded, but the win- dows will be removed and it will go out towards the parking lot. We are just waiting to hear the approval, we've already prepared sidewalks and other things like that, we're just waiting to hear that its ok to begin the project."
A total of 190 tickets were sold during this years dinner, local mer- chants participated in raffle items and the Reedley Area Singers per- formed at the event.
"Each year the number of tick- ets fluctuates," she said. "But that's how many we sold this year, and we are grateful for that."
gas-Marquina, Citlalli Vargas, Zenon Garcia-Lopez, and Antony Serrano. These students graduated from Reedley Middle College High School and also earned their associ- ates degree from Reedley College. It was interesting to listen to their stories of adapting to college class- es and how different those courses are from the regular high school
“High school classes, I would
say this is something we are intro- duced into it’s kind of easy at first because they help you out with those baby steps,” said Wendy. “College classes however, you have to know what to do, they expect for you to already know what to do by then.”
Each of these students were candid with me, telling me they had some major struggles with their college courses throughout the year and often thought of dropping out of the program. I'm glad they didn't.
"A lot of hard work, stress, tears some times,” Citlalli said.
Zenon had a couple of really good quotes. I couldn't stop thinking of what he said after our interview. I knew I would use his quotes in my story but I also wanted to share them here.
“It’s like the Spiderman movie, where he says you have to take that leapoffaith,”saidZenon. “That’s how you need to be, to have it in yourself to say, 'I can do this.' ”
I really liked how he made the comparison, I thought it was genu- ine and unique.
Zenon's second quote was also, in my opinion just as good.
“The day I came home with my cap and gown and my mom looked at me and told me, ‘you see this? this represents something this rep- resents all your hard work,” he said.
Thank you all for taking the time to talk to me and allowing the Reedley community to learn about not only your triumphs, but the struggles you took in getting there.
Photo by Juanita Adame / The Exponent
ABOVE: The dining hall at the Sierra View Homes Retirement Community will soon undergo an upgrade. Proceeds from the Jan 8 benefit dinner will go towards construction of the hall.
ABOVE: Dancers from the 'On Pointe Dance Company' rehearsed the finale of their upcoming recital on May 30. The recital will be held on Thursday, June 13.
June 13 recital will feature local talent
Dancers from the On Pointe Dance studio in downtown Reedley will be hosting their second annual dance recital on Thursday, June 13.
The theme of the recital will be "Dancing on Broadway," and will be held at the Reedley High School Per- forming Arts Theatre.
It will feature almost 50 local dancers from Reedley, Squaw Valley, Parlier, and Dunlap, ranging in ages from 3-15 years old.
The participants are dancers from 15 various experience-level classes in- cluding ballet, hip hop, creative move- ment, tap, and lyrical.
The On Pointe Dance Company has had dancers nationally recog- nized as All-Star Dancers and invited to New York. Three dancers from the Reedley studio spent the summer of 2018 taking classes in New York at various studios and from the Rock- ettes.
The recital will also feature expe- rienced dancers as well as those who
are just completing their first season of dance training.
OwnerJessicaMcCahill saidshe is excited to see all of her dancers demonstrate their skills. “This recital is a celebration of the hard work our dancers have put in week after week,” McCahill said. “It is a cumulative event of the dance season. This will be a showcase of the new skills and in- creased confidence our dancers have gained this past year.”
On Pointe Dance Company is lo- cated in downtown Reedley.
Photo Contributed / Denny Mason
ABOVE: ElizabethHernandezhelda$1,000checkfromJonCallahanwiththeReed- ley Rotary Club after she won a drawing during Reedley High School's Sober Grad celebration on May 31 and June 1. The Sober Grad celebration is an annual alcohol- free event that takes place in the overnight hours after the high school's graduation ceremony.
Photo Contributed

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