Page 11 - Mid Valley Times 10-3-19 E-edition
P. 11

                      The View From Here
Raisin Day parade fills downtown Dinuba
   As the month of October begins, we are gear- ing up for a number of activities
around all
three of the
local com-
munities we cover; Sanger, Reedley, and Dinuba.
We began “parade sea- son” on Sept. 28 with Di- nuba’s annual Raisin Day parade. This was my first time attending the parade as well as covering it. The parade featured lots of lo- cal schools, dance studios, and businesses.
This upcoming week will be a busy one in the city of Reedley as Fiesta will kick off on Oct. 11 and continue through Oct. 12.
Prior to Fiesta, events will begin with the annual “Diaper Derby” at the Si- erra View Homes. The Dia- per Derby will take place on Oct. 10. Last year was my first time covering both the Diaper Derby and the Fiesta Parade. I enjoyed covering them and learn- ing about the frog jumping contest which I had no idea existed in Reedley.
In Sanger, the weekly Farmer’s Market has been in effect for the last month.
The final Farmers Mar- ket will be held on Oct. 5. For those who haven't at- tended a Farmer’s Market in Sanger, they feature lots of local food vendors and entertainment. There’s one weekend left, so you still have a chance to attend.
Hope everyone has a great month of October and I'll see you at the next event.
Pet of the Week
Winton is a handsome husky boy with one blue and one brown eye. He's a talker who likes water, kids and other dogs. Call volunteer coordi- nator kim Reed at (559) 250- 5270 or animal control officer Mario Irazoqui at (559) 618- 9071 or message the Sanger Animal Shelter Facebook page and leave your email address to find out about the regular adoption process or to make an appointment to meet all the dogs who are ready to be your new best friend.
Photos by Juanita Adame / Mid Valley Times
ABOVe: Dinuba High School's band and color guard marched through downtown on Sept. 28.
BeLOW: The Raisin Day parade also featured the "Senior Citizen of the Year" as well as the Tulare County Fire Department's fire chief, Charlie Norman.
   Juanita Adame
  ABOVe: Participants from Queen D's studio of Dance in Dinuba marched and danced to "Baby Shark" as they walked down the parade route.
BeLOW: Airtime BMX Reedley participated in the parade and featured expert BMX racer An- thony Soto, 15, of kingsburg.
 By Juanita Adame
Mid Valley Times
The annual Raisin Day pa- rade was held on Sept. 28 in downtown Dinuba and had participants from all over the community attend the event.
A new parade route for par- ticipants and spectators was
also established this year. The theme of this year’s parade was “A Raisin to Cel- ebrate!” and began on Sept. 25 with an event called "Ministeri- al Night" filled with inspiration- al music and messages. The following day, was targeted at youth and included a carnival,
and local school performances. The festival officially opened on Sept. 27 with more food, crafts and carnival rides, a 5K run followed by on the annual Raisin Day parade.
Events concluded on Sept. 29 with a Multicultural Day program.
 Brooks is Reedley's newest firefighter
       Photo by Jon Earnest / Mid Valley Times
ABOVe: Firefighter Brooks, the new mascot for the Reedley Fire De- partment, was introduced to the Reedley City Council by Chief Jerry Isaak during the council's Sept. 24 meeting. Brooks will greet the pub- lic at the 20th annual Reedley Fire Department Open House from 5:30 to 8 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 10, in front of the fire station at 11th and D streets. The public is invited to the event that includes fire truck displays, demonstrations, gifts and food for attendees.
Staff Report
The Sanger Unified School District board of trustees introduced a new district director of technol- ogy support and honored a Madison Elementary cur- riculum support provider who was named the KSEE 24
"He's come up through the ranks."
- Pete Filippi, SUSD Board
Educator of the Week. Following tradition of
See TEACHER on page B10
PhotobyDickSheppard /MidValleyTimes
JohnSchiefer,right, wascongratulatedbyPeteFilippi,SUSDboard president, for being named kSee 24's educator of the Week.
Sanger teacher named Educator of the Week
   Reedley High School's Class of 1949 celebrates 70th year reunion
The Reedley High School Class of 1949 celebrated their 70th year reunion on Sept. 21 at the Bear Club.
The celebrations that have taken place for the past five years will come to a close with this 70th year reunion, according to organizers.
Smaller gatherings will take its place. A total of 18 class members from the orig- inal 143 classmates attended the reunion along with their spouses and families.
The class president, Hen- ry Rogalsky and Carol Ey- mann headed the commit- tee that organized these re- unions.
Rogalsky and Henry Laemmlen emceed the event and the class chaplain talked to the group about life and faith.
An Orosi High couple also class of 1949, Ron and Linda Roushall joined the Reedley High Class. Sharing life and class experiences was the main activity of the room.
Back row from left, John Quindimil, Daiwun Lee, Roy kowagoe, Henry Laemmlen, Ron Greenwood, Henry Rogalsky, Gene Mayer, eleanor “Billie” (Asuncion) Dobson, George Ramirez and Pete Garachana (For- rest Wright also attended and not photographed.) Front Row From left Ruth (Hull) Laemmlen, Carol (eymann) Just, Helen (Herman) Astia- suaian, Vandella (Chancellor) Reynolds, Yvonne (Thompson) Hanson, Lilly (Zamora) Cripps and elva (Drake) Anson.

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