Page 11 - Reedley E-edition 12-28-17
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The Reedley Exponent B5 Thursday, December 28, 2017 Youth & Education
Senior Center NEWS
By Christina Ontiveros
Reedley Senior Citizen Coordinator
We invite you to learn what’s new with the Califor- nia Telephone Access Pro- gram. CTAP will be at the Reedley Senior Center on Wednesday, Jan. 3, at 11 a.m.
If you have an impair- ment in hearing, vision, mo- bility, speech or memory, you may be eligible for a free phone that is designed to assist you with your dis- ability.
The senior center is at 100 N. East Ave. You can reach the center at (559) 637-4207.
Senior Center Lunches
Meals taste so much better when you can enjoy them in the company of oth- ers!
Join us in the Phil Hud- son Senior Room weekdays at 11 a.m. (except holidays) for a nutritious lunch and good time.
This program is partially funded by the Fresno-Made- ra Area Agency on Aging.
If you are 60 or older, a suggested donation of $1.50 is appreciated but not re- quired.
Reservations must be made by 11 a.m. the week- day before you plan to at- tend. Call (559) 637-4207 to make your reservation.
La Ciudad de Reedley les invita a visitar y par- ticipar en los programas de personas mayores. En el edificio del centro de la comunidad hay un cuarto especial para ustedes. Si tienen preguntas y necesitan informacion y asistencia les podremos ayudar de 9:30- 11:30 a.m. los dias de Lunes a Viernes.
Please note: if you know a Spanish-speaking person, please pass along this infor- mation and encourage him or her to join us for lunch daily at 11 a.m.
We are a Spanish-speak-
ing friend- ly center. They al- ways can call the cen- ter at (559) 637-4207 and ask for Christina.
T h a n k you!
Christina Ontiveros
ABOVE: Samantha Rea takes a photo of her children – Mallackie Zapien, 7 (left), and Mackenzie Zapien, 9 – with Santa Claus at the Toys for Tots event held Dec. 21 at the Reedley Community Center. BELOW: This large teddy bear was one of the new toys given to youngsters at the
Enjoy the benefits of a
free exercise class on Mon- days and Wednesdays at 10 a.m. in the California Room at the Reedley Community Center, 100 N. East Ave.. Shirley Festejo is our in- structor.
Also, an exercise video is played on Fridays in the Red- wood Room at 10 a.m.
Next Healthy Corner
Save the date: Dr. Luis Guzman will present his next Healthy Corner program on Wednesday, Jan. 17, 2018 at the senior center.
It will start at 11 a.m. His topic will be “Senior Healthy Lifestyle.”
Reedley residents who are 55 years of age and up can come to the Reed- ley Community Center on Wednesdays at 8:30 a.m. for free fresh fruit, vegetables and bread.
Personas mayors de edad 55 anos + vengan for frutas y verduras los Miercoles a las 8:30 a.m.
And a Note from
the Gleaners Program The Gleaners program
extends a special “thank you” to all the growers who donated produce throughout the year to our program.
Our seniors have come to depend on our weekly Glean- ers program, and we could not provide fresh vegetables and fruit to our seniors with- out your generosity.
event. See more photos on B10. TOYS
Continued from page B1
to some children. The Reedley Police Department – which al- so had members of its Explor- ers youth group there as vol- unteers – organized the effort.
Belen Manzo, 10 was one of the lucky children who al- so were given a bicycle. Her mother, Nora Gudino, said that gift and the entire oc- casion made her “very, very happy.”
The city’s other partners for the annual event include the Toys for Tots Foundation and the Reedley Sunrise Ki- wanis Club, which donates apples and oranges for the children and their families.
(The Sunrise Kiwanis also supports a separate program, Touching Families, in which Reid works with local prin- cipals at specific schools to give families what they need to make the holidays better for them.)
Lance Burnham, store manager of the Save Mart su- permarket in Reedley, wanted to come out and help the Sun- rise Kiwanis members at the event. And, he donated the Christmas tree for the occa-
Continued from page B1
bring even more of a festive feel to the occasion.
And, she said a lot of fami- lies at the event may not yet have seen the Madrigals in performance. If seeing the vocal ensemble inspired any of the youngsters to become involved in a choir, that would be wonderfully fine with Reid.
You see, Reid sang in her high school choir at Sanger High. She was an alto.
“I tell people I’m not a so- loist. I have a great blending voice,” Reid recently said, with a hearty laugh.
Photos by Felicia Cousart Matlosz / The Exponent
sion. “It just sounded like a fun idea,” he said.
Meanwhile, other volun- teers came from Club Agui- las, the Reedley soccer group.
And, volunteers also came from Washington Elementary School’s afterschool leader- ship program. Sandra Villa’s 9-year-old son, Justin, is in the program. He’s a fourth- grader.
“That's where you get your humanity. That's where you get your sense of helping others.”
– Sandra Villa, on the importance of volunteering
Villa said it was essential that her son understand the importance of volunteering time for others, even when it’s during a vacation break from school.
“That’s where you get your humanity,” Villa said. “That’s where you get your sense of helping others.”
And Justin? He said he was happy to be there and to do what he could.
“I was never the best singer, but I truly enjoyed that time and what it brought to me, just doing the perfor- mances and and bonding with other students who had that love for music.”
Reid and the city’s Com- munity Services Department staff always appreciate the many volunteers who help at the annual Toys for Tots event. The Dec. 21 occasion was no exception in drawing people who wanted to lend a hand.
One of the volunteers was Sandra Villa, who I always en- joy chatting with when I see her at downtown events. I told her I had missed her at the re-
The welcoming atmo- sphere was brightened by the sounds of holiday music over a speaker system.
Then, it was time for live music with the arrival of the Reedley High School Mad- rigals vocal ensemble, who took to the stage to perform several holiday songs.
Parents such as Saman-
cent Ladies’ Night Out hosted by the Reedley Downtown Association and Adventist Health. Villa always makes a splash with her outfits for those themed evenings.
Villa said she was under the weather and was disap- pointed she couldn’t be there that night. The theme was “Super Heroes.”
So who had she planned to be?
Poison Ivy, a super villain associated with Batman. The character is known for her dramatic green attire, stem- ming from her obsession with plants. (Did you catch that pun?)
“I was excited. I’m going
tha Rea took photos of their children, usually with their smartphones, with Santa. Her children – Mackenzie Zapien, 9 and Mallackie Zapien, 7 – gladly posed with the jolly ol’ man in the brilliantly red suit.
Rea said she appreciated participating in a community event. And, she said, her chil- dren “get to see Santa.”
to wear that costume some- where. It’s in my closet star- ring at me,” Villa said, with a grin.
And, finally, I wish every- one a “Happy New Year!” I hope it includes good books (yes, I had to mention books), fun gatherings, lively discus- sions and quiet moments to catch your breath in this busy world.
So, here’s to a 2018 filled with love, joy, friendship, kindness, and a touch of won- der.
Felicia Cousart Matlosz is Panorama Editor and can be reached at felicia@midvalley-
FSU youth conference to feature poet Herrera
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Juan Felipe Herrera, U.S. poet laureate emeritus and a former Fresno State professor, will be the key- note speaker for the univer- sity’s 45th annual Chicano/a Youth Conference on Satur- day, Jan. 27, 2018.
The registration dead- line is Wednesday, Jan. 10. Organizers in a news release said space fills up quickly.
The conference, which typically draws about 1,000 participants, is free to high school and middle school students who can sign up through high school coun- selors, teachers and commu- nity members. Or, they can go online to https://csufres- forms/cyc to register.
The event includes workshops about higher education, social justice, cultural awareness, leader-
ship and careers. There also is live music and prizes.
Herrera, born in Fowler, is the child of migrant farm- ers. His poetry has been acclaimed and earned him numerous awards, includ- ing the 2008 National Book Critics Circle Award for po- etry for “Half the World in Light.”
He was a professor in Fresno State’s Chicano and Latin American Studies De- partment from 1990 to 2004. In 2012, he was the Califor- nia poet laureate. In 2015, he was appointed the U.S. poet laureate, the first Latino to hold the position. In 2016, he was re-appointed to a second one-year term.
The conference is a col- laborative effort of a num- ber of programs and organi- zations that include Upward Bound and the Dream as well as student clubs, such as MEChA.
Breakfast & Dinner
Served from 5:30 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Pork Cutlets
Served from 4 p.m. - 9 p.m.
New York Steak
of potato, vegetables, soup or salad
& cheese toast
2 eggs,
hash browns, biscuit or toast
95 $6
14 Oz. Steak, $ Served with choice
95 14
• Energy Efficient
• Reduces Noise
• Full Lifetime Warranty
• Copy of Birth Certi cate
Free clinics and tryouts will be held at the Reedley High School softball  elds
JAN 20, JAN 27, & FEB 3
All new players or players entering a new division must attend one clinic in January and one in February.
Award Winning ICE CREAM with Chocolate Cake
1620 E. Manning • Reedley
OPEN: 5:30 a.m. - 9 p.m. • 7 Days A Week
Free Se Habla Estimates Español
228 NORTH “L” ST. DINUBA • 595-1959
For more info on where to register. please call;
Michael Romero 776-1028 Tammy Wilson 305-5387
MON.- FRI. - 10:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
“The Ole Buckaroo” Build Your Own Lunch
Your Pick of One & Your Pick of One
• Ground Beef Steak
• Turkey Melt D
• Soup or Salad
• Potato Salad
• Cottage Cheese
• Hot Chicken Legs ES
S • Krinkle Fries
• Luncheon Omelet E • 1/2 Sandwich R • Today’s Burger T • Country Salad or Soup
• Fruit Dish
• Baked Potato
• Red Mashed Potatoes • Hash Browns
• Today’s Hot Vegetables

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