Page 16 - Mid Valley Times 10-14-21 E-edition
P. 16

Thursday, October 14, 2021
'Taking Flight in Reedley'
| A16 | Mid Valley TiMes
      FIESTA Continued from page A1
College Student Activi- ties (Sweepstakes Tro- phy) — followed the parade them with defi- nite aeronautic looks. The RC float featured a bright yellow biplane, while the St. La Salle float included a number of aviation-themed de- signs along with many students and staff.
The Dinuba High School Emperor March- ing Band was awarded the President's Trophy for top performing band. The always popu- lar Reedley High School Marching Band, which only ceremonial plays in the parade and does not compete, again enter- tained the crowd along with high school bands from Orange Cove, Oro- si and Roosevelt.
CAMPUS Continued from page A1
day is a school that is filled with caring adults and eager students who come together every day to learn and to have those options and oppor- tunities for a strong fu- ture," she said.
Sam Polanco, deputy principal at the school which is home to SHS freshman and sopho- more students, told how he clapped the first day the doors opened in Au- gust 2020, and was the only one listening as stu- dents were in the midst of virtual online instruc- tion. He said his greatest joy now is hearing the students enjoying the new campus for learning and activities.
Fresno Mayor Jerry Dyer also spoke at the dedication. The facility is located in the Fresno
Jon Earnest / Mid Valley Times
In this view from the second floor railing area, Sanger Uni- fied School District Superintendent Adela Jones conducts a television interview in the main interior hallway.
Contractor selected for Friant-Kern canal rehab
The Bureau of Recla- mation and Friant Water Authority on Oct. 7 an- nounced the selection of a construction contractor to begin work on the Fri- ant-Kern Canal Middle Reach Capacity Correc- tion Project.
Brosamer & Wall/Tu- tor Perini Joint Venture, based in Walnut Creek, was awarded a $177 mil- lion contract to perform the construction aspects of the first phase of work to repair the Friant-Kern
Canal along a portion of the 33-mile stretch in east- ern Fresno County.
This portion of the canal being rehabilitated has lost more than half of its capacity due to sub- sidence — a sinking of the earth from ground- water extraction.
The total project is estimated to cost around $500 million and will eventually restore water delivery to more than one million acres of farmland and 250,000 residents in California’s eastern San Joaquin Valley.
"Taking Flight in Reed- ley" was the theme of this year's Reedley Fi- esta.
ABOVE: Co-grand mar- shals Don Enns, left, and Don Beckenhauer wave to crowds along G Street.
LEFT: An biplane was part of the Sweepstakes Trophy-winning Reedley College Student Activi- ties float.
Photos by Jon Earnest / Mid Valley Times
Other first place win- ners were T. L Reed School (Float), Greater Reedley Chamber of Commerce (Automobile), Fitness Health Club (Per- formance) and Associa- tion De Charros (Eques- trian). Second place in float went to Lincoln Ele- mentary School and third place went to the Kings Canyon Unified School District Transportation Department.
Jon Earnest / Mid Valley Times
Attendees and media gathered in front of the new Sanger High School West campus main building on Oct. 14 before the ceremony dedicated the completion of Phase 1 of the new education project at the northeast corner of Fowler and Jensen avenues.
city limits.
Jones said Phase 1
along has infused more than $54 million into the local economy, and the total buildout will mean more than $150 million spent.
Phase II will be the next step in construc-
tion, and will include building the new three- story high school to the north end of the prop- erty. Athletic facilities, including a new football stadium, will be build on the eastern and south- east portion of the com- plex.
Saturday October 16, 2021 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Vacant lot on Ave. 406 (adjacent to
Sierra Vista High School)
 BulkyItems/
 Greenyard
waste, clippings, discarded lumber (no nails)
 White goods [appliances],
metal, other tools
 E-Waste
(computers, TVs,
 Tires (limit to 8
per household)
 Mattresses (limit
of 2 mattresses per household)
NOTACCEPTED:  Household
General refuse  Batteries
 WasteOil  Paints
 Garden or
Agricultural Chemicals
        Traffic will be directed to access the site by heading  Concrete
east onAvenue406
Residents MUST bring a copy of their City of Dinuba utilitybill toverifyCityresidency
Maximumvehicle size limited to pick-up truck and 8' trailer. PleasecontactCityofDinubaat(559)591-5924 formoreinformation.
 Masks must be work at all times
 Customer required to unload their own vehicle – bring help to
unload as assistance cannot be provided due to social
distancing enforcement
 SocialDistancingrequiredatalltimes.
 Masonry
 Bricks
 Tree trunks or
 TractorTires
      Ciudad de Dinuba
Sábado, 16deOctubre2021 7 a.m. hasta 3 p.m.
En el solar vacío ubicado en la avenida 406 (junto a la escuela Sierra Vista High School)
Se pedirá que el trafico circule en dirección este por la avenida406
Deberá presentar una copia de su factura de agua de la Ciudad de Dinuba para confirmar que es residente de Dinuba
Solamente podrá traer sus desechos en un pickup o en un tráiler de 8 pies. Llame a la Ciudad de Dinuba al (559) 591-5924 para mas información.
 Las máscaras deben usarse en todo momento
 Se require que el cliente descargue su propio vehículo: lleve ayuda para descargar ya que no se puede brindar asistencia debido a la aplicación de la ley de distanciamiento social
 El distanciamiento social es requierido en todo momento
     
  
Articulos grandes/muebles Basura de yarda, corte de pasto, pedazos de madera (sin clavos) Electrodomésticos , metal, otras herramientas Televisiones, Computadoras Llantas (limite de 8porvivienda) Colchones (limite de 2 colchones
por vivienda)
 Basura/Desperdicio
 Baterías
 Desperdiciosde aceite
 Pinturas
 Químicos de
jardín o de
 Cemento
 Ladrillos
 Troncos o tocones de
 Llantas de tractor
      ~Help Wanted~
Reduced Capacity Seating and Take-Out!
Bussers anD Cook’s
(Cooks 1+ year of exp. in restaurant kitchen)
English and Spanish applications available to print online or come by and pick up application
Selma Location Only
2163 Park Street, 559-896-SALS (7257)
6897 006597
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