Page 9 - Reedley Exponent 5-31-18 E-edition
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The Reedley Exponent BPanorama
Section | Thursday, May 31, 2018 Reedley (Fresno County) CA 93654
Black Hawk visit U.S.ArmycrewgivesT.L.ReedSchoolupcloseviewofhelicopter
RIGHT: Current and former members of the T.L. Reed School Student Council displayed this sign for the Black Hawk crew.
Pictured here (from left) are Josh Santiago; Gabriella Lara; Vanessa Funes; sixth- grade teacher Kaelyn Yoder, whose brother, Daniel Yoder, was part of the helicopter crew; Arlette Cabrera; and Ava Aguilar Felicia Cousart Matlosz / The Exponent
The Reedley High School chapter of Fam- ily, Career and Community Leaders of America attended the 2018 California-FCCLA State Lead- ership Conference, which held qualifiers for the upcoming national competition.
As a result, RHS FCCLA members qualified for the FCCLA National Conference to be held June 28-July 2 in Atlanta, Ga.
The state conference was held April 28-May 1 in Fresno. Students were judged on their dis- play boards, portfolios, oral presentations and question-and-answer sessions.
RHS freshman Liliahna Bedolla won first place in Illustrated Talk, with her topic of “The Dangers of Teens Drinking and Driving.”
Zuheidi Del Rio, also a freshman, placed first in Nutrition and Wellness.
See FCCLA page B2
Standing in
this photo are (from left) Luis Santos, Liliahna Bedolla, Zuheidi Del Rio and Nancy Sainz.
Seated (from left) are Lisa Bueno, Reedley High School teacher and FCCLA chapter adviser, and Richard Bueno, chapter adviser.
Photo Contributed
Immanuel seniors involved in Serve the Community Day
See B3
RC board
for May
Here are highlights from the Reedley College board report for May:
With the school year winding
down, Reedley Middle College High School has been busy with a number of events. They included:
• At the April 6 Chancellors Circle – Fine and Performing Arts event, sisters Jane and Maggie Heathcote and Tiffany Gair (mem- bers of the Reedley College Com- munity Orchestra) and Alison Ste- vens performed with the RC Choir.
• The RMCHS land judging team was the 2018 FFA Field Days High Team, on April 14.
• At the 2018 FFA State Con- vention Talent Show in Anaheim on April 23, sisters Jane and Mag- gie Heathcote performed a “Star Wars” medley.
• The results of the 2018 SCCCD Engineering Challenge included a second-place team and a third-place team from RMCHS.
• Students participated in the SKILLS USA State Competition in Entrepreneurship in Ontario, Ca- lif., April 20-21.
• TheRMCHSPromwasheld April 28 at the Ridge Creek Golf Course in Dinuba.
Finally, the RMCHS Class of 2018 will graduate on Wednesday, June 6, in the Reedley High School Performing Arts Theatre. The cer- emony will start at 8 p.m.
• Artwork by David Hicks, a Reedley College ceramics instruc- tor was installed in the U.S. Em- bassy in Kabul, Afghanistan. The piece was purchased by the U.S. Embassy Art Collection.
Hicks said he is honored to have his work in the embassy as a representation of artwork by American artists.
• Here is a partial list of end- of-the-year ceremonies that were held at Reedley College: May 2, Tiger Awards; May 3, Employee Recognition Awards; May 7, Hon- ors Program Pizza Party; May 9, AGNR (Agriculture and Natural Resources) event; and May 15, Dental Assisting Department 60th Pinning Ceremony.
And, on May 18, Reedley Col- lege held its annual commence- ment.
• The 51st Reedley College FFA Field Day was held April 14. More than 1,200 students, parents, teachers and staff from 96 high schools throughout California vis- ited the campus.
Schools came from as far south as San Diego County, Poway and Lakeside and from as far north as Middletown and Oroville.
The Reedley College AGNR faculty and students hosted vari- ous FFA student competitions. They received numerous compli- ments on their hospitality.
The Reedley College Field Day has a long and storied history of presenting a high quality event that is respected statewide.
The 2018 Sweepstakes trophy was awarded to Minarets High School from Madera County. Con- gratulations to the Mustangs!
• Evan Onstot, KSEE 24 anchor and host of “Sunday Morning Mat- ters,” was the keynote speaker at
See RC REPORT page B2
By Felicia Cousart Matlosz
The crowd of T.L. Reed School students and staff could hear it before they could see it.
As a U.S. Army UH-60 A/L Black Hawk helicopter flew into view on May 23, the youngsters whooped and cheered in awe. The helicopter circled twice before making an impressive landing on one of the campus ball fields.
The event came about through Kaelyn Yoder, a sixth- grade teacher. Her brother, Dan- iel Yoder, is a U.S. Army chief warrant officer, flight operations officer and a maintenance test pilot. Daniel and a crew have flown the Black Hawk to cam- puses in other communities. It’s believed this was a rare occasion for a Reedley school.
First-grader Benjamin Her-
SeeT.L.REED pageB3
LEFT: Rick McCollum, principal of T.L. Reed School, takes photos of first grade students seated inside the Black Hawk helicopter. They are (from left, Benjamin Hernandez, Ju- lian Rodriguez (fastening seat belt), Mary Jane Vasquez (in pink shirt) and Dalia Diaz.
Felicia Cousart Matlosz / The Exponent
ABOVE: Students from T.L. Reed School react with excitement as a Black Hawk helicopter prepares to land at their campus.
Felicia Cousart Matlosz / The Exponent
LEFT: After the visit to T.L. Reed, the crew and Black Hawk helicopter depart from the Reedley campus that's part of the Kings Canyon Uni-
fied School District.
Jon Earnest / The Exponent
RHS FCCLA heading to national competition
The View From Here
Felicia Cousart Matlosz's column will

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