Page 11 - Reedley Exponent 5-31-18 E-edition
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St. La Salle CRUSADERS News
The Reedley Exponent B3 Thursday, May 31. 2018 Youth & Education
Registration Open
St. La Salle now is accept- ing registration for preschool through eighth grade. And, register for preschool in May and June, and the registration fee will be waived.
We invite you to let your child grow with us. We believe a Catholic school education is the most important gift you will give your child.
At St. La Salle, we foster knowledge, faith and service in our students, and they can explore many life paths.
We want students to use their God-given talents to the fullest later in life, to serve the church and community and make the world a better place.
Call us at (559) 638-2621 to schedule a visit. You also can go online to stlasallereedley. org for more information.
Our congratulations to the following students and May God bless them all.
• Here are the graduating kindergarten students:
Kailani Akui, Addilyn Al- varado, Ryan Aranda, Aylin Avalos, Amelia Barajas, Jacob Bujulian.
Maya Camarena, Alfredo Cervantes, Ezra Contreras, Analia Cuevas, Jordyn Cue- vas, Matthew Gallardo, Attale- na Garcia, Ernesto Gonzalez, Domenick Guerrero.
Olivia Huffman, Elijah Jimenez, Lindy Keosky, Ana- Victoria Lopez, Giovanni Lo- pez, Joseph Martinez.
Yosselin Ramos, Austin Rodriguez, Benjamin Rodri- guez, Myla Rodriguez, Ri- cardo Ruiz, Rogelio Ruiz, Jo- siah Salinas, Lillian Sanchez, Lea-Inez Torres and Emma Vasquez.
• Here is the future transi- tional kindergarten class:
Faith Echeverria, An- gelique Guerrero, Alianna Gonzalez, Isaiah Huerta, Ju- lian Leal, Emilia Lopez.
Sophia Martinez, Violet Martinez, Noah Montano, Je- siah Sanchez and Gabriel Val-
dez.• And this is the future kindergarten class:
Eden Alaniz, Dominic Bautista, Giana Barboa, Ro- man Cervantes, Tenley Cortez, Knaiya Duran, Alexia Garcia, Madeline Gonzalez.
Bradley Jacobson, Ava
Continued from page B1
nandez was delighted. Once the Black Hawk landed, he and the rest of T.L. Reed’s students could climb into the 15,500-pound aircraft – it weighs more when carrying crew, passengers and equip- ment – and take a look at the cockpit or sit in the passen- ger seats. The Black Hawk has been a workhorse for the U.S. Army. It has two engines with 1,800 horse power each
Juaregui, William Kelzer, Daniel Resendiz, Roman Ro- darte, Javier Sanchez, Mia Talavera and Elvis Valdez.
Graduation Gift Ideas
Graduations are just around the corner! Do you need ideas for gifts?
St. La Salle sells gift cards to a variety of stores, restau- rants and more. And, you will be helping St. La Salle at the same time!
St. La Salle
Summer Camp
Our Summer Camp will
be open to all St. La Salle School students and young- sters ages 4-12 in the St. An- thony of Padua parish.
It will run Monday, June 4, to Friday, July 27. This year, the Vacation Bible Camp program theme is “To- tally Catholic: Shipwrecked, Rescued by Jesus.”
Youngsters will discover a true friendship with Jesus, and they will feel comfortable to lower their defenses and allow Jesus to do his work.
This action-filled camp will be packed with games, experiments, songs, and plays to reinforce the message that Jesus’s love for them will never end.
Support St. La Salle School when you make a pur- chase at Save Mart. At the checkout stand, just enter the numbers (559) 638-1916 on the keypad.
This automatically will give the credit to our school.
End of School Year
The 2017-18 school year has come to an end, and we’ve had a wonderful year!
Our last day of school will be on Thursday, May 31, and includes a Promotion Mass at 10 a.m.
The St. La Salle school staff members thank every- one who supports our school and the parents who choose a Catholic-based education.
May God bless each of you in a special way.
Dates to Remember:
• May 31 – Last day of school; Promotion Mass at 10 a.m.
• June 11 – Summer School begins.
and can cruise at 150 miles per hour. Each Black Hawk costs between $6 million to $12 million, depending on its configuration.
“It looked like a bird with big wings,” Benjamin said about the moment he first saw it. In fact, he said he had nev- er seen one before, not even inamovieoronTV.Hesaid parts of the helicopter were hard and other parts were comfortable, like the seats. And he liked all of it.
Kaelyn said she was happy that Daniel could make it hap-
The last day of school for Immanuel Schools, grades kindergarten through 12th, was May 30.
Have a great summer!
May 31 Schedule
For Thursday, May 31, here is a schedule for a few Immanuel High School senior
Class of 2018 events:
• Senior Class Break-
fast, 8 a.m. in the Immanuel Friendship Hall
• Graduation practice, 10 a.m., at Reedley Mennonite Brethren Church
• Class of 2018 graduation ceremony, 7 p.m. at Reedly Mennonite Brethren Church.
Summer programs and
updates for all grades will be listed on our website calen- dar and Daily Bulletin at im-
Enroll Your Student
Are you looking for a change in your child’s edu- cation? Consider Immanuel Schools.
Enrollment packets are
available in the district office, 1128 S. Reed Ave. in Reedley. Or visit us online at to download the information or
schedule a tour.
Call us at (559) 638-2529,
ext. 7101, for more informa- tion about our campusese.
At Immanuel Schools, the difference is life changing.
IHS Serve the Community Day project
During Immanuel Schools' Serve the Community Day on April 27, seniors from Immanuel High School undertook a project for the Reedley Saddle Club. The students painted
20 stalls inside and out for the club, which is on Manning Avenue east of Reedley. Reedley Lumber donated the paint and supplies.
The club is a nonprofit organization that was founded by the late Frank Kimura. For the past 50 years, it has provided riding facilities and horse-related events for riders and their families in the Central Valley. A Reedley Saddle Club repre- sentative said “the girls did a great job” and that the club appreciated the support of IHS and the hardware store.
ABOVE: These are the Immanuel High seniors who were part of the Reedley Saddle Club project. In the top row (from left) are Kalina Munro, Makaila Hall, Taylor Lovewell, Kallie Huebert, Krystale Gutierrez, Ava Galpin, Ashley Scheidt, Aubree Ventura, Madison Barsoom, Lauren Belt and Alyssa Regier. In the bottom row (from left) are Anna Nipoldt, Britni Copley, Camryn Orosco, Pamella Hofer, Rilee Breckenridge, Kayla Duerksen, Emilie Ramirez and Amanda Abreu.
RIGHT: Some of the seniors are seen working on the project on April 27. Photos Contributed
“I think a lot of our kids
don’t get to see things like this up close,” she said.
And, Kaelyn said, the Kings Canyon Unified School District emphasizes the im- portance of education beyond high school and establish- ing careers. This experience showed them an option to consider.
Her brother, Daniel, chose the U.S. Army in his goal to be a helicopter pilot. He served in Kuwait in the Middle East for about a year and now is
Kaelyn Yoder, a sixth grade teacher at T.L. Reed School, is seen here with her brother, Daniel Yoder. HeisaU.S. Army chief warrant officer and maintenance test pilot and a member of the crew that visited on May 23.
Felicia Cousart Matlosz / The Exponent
stationed in Fresno. Kaelyn described his work as a main- tenance test pilot – in testing and assessing aircraft, he pushes them to their limits, such as seeing how high and how fast they can go.
What did it mean to Kae- lyn to have her brother visit T.L. Reed with the Black Hawk helicopter?
“It’s really exciting. But, more than anything, I’m re- ally proud of my brother,” she said.
The helicopter crew also included Staff Sergeant Alex Martinez, the crew chief, and Chief Warrant Officer Perry Fern, who is a graduate of Reedley High School’s Class of 2001.
Daniel said he and a crew have flown a Black Hawk to schools such as Fresno High School and Manchester GATE Elementary that also is in Fresno. From their vantage point in the sky, he said they can’t hear the cheers, but they can see the youngsters clap- ping and waving to them.
T.L. Reed is at 1400 N. Frankwood Ave. The arrival of the Black Hawk caught the attention of passersby who – like teachers, parents and staff members at T.L. Reed – used their smartphones to take plenty of pictures. And, KCUSD Trustee Connie
Brooks stopped by to see the helicopter.
For the occasion, current and former officers on the school’s Student Council pre- sented large signs to greet the crew. One colorful sign read: “Home of the Free Because of the Brave.”
Ava Aguilar was one of the Student Council representa- tives. She was dazzled by the Black Hawk’s arrival.
“It was totally mesmer- izing,” said Ava, who hadn’t seen one before. “It just came down so beautifully, and then it just landed.”
She’s an eighth grade stu- dent, so this is her final year at T.L. Reed. Will this be a
moment she keeps as a school memory?
“Most definitely,” Ava said, with a wide smile.
More than 600 of T.L. Reed’s 660 students got an up- close look at the helicopter. (The school’s band members had to leave because they were performing with other KCUSD eighth-graders at an early Fresno Grizzlies Triple A baseball game that day.)
Principal Rick McCollum said he wants to make a Black Hawk visit an annual event at the campus: “It’s just an amaz- ing experience for all of our kids to see it and to see their excitement in giving them such an up close opportunity.”
th Happy 98
Mrs. Dahlia Montes re- cently celebrated her 98th birthday surrounded by her family and friends. Mrs. Montes is the original owner of the El Monte Restaurant in Reedley Ca.
She has 7 children, 25 grandchildren, 48 great-grandchildren & 18 great-great grand- children. Mrs. Montes is still a very beauti- ful, smart, witty, and feisty well loved lady.
“Prime Time”
Want an exciting and rewarding career? Fresno EOC Transit System is offering a free Commercial Class B license class with a passenger endorsement. With this license you will be able to drive A Para-Transit bus. Class will begin June 11, 2018 and will run approx. six weeks/100 hours. Classes held Monday - Thursday 7 AM to noon. Apply for Commercial Driver Training Program for Passenger Transportation online at www. For more info call: Cindy DeLaCerda (559) 486-6587.
Friday Nights! Proudly featuring U.S.D.A. Choice
“PRIME RIB” From 4:30 p.m. till it lasts!
Pictured with Mrs. Dahlia Montes in her
5 Generation picture is her daughter Carolina Montes, Granddaughter Lisa Torres-Huerta, Great granddaughter Vanessa Huerta-Blunt, & Great- Great granddaughter Aria Blunt.
Open 6 10 p.m. 910 North Alta, Dinuba • 591-2122

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