Page 2 - Mid Valley Times 10-29-20 E-edition
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Rudy Ramirez Camacho
Rudy Ramirez
Camacho of Reedley died Sept. 12 in Fowler. He was 67.
Mr. Camacho, a na- tive of Dinuba, worked as a cook.
He is survived by one daughter, one son, two brothers and two grandchildren.
Cairns Funeral Home handled funeral arrangements.
Campbell Jr. Santiago Antonio
‘Tony’ Campbell, Jr. of Sanger died Oct. 21. He was 87.
Mr. Campbell was an educator for the Sanger Unified School District.
He is survived by his wife, Joan Taylor Campbell of Sanger, one son, one daughter and one sister. He was preceded in death by his parents, Santiago and Lucila Campbell.
Services will be held at a later date.
Wallin’s Sanger Fu- neral Home is handling funeral arrangements.
Thomas Joseph Cheney
Thomas Joseph
Cheney of Sanger died Oct. 11. He was 78.
Mr. Cheney was a beverage distributor for RK Jones.
He is survived by his wife, Sandra Kay Cheney of Sanger, one son, one stepson, one daughter, one step- daughter, five grand- children, three broth- ers and three sisters.
Private services were held.
Wallin’s Sanger Funeral Home is han- dling funeral arrange- ments.
Ernesto Moreno Corona
Ernesto Moreno Corona of Dinuba died Oct. 18 in Dinuba. He was 91.
Mr. Corona worked as a field laborer.
He is survived by his wife, Beatriz More- no. four sons, five daughters, 22 grand- children and 33 great- grandchildren.
Funeral services al- ready were held. Dop- kins Dinuba Funeral Chapel handled the ar-
Reberiano Aguilar Coyac Reberiano Aguilar
Coyac of Dinuba died Sept. 30. He was 69.
Mr. Coyac worked in farm labor.
He is survived by two sons, one daugh- ter, two sisters, and six grandchildren.
Services were held on Oct. 28. Sterling & Smith Funeral Home handled the arrange- ments.
Mauricio Gonzalez
Mauricio Gonzalez of Reedley died Oct. 21 in Fresno. He was 72.
Mr. Gonzalez was self-employed.
He is survived by his wife, Modesta P. Gonzalez.
No services were held. Dopkins Reed- ley Funeral Chapel handled the arrange- ments.
Aaron Joseph Ramirez
Aaron Joseph
Ramirez of Del Rey died Sept. 22. He was 32.
Mr. Morelos is sur-
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vived by his compan- ion, Elizabeth Quintero of Del Rey, two daugh- ters, two brothers, one sister, his parents, Andrew and Sarah Ramirez of Del Rey, and his grandmother, Mary Ramirez of Del Rey.
Private services were held.
Wallin’s Sanger Funeral Home is han- dling funeral arrange- ments.
Johnathan R. Rodriguez Jonathan R. Rodri-
guez of Orosi died Oct. 22. He was 62.
Mr. Rodriguez worked as a ware- house worker.
Surviving fam- ily members include a parent and a sister.
Sterling & Smith Funeral Home handled the arrangements.
Luis Alfonso Urena Sanchez Luis Alfonso Urena
Sanchez of Reedley died Oct. 18 in Chula Vista. He was 63.
Mr. Sanchez worked in general labor.
He is survived by his wife Sofia Vela de Urena, three sons, two daughters and 11 grandchildren.
A mass was held Oct. 28 at the St. An- thony Catholic Church on F Street in Reed- ley. Burial followed in Reedley Cemetery.
Dopkins Reed- ley Funeral Chapel handled the arrange- ments.
Title V federal grant
will help DUSD create
academic programs
Thursday, October 29, 2020
| A2 | Mid Valley TiMes
By George M. Villagrana
Mid Valley Times
A $3 million Title V grant received by Reedley College will help support Dinuba Unified School District students in completing science and or/informa- tion systems certificate and/or degree.
Through the grant funding, it will pro- vide an opportunity to create academic pro- grams and increase the availability of stu- dent services in the Di- nuba Vocational Educa- tion Center, located in downtown Dinuba.
The announcement is great news for the district.
"We have a great partnership with Reed- ley College," said DUSD Superintendent, Dr. Joe
Hernandez. "This is an exciting opportunity for our students to be able to access comput- er science classes from the Vocational Center."
This will foster flexible and affordable guided paths to obtain- ing knowledge and skills in Computer Sci- ence and Information systems that include hybrid options for course completion sup- ported by work-based learning assignments in the community.
Hernandez added, "we already have a significant number of dual enrollment classes through Reedley Col- lege and now we are adding computer sci- ence to the menu of op- tions for our students in a high-demand ca- reer field.”
Alta Irrigation District ditches getting facelifts
Alta Irrigation Dis- trict wrapped up the 2020 irrigation season about mid-September and its crews jumped right into the remain- ing months of the 2020 maintenance season. While weedy ditches are common in Alta, recent District activ- ity suggests this may not be the norm going forward.
Dinuba based Alta, which serves eastern Fresno County, north-
ern Tulare County (east and south of the Kings River) and a slice of western Kings County, covers about 130,000 acres. Runoff from the Kings River is delivered to lands through a network of interconnected irriga- tion facilities such as earthen and concrete- lined ditches as well as pipelines. In total, there are approximate- ly 250 miles of ditch- es (about 500 miles
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Published every Thursday by Mid Valley Publishing 1130 “G” Street, Reedley, CA. 93654
(559) 638-2244
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Fred Hall
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George M. Villagrana Juanita Adame
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