Page 4 - Mid Valley Times 10-29-20 E-edition
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Thursday, October 29, 2020 | A4 | Mid Valley TiMes Editorial & Opinions
Serving the Readers of the Reedley Exponent, Dimuba Sentinel and Sanger Herald.
A Mid Valley Publishing Newspaper
Founded March 26, 1891, in a two-story building on the corner of 11th and F streets, by A.S. Jones
Fred Hall — Publisher
In my OPINION Insanity is deep-rooted
heading into election day
Next week, America will face one
of the most bitterly contested general
elections in the history of this country.
Many including the media, academia,
a sycophantic entourage from Holly-
wood, big tech operators and the Re-
publican establishment have spent the
past four years either denigrating or
investigating President Donald Trump
and his family. We've even reached the
point that many of the claims have be-
come so ridiculous as to bring serious questions of the sanity or of the postulator.
Using examples of the recent defense of their actions by these people, it appears that the insanity is really deep-rooted. Adam Schiff embarrassingly continues with his wild and idiotic claims the computer used in the Biden corruption is a Russian-based scheme. Al- though ignored and suppressed by both Democrats and the major media outlets it appears, at first blush, that documents from that recently-discovered material es- tablishes links that the Bidens were sacrificing national security in their pursuit of cash payments from foreign entities for access to our government.
In our opinion, it takes only a moment of sober reflec- tion to realize the facts can't help but allow voters to es- sentially see how the nomination of Joe Biden is a Trojan horse setting up the elevation of the most liberal senator (see voting record) in Washington to the top office in the land. It is generally accepted — even by Biden himself — that he will not be healthy enough to serve his full term. Keep in mind that during the run-up to the primaries, Kamala Harris actually polled at or about 2 percent and was one of the first Democrat candidates to drop out of the presidential race. Voters obviously — at that time — decided that she was not presidential material.
Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, said in a recent speech that the re-election of Donald Trump threatened the very existence of all of mankind. That statement alone is indicative of the derangement that has seized the political scene since the election of this president. That seems to be ceding a tremendous of power to one single human being! It has always been our impression that there is only one entity capable of creating such an occurrence, and He definitely is not an elected official!
Sadly, we now have senators and congressional rep- resentatives behaving like children with their political misadventures. Much of the nonsense can be written off as “that's just the way it is in Washington.” But the last four years it has become bitterly partisan and has been designed to denigrate and destroy this man who occu- pies the White House.There can be no way to justify this infantile behavior when one considers the extraordinary position that voters have placed them. We deserve better.
The most recent would be the way our newest Su- preme Court justice was treated during her “anal exam” type questioning, ultimately ending with Democrats boy- cotting the vote to send her name to the Senate. This is not particularly new — it seems to have the maturation of this ugly weed going all the way to that time when the Clintonistas were swept into office. Thanks largely to Ross Perot. With operatives such as James Carville and their marginal actions of creating something called a “war room.” to deal with indiscretions, They even es- tablished a group to deal with “bimbo eruptions" owing to Bill's philandering ways.
Politics have always, in effect, a “bloodsport” but have worsened in recent years, epitomized by Black Lives Matter and Antifa. Both of these organizations are hellbent on the destruction of capitalism and the Ameri- can nuclear family. Someone is underwriting and financ- ing this bunch of useful idiots. It takes both money and organization to coordinate groups like these.
The American [people deserve answers and prosecu- tion of the people who have wrecked such devastation in cities coast to coast. Enough with the promotion of so- cialism. Let's get back to law and order of a free society.
Some safe ‘Trick or Treat’ options for 2020
Rick Curiel — Sanger Editor Jon Earnest — Reedley Editor Dick Sheppard — Editor Emeritus
Fred Hall
Ok, so without a doubt, Sat- urday would have made for an incredible kickoff to the holiday season under normal circumstances. The weather forecast is perfect. It’ll be a full moon. And, it will be the final day before we enter the time vortex commonly known as daylight savings time.
But just because this year’s celebration will be scaled back in light of pandemic measures, it doesn’t mean we can’t enter the holiday season on a good note.
Here are some ideas for cel- ebrating All Hallows Eve with safety precautions on Oct. 31.
• Treat yourself to a fun day — One idea that has been cir- culating lately has been that of a virtual costume party. This is where everyone dresses up and then shares their costumes via a videoconference platform, such as Zoom. If that’s your cup of tea, have at it.
However, for many of us, the last thing we want to do af- ter countless Zoom meetings and hours upon hours of dis- tance learning is kick off the holidays in front of a laptop camera.
Instead, let’s escape this Saturday. Let’s escape the rhet- oric. Let’s escape the politics, the ads, the insults and polls. Let’s escape a world stricken with the pandemic of our time,
the worries, frustrations, trou- bles and trials.
This Saturday, let’s have some fun. Let’s paint our fac- es and get dressed up. Let’s go outside and set up camp; a chair or two, a drink or two, perhaps a few pumpkins and a haystack. Let’s wave to our neighbors and the travelers passing by. Let’s be a treat to others by treating them with respect.
Imagine driving through your town and seeing all your neighbors dressed in costume, waving as you pass by. What a treat that would be?
• Bring back the 'trick' in 'trick or treat' — So, believe it or not, the phrase ‘trick or treat’ comes from a time when children would actually have to perform a talent, or trick, in or- der to receive their treat. This could be a great opportunity for family, or if the conditions permit, even neighborhood tal- ent shows.
Another thing you can do to lighten the mood this Saturday is play a trick on someone. In- fuse a little April Fools into this year’s Halloween. Why not? It’s 2020.
Just make sure your pranks are light hearted and end with both sides laughing. Otherwise, the trick is on you. But, I find a good laugh or two is always the best medicine.
• Remember
the ‘Hallow’ in
‘All Hallows
Eve’ — Hal-
loween comes
from an old
Celtic celebra-
tion marking
the eve of All Hallows, or ‘All Saints’ Day, which the church recognizes on Nov. 1. The fol- lowing day is known as “All Souls Day”, marking a day to remember all souls who have lived.
Many cultures throughout the centuries, including the Celtics and the Aztecs, equated recalling the dead with sum- moning their presence, leading to the traditions we see today in both Halloween and Dia de Los Muertos.
But the idea of remember- ing those who passed on, espe- cially those who exemplified a true and noble life is not a mor- bid thing at all. In fact, it adds more value to life.
I challenge you this year to recall the life of a saint, any saint.
If not, perhaps watch the movie ‘Coco’ and remember your loved ones.
Either way, have fun, be safe, and enjoy your Halloween weekend.
Rick Curiel is Sanger editor for The Times.
Rick Curiel
Letters from readers
But, as always, that's only one man's opinion.
Don't allow 'doomsayers' to discourage your vote
In answer to the Oct. 1 let- ter in the Mid Valley Times written by Mr. Mendoza. He is very opinionated. Too many er- rors in his accusations against President Trump. His accus- toms are only his opinion, and not based on facts.
These are facts: America has been a beacon of light, that not only supports its citizens, but is ready to help other nations that are in need of help and support. This country is blessed with many great Christian people and churches aflame with righ- teousness, which is the secret of her genius and power. Let's not forget also, great believers in the Almighty.
America has had great pres- idents and a few not so great. The previous president, Barack Obama, was not so great. In his own words, he did not believe in a strong economy or a strong military. The U.S. economy was a shamble and our military was cut in half during his eight years. Because of this inge- nious mistake, this gave com- munity countries like China, Russia, North Korea and Iran time to build their military and nuclear weapons. This great mistake could now be a lot of trouble for this country. We even had terrorism causing problems here in the U.S.
Trump has put a stop to all that. The economy now is the greatest in the world in spite of the pandemic, caused by China.
President Trump pulled out of the United Nations and a few other affiliations because they were controlled by communist China and Russia. His state- ment was: we will not adhere to your request and demands. America has great relations with many foreign countries that believe in this country.
With the help of the Al- mighty, we pray this pandemic will come to an end. This coun- try is great because she is good and protected by the Almighty. Do not give up! America needs you. Do not allow doomsay- ers to discourage you. Trump needs your vote. Which will it be: God, Trump and America? Or Biden, socialist Utopia?
Manuel Madrid Reedley
Letters Policy
MID VALLEY TIMES invites letters from the public on any topic of local relevance. We reserve the right to edit letters for clarity or brevity, and we reserve the right to NOT publish them if they could be deemed libelous or profane. Letters should be 350 words or less, and bear the author's name, address, and phone number. Letters can be mailed, emailed, submitted via our website, or personally delivered to: Editor, Reedley Exponent, 1130 G St, Reedley CA 93654.
“In all recorded history there has not been one economist who has had to worry about where the next meal would come from.”
— Peter Drucker (1909-2005)
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