Page 8 - Mid Valley Times 10-29-20 E-edition
P. 8

Thursday, October 29, 2020 | A8 | Mid Valley TiMes
Garden Checklist: monitor drainage of plants
The Garden Check- list is filled with tips and tricks for local gar- deners who wish to keep their greenery, flowers, and herbs looking beau- tiful all year long.
Trees and shrubs con- tinue to require deep wa- tering every one or two weeks until rainy weath- er arrives in earnest.
As overnight temper- atures drop into the low 30s, provide frost protec- tion for citrus, avocados and other subtropicals.
Monitor drainage af- ter watering container plants to be sure plant roots are not standing in water.
Leaf fall is the time to start pruning — except for apricots and olives, which should have been done in August.
When fertilizing, re- member to feed cool- weather plants and veg- etables.
Wait 2 weeks after planting new flowers and vegetables before feeding with organic or complete fertilizer.
Planting Continue to plant the final cool- weather annuals.
Perennials: Yarrow (Achillea), Artemisia ‘Powis Castle’. Bulbs, corms, tubers: grape hyacinth (Muscari), daf- fodil (Narcissus).
Fruits and vegeta-
bles: parsley – trans- plant, parsley, chives, leek.
Annuals: Calen- dula, California poppy (Eschscholzia), bee balm (Monarda).
Trees, shrubs, vines: Chitalpa, rockrose (Cis- tus), Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus). Enjoy now. Annuals and perenni- als: Iceland poppy (Pa- paver), Russian sage (Perovskia). Fruits and vegetables: avocados, beets, cabbage, chili peppers, olives. Trees, shrubs, vines: rose.
Fall color: heavenly bamboo (Nandina do- mestica), persimmon.
Things to ponder: Dig up dahlia and begonia
Continued from page A7
most immediately after graduating from high school.
“I started with the ROP program, so I was a senior in high school when I got my job with the Security Pacific Bank,” she said.
“I went through the process and worked my way up and when I left I was vice president of operations at the Fresno main office.”
Plata said she did a lot of traveling while work- ing at the bank but after she settled down and had a family, she realized it was time to focus on them.
“I then saw a position come open for the city of Reedley as a “dial a ride” driver in the community center and so I took the position,” she said.
She has been working with the city of Reedley ever since. And said the most difficult part of re- tirement will be parting ways with her boss, city manager Nicole Zieba.
“I absolutely loved working for her,” Plata
tubers and gladiolus corms, trim dead stems or leaves and store in a cool, dry place.
Drought tip Shorter days and cooler tem- peratures result in low- er water use by plants. Adjust sprinkler timers accordingly.
Source: Adapted from “A Gardener’s Companion for the Cen- tral San Joaquin Valley,” 3rd edition, currently available from Fresno County Master Garden- ers for $30.
Gardening Questions answered at (559) 241- 7534. Prepared by Judy Parker, Fresno County Master Gardener.
"How to be successful?
Look at those people who are successful, look at parts of their success, what are they doing that is right?"
-Sylvia Plata City of Reedley
Continuedfrompage A7
Sylvia has a genuine and energetic way about her. She sat and talked to me about her upbring- ing.
Growing up in Or- ange Cove, how she worked her way through the ranks of a large banking institution, and how she ended up work- ing for the city of Reed-
One thing that stood
out to me, and was espe- cially compelling about Sylvia was her role in the business world at a time she said the busi- ness world was not so “female friendly.”
“I worked 16 years for the bank and 30 here, and have worked with various different peo- ple and when I worked for the bank I went up the ranks when women
were not in management positions, especially His- panic women,” she said.
“We did not become branch managers, it was very challenging for a woman to take that spot, let alone a Hispanic woman? It was unheard of.”
Even today that can be true. Women are still finding their place in society, We are still working on being seen as equals to our male
I am thankful for the
women who have, in ma- ny ways, paved the way for younger generations to be successful.
“Respect yourself," she said. "Your conduct has to be the same, nev- er believe you are infe- rior."
Wise words. Con- gratulations and best of luck on your retirement, Sylvia.
said of Zieba. “She’s not only been my boss but she’s been a true friend. The built up of loyal- ty, trust she has in her team, those have been the foundations of our relationship. I respect her opinion and she re- spects my opinion.”
Plata said some plans for her retirement in- clude spending time with her grandson.
“I bought a car seat for him,” she said. “So maybe I can take him somewhere and give mom a break.”
She also plans to take care of her sister as well as do some volunteer work around town.
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