Page 14 - Reedley Exponent 6-28-18
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The Reedley Exponent B8 Thursday, June 28, 2018 Princess for a day
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Parents can still register their children for day camp. The camp is open Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. for children ages 5-12.
Parents can opt to regis- ter their children for one day oranentireweek. Thecamp runs through Friday, Aug. 3.
This week’s theme (July 3-6) is “Party in the USA.” Subsequent themes are: “Sa- fari,” July 9-13; “Superhero Week,” July 16-20; “Fear Fac- tor,” July 23-27; and “Movin’ & Groovin’,” July 30-August 3.
Registration can be com- pleted with a smartphone or tablet by downloading the DASH ONLINE app from the AppleorAndroidstore. Anac- count can be set up on a home computer by visiting https:// community_services. Then
click on “Register Here.” Registration is also available using one of the kiosks at the Reedley Community Center, 100 N. East Ave. For details, call (559) 637-4203.
teacher, 31 years; Mildred Largent, Sheridan RSP teach- er, 35 years; Peggy Holcomb, Alta fifth grade teacher, 32 years; Lucinda Dike, Wash- ington kindergarten teacher, 28 years; Dale Kennedy, T.L. Reed sixth grade teacher, 20 years; William Rudy, Orange Cove High social science teacher, 11 years; Raymond Brandon, Silas Bartsch sec- ond grade teacher, 28 years; Mary Alvis, Jefferson second grade teacher, 38 years; Ann MacMillian MacBean, Moun- tain View independent stud- ies teacher, 28 years; Refugio Borden, KC Kids RSP early childhood teacher, 18 years; Linda Odom, adult school, 14 years; and Susan Hall, Alta fourth grade teacher, 20 years.
Local youngsters enjoyed the “Sparkle!” show presented on June 3 at the Reedley Community Center. It featured favorite princesses from popular movies and stories. The Something enchanted entertainment company and the Reedley Community Services Department presented the program. The show featured singing, dancing and an opportunity to meet the princesses.
ABOVe: Youngsters Payton Reid and elizabeth Callen are seen with two princesses from the June 3 “Sparkle!” show.
RIGHT: Youngster Sultana Jaber came dressed as "Moana," one of Walt Disney Pictures’ popular princesses. “Moana,” a performer from the Something enchanted entertainment company, is standing behind her.
Photos Contributed
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other school districts. She wants to spend time with her family, including her three children Annika, 29; Jordan, 32; and Vince, 38; as well as her two grandchildren Eri- yanni, 4; and Max, 16.
Wiebe said her retirement plans also include traveling and doing volunteer work. Wherever life leads, Wiebe said her mission will continue tobethesame: “Ican’timag- ine not doing something that serves people.”
Other KCUSD employees who retired this year include
Ken Dike, KCUSD PE Coor- dinator, 31 years; Lisa Bick- man, Dunlap RSP Teacher, 34 years; Janet Fisher, Reed- ley High business teacher, 36 years; Darla Scharbach, Great Western kindergarten teacher, 17 years; Lawrence Strambi, Mountain View independent studies teacher, 21 years; Patti Olson, KCUSD special educa- tion lead program specialist, 32 years; Donna Musson, Alta first grade teacher, 28 years; Joy Crockett, Lincoln speech therapist, 35 years; Karen Lee, Great Western speech thera- pist, 36 years; Sandra Reimer, Riverview kindergarten teach- er, 24 years; Tim Warkentin, Reedley High math teacher, 24 years; Roger Hoeflinger, Reedley High social science
Jodie Reyna/The Exponent
Delia Salazar, 6, (left) and Rio Sorensen, 12, made guitars out of cereal boxes during "Fiesta Week" June 18-22 at the city's summer day camp held at the Reedley Community Center.
Have a story idea?
Call Jodie Reyna at 638-2244
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Happy 4th of July! Happy 4th of July!
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