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B3 | Thursday, July 5, 2018 City/County All-Star game
Three former IHS stars compete in 48th Annual game at Fresno City College
Chirs Aguirre / The Exponent
Ava Galpin (left) and Krystale Gutierrez, former Immanuel High Eagles girls basketball players, competed against each other in the 48th Annual City/County All-Star Game on June 30 at Fresno City College.
By Chris Aguirre
Playing in the 48th An- nual City/County Basketball All-Star Game was the perfect ending for former Immanuel High School standouts Krys- tale Gutierrez and Ava Galpin.
The duo, who are best friends and helped lead Im- manuel High girls basket- ball to three Central Section Championships, were on op- posite teams during the game on June 30 at Fresno City Col- lege.
Gutierrez played for the North team and wore a white jersey with Eagles written on it, while Galpin competed for the South squad and wore a blue jersey with Immanuel on it.
“Playing in the all-star game was a good experience,” Gutierrez said. “The competi- tion was good and I am glad to have had one more chance to play in my last high school game.”
Gutierrez finished the City/County All-Star Game
with 22 points and also had 12 rebounds.
The South girls team beat the North girls team 75-67.
Gutierrez will attend Fres- no Pacific University and play basketball for the Sunbirds. She said that playing against Galpin was fun.
“Playing against Ava was different because I've always played with her by my side but to play against her made the game fun,” Gutierrez said. “We had many laughs on the court and it was a different experience but well worth it.”
Galpin, who ended the game with four points, felt the same way about playing against Gutierrez.
“Going up against Krys- tale was super fun. I was dis- appointed that I was not on the same team as her but we still had a great time,” Galpin said. “We were talking with each other throughout the en- tire game. I am going to miss playing with her.”
Galpin will attend Fresno State beginning in the Fall.
Krystale Gutierrez scores 22 points for South team
Nate Kendricks, former Immanuel High Eagles boys basketball player, also played in the All-Star Game.
Kendricks ended the game with 10 points for the South team in a 128-85 loss to the North team.
“It was fun to play in the all star game especially against all good competition,” Kendricks said. “It was also crazy because it was my last high school basketball game.”
Kendricks helped lead the Eagles to four straight Central Section titles.
Kendricks will attend Fresno Pacific University starting in the fall where he will also play for the Sunbirds men's basketball team.
“I’m looking forward to getting to play basketball at a very high level at FPU,” Kendricks said. “I’m also ex- cited to get to play for two of my old high school coaches: Coach Haydock and Coach McClurg.”
More pictures from the game can be seen on page B4.
RC's Evan Sagariballa signs letter of intent
Free hoops youth camp
File Photo / The Exponent
Evan Sagariballa, Reedley College Tigers baseball pitcher, signed a letter of intent to attend York College in Nebraska. Sagariballa played for Reedley College the past two seasons.
Reedley Babe Ruth 14's prepare for tournament
Reedley Little League Champs
The Reedley Little League 11-year-old All-Star team won the Northern California District 10 Championship.
The team completed an undefeated run in the District 10 tournament and defeated Riverpark 1-0 to win the championship.
The 11's will now compete in the Section Tournament which begins on Wednesday, July 11.
Photo from Reedley Little League Facebook
Chris Aguirre / The Exponent
Modesto Torres, president of the NAJA youth foundation (second from left), poses for a picture with Fitness Quest Health Club Staff and his sons on the basketball court at Fitness Quest Health Club. The NAJA youth foundation and Fitness Quest Health Club are teaming up to offer a free youth basketball camp on Fridays and Saturdays.
Staff Report
The NAJA youth foundation and Fitness Quest Health Club are teaming up to offer a free youth basketball camp.
Modesto Torres, president of the NAJA youth foundation, said he is all about helping the youth of Reedley.
“NAJA Youth Founda- tion and Fitness Quest have grown into a great partnership in providing the community with a basketball camp free of charge,” Torres said. “This has been such a reward helping the youth stay in a healthy and posi- tive environment.”
The camp is free and is held on Fridays from 4:30 to 6 p.m., and Saturdays from 1 to 2:30 p.m. at Fitness Quest Health Club.
Torres said one of the goals of the camp is to give the youth of Reedley an alternative dur- ing the summer months.
“My goals are to keep these kids off the streets and in the basketball courts,” Torres said. “Having Owner Larry of Fit- ness Quest opening his doors and doing his part to help the youth stay in a focused and positive environment by com- ing and being part of a special program.”
Larry Huebert, owner of Fitness Quest Health Club, be-
See YOUTH on page B4
By Jan Edmarc Balallo
The Reedley Babe Ruth 14-year-old All-Star team earned a spot in the Central California State tournament with a second place finish in the District 3 tournament.
The 14's will face the No. 2 team from District 6 Santa Maria Babe Ruth All-Stars on Friday, July 6, in the first round of the tournament in Madera.
“We have been chasing this dream since we were nine,” said Michael Rios, util-
ity player for the 14's. “It feels awesome to finally have made this dream a reality.”
The team practices two- hours every night at the Reed- ley High School junior varsity baseball field.
“It has been a good two years with these guys,” said David Pimentel, the Reedley Babe Ruth 14's right-fielder. “I’ve only been with these guys for two years but watch- ing everything build up was one-of-a-kind.”
Alfredo Ocejo, catcher
See BABERUTHonpageB4

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