Page 12 - Reedleyt Exponent 7-5-18 E-edition
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TheReedleyExponent B4Thursday, July5,2018 City/County All-Star hoops game
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lieves this is a good cause that he is happy to get behind.
“We have been very hap- py with the youth basketball camp. Modesto has been doing a great job,” Huebert said. “We have had a lot of kids come to the camp and learn not only basketball skills but also learn teamwork and sportsmanship. It is nice to offer this to all fami- lies at no cost.”
Torres is also teaming up with Travis Ferrell, Reedley High School head boys bas- ketball coach, in teaching the fundamentals that the Reed- ley High program is using.
“Modesto has done a tre- mendous job this last year of helping our youth basketball program take on better com- petition in games and provid- ing quality instruction for our BUCS AAU program,” Ferrell said. “We look forward to con- tinuing to build youth basket- ball in the Reedley area while helping develop future pirate basketball players. If you are looking for a fun environment for your child to learn the game of basketball I encourage you to attend this camp and join our BUCS AAU basketball pro- gram this coming fall.”
Daniela Armijo, who has worked at Fitness Quest for eight years, is one of the vol- unteers who will help Torres run the youth camp.
“This youth camp has been a great way to keep the kids active all year. We feel that it is a great way to give back to the community,” Armijo said. “We have kids from Orange Cove, Reedley and other surrounding areas. We are the only location in our community that offers this camp for free and no conditions are placed to join the gym. We have opened our doors to the kids that signed up and their parents. We love
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for the 14-year-old All-Stars, also mentioned that in the state championship games, he has hopes on a scout watching these boys play since they are playing big teams, which could mean some possible scholarship opportunities.
With a win, the Reedley 14's would play the winner of the game between the No. 1 team from District 6 Lompoc and the host team
that they enjoy working on the fundamentals of basketball in an air conditioned and safe en- vironment.”
Armijo also hopes that this camp will help lead to more camps in the future.
“We are currently just word of mouth advertising but we would love to grow this camp to have more kids sign up and have more in- volvement of other local busi- nesses. We would love more volunteers and donations from local business to be able to provide more for the kids,” Armijo said. “It would begreattogettoapoint,ina year or two, where we can of- fer other types of camps such as a youth fitness training camp where kids can learn a basic exercise routine. We would like to help get the kids to move, exercise and play.”
Brianne Barry, who also works at Fitness quest said that this camp is a safe way for kids to be active.
“It is good that we have an air conditioned facility and they can play safely and don't have to worry about heat exhaustion,” Barry said. “They are able to be active and get some physical ac- tivity. We like to give back to the community so when there is an event we will put forth a dona- tion and this is another way to give back.”
Torres also wanted to thank El Nopal Bakery and Eva Hinojosa, a property manager, in Reedley for their help in the process.
“I would also like to thank El Nopal Bakery for sponsor- ship, and Clarissa Garcia & Ga- brielle Tovar of PHP for helping put together future grants for our community through our programs,” Torres said.
Sign-ups and information forms are located at Fitness Quest Helath Club. For more information e-mail Modesto Torres at tmodesto@rocket-
Madera, in the second round on Saturday, July 8.
Pimentel said he be- lieves the team has what it takes to win the tournament.
“I feel the team is very strong and competitive,” said Pimentel. “And that’s what makes us good.”
Rios said that one of the key elements that will help the team is their bond.
“We’re a family, and we got each other’s backs,” Rios said. “Win or lose, we have made our best efforts in earn- ing this spot and I hope we win state and win regionals.”
ABOVE: Nate Kendricks, former Immanuel High boys basketball player, had 10 points in the City/County All-Star Game on June 30 at Fresno City College. Kendricks will attend Fresno Pacific University. BELOW LEFT: Ava Galpin, former Immanuel High girls basketball player, plays defense for the South team in the City/County All-Star Game. BOTTOM RIGHT: Krystale Gutierrez, former Immanuel High girls hoops player, had 22 points for the North team.
Tigers footballs' James Jackson signs LOI
Babe Ruth Champions
Photo from Reedley College football twitter
James Jackson, former Reedley College Tigers football player, signed a letter of intent with Henderson State Reddie football. Henderson State is located in Arkansas.
Emergency Medical Technician I Course
Sequoia Safety Council is accepting reservations for the Emergency Medical Technician course beginning August 13, 2018 through Decem-
ber 19, 2018. Classes are every Monday and Wednesday evenings from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. with occasional Saturday classes. is course ful lls
the medical training prerequisite required by many re academies and prepares students to work in the ambulance, hospital emergency depart- ment, and other rst responder industries. e course is an accredited program through the Central California EMS Agency and the National Registry for EMT’s. Course tuition is $750 and includes CPR certi ca- tion and books. Class size is limited to 30 students. Must be at least 18 years of age to enroll. Anyone interested may register at
Sequoia Safety Council Headquarters located at 500 E. 11th Street in Reedley or call (559) 638-9995.
The Twins are the 2018 Reedley Babe Ruth Champions. The Twins defeated the Pirates 14-11 on June 16 to capture the title. The game was played at the Reedley High School baseball varsity field.
Photos by Chris Aguirre / The Exponent
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Photo from Reedley Babe Ruth Facebook
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