Page 15 - Reedley Exponent E-edition 5-17-18
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St. La Salle CRUSADERS News
The Reedley Exponent B7 Thursday, May 17. 2018 Youth & Education
Holidays in May
Monday, May 28, will be a school holiday to commemo- rate Memorial Day. The offices also will be closed. Classes will resume on Tues- day, May 29, on a modified schedule from 9 a.m. to noon. The modified schedule also will be followed on Wednes- day, May 30.
The offices will reopen on May 29, with regular hours of 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
High School Updates
If the baseball team ad- vances in the Division III Central Section Playoffs, the next game will be in the quarterfinals on Thursday, May 17, location and time to be announced.
If the softball team ad- vances, they will play in the quarterfinals of the Division V Playoffs on Friday, May 18, location and time to be announced.
Boys tennis will play in Individual Finals at Madera South High on May 17 and 18. On Saturday, May 19, coed track athletes Carissa Hall and Braxton Philpott will compete in the CIF Masters Central Valley Champion- ships at Buchanan High in Clovis; events begin at 3:30 p.m.
For a complete list of
Continued from page B1
a coffee shop and offer stu- dents free tutoring sessions. • Jovana Gutierrez – She
is a recipient of the State Seal of Biliteracy, played tennis for four years and has been a Cadet Commander. She plans to begin her higher education by attending Fresno State or Reedley College. She will major in history and minor in Chicano Latino Studies.
She said she believes she personifies being a Ti- tan Tower because of her enthusiasm to help others and wanting to set “an ex- ample for future generations through integrity and leader- ship.”
Her goal is to become a human rights lawyer.
“I plan to come back to Orange Cove and help my community by being their voice,” Gutierrez said.
•EmelyHaro–Sheisa valedictorian and vice presi- dent of the Class of 2018 Club. She also is a recipient of the Golden Stage Seal and State Seal of Biliteracy.
Haro plans to attend Fresno State and major in business administration. Her ultimate goal is to start her own business, perhaps a boutique, in Orange Cove be- cause she wants to broaden the retail offerings in the town.
In expressing her ap- preciation, Haro said that, in school, “I’ve really tried to take advantage of everything
high school sports, go online to immanuelsports.bigteams. com or visit our website at and click on “athletics.”
• On Sunday, May 20, the Class of 2018 baccalaureate will be held in the Immanuel Chapel, at 7 p.m.
• On Monday, May 21, we will present our annu- al Spring Choral Concert, “Sounds of Praise,” with performances by the junior high and high school choirs. The concert begins at 7 p.m. in the Immanuel Chapel.
• On Thursday, May 24, the high school athletic awards ceremony will be in the Immanuel South Gym at 6:30 p.m. We will recognize all sports and standout ath- letes and unveil the Blue and White Excellence photo.
• Seniors will begin their finals on Monday, May 21, and finish Thursday, May 24. The seventh- to 11th-graders will begin their first period final on Thursday, May 24. After that, they will have modified schedules from Friday, May 25, to Wednes- day, May 31. It will be 9 a.m. to noon those days.
Junior High Updates
The seventh and eighth grade students had the op- portunity to attend a Fresno Grizzlies baseball game for
I’ve been offered.”
She said she also appre-
ciated being chosen a Titan Tower: “I take pride in the community that I come from and the school and district where I’m from.”
• Carolina Hernandez – She also is a valedictorian for the Class of 2018. She is a recipient of the Golden State Seal and State Seal of Biliteracy. In sports, she was captain of the varsity girls soccer and volleyball teams and has been a head student athletic trainer.
She plans to attend the University of California, Merced and major in psy- chology..
As a psychologist, Her- nandez said she wants to work at Orange Cove High School, “to help the young minds because they are our future.”
She said she embodies being a Titan Tower because “I care for my community, and I care to make a differ- ence here in the world.”
• Leslie Montes-Alvarado – She also is a valedictorian and recipient of the Golden State Seal and State Seal of Biliteracy. She has been a head student athletic trainer. She also is a four-year mem- ber of the OCHS band and was a drum major as well as section and squad leader.
Montes-Alvarado plans to attend Fresno State and major in kinesiology. She hopes to later transfer to the University of Southern Cali- fornia to enroll in its physical therapy program.
“Making the Grade.” This event was sponsored by the Fresno County Office of Ed- ucation and the Department of Public Health at no cost to our students. The students had to meet the criteria of having a minimum 3.0 grade point average and no Fs.
Elementary Updates
On May 17, our kinder- garten to sixth grade stu- dents will present our spring music program,
“Danny And The Shacks.” They have been working very hard, and are excited for this event.
On Friday, May 18, we will celebrate fathers with with our annual “Doughnuts with Dads” event, at 7:30 a.m. in the North Gym.
Everyone have a great week, and go Eagles!
Enroll Your Student
Are you looking for a change in your child’s edu- cation? Consider Immanuel Schools. Enrollment packets are available in the district office, 1128 S. Reed Ave. in Reedley. Or visit us online at to download the information or schedule a tour.
Call us at (559) 638-2529, ext. 7101, for more informa- tion about Immanuel Schools, where the difference is life changing.
She said being in the band taught her to be more disciplined and to develop into a leader.
Montes-Alvarado said she was honored to be a Ti- tan Tower. “I’m a motivated individual, and I love to see other people succeed in their goals,” she said.
• Julissa Ramirez – She is a valedictorian for the Class of 2018 and recipient of the State Seal of Biliteracy. She also is president of OCHS’ chapter of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America.
Ramirez plans to attend Fresno State and major in liberal studies. She said her goal is to be an elementary school teacher: “And the reason I want to become a teacher is because of all
See TOWERS page B8
Registration Now Open
St. La Salle now is accept- ing registration for preschool through eighth grade. And, register for preschool in May and June, and the registration fee will be waived.
We invite you to let your child grow with us. We believe a Catholic school education is the most important gift you will give your child. At St. La Salle, we foster knowledge, faith and service in our stu- dents, and they can explore many life paths. We want stu- dents to use their God-given talents to the fullest later in life, to serve the church and community and make the world a better place.
Call us at (559) 638-2621 to schedule a visit. You also can go online to stlasallereedley. org for more information.
Support St. La Salle School when you make a purchase at Save Mart. At the checkout stand, just enter the numbers (559) 638-1916 on the keypad.
This automatically will give the credit to our school.
Founders Dinner
“Thank you” to every- one who attended our annual Founders Dinner on May 11 in honor of August and Ralph Madrigal and Judge Stephan Drew.
These two families are great benefactors to our school. For many years they have helped the school with many of our projects that you see today. They also have helped our sports programs.
Takanishi graduates from Azusa Pacific
Daniel Takanishi of Reed- ley graduated on May 5 from Azusa Pacific University with a bachelor of science degree.
Takanishi was among about 1,700 graduates at the spring commencement cere- monies. Azusa Pacific Univer- sity is an evangelical Christian university.
It serves more than 10,300 students at its main campus, online and at six regional cen- ters throughout Southern Cali- fornia.
As a school, we appreciate everything they have done for our school!
Graduation Ideas
Graduations are just around the corner. Do you need ideas about what to give your graduate this year? St. La Salle School sells gift cards for a variety of stores, res- taurants and more. Visit the school office at 404 E. Man- ning Ave. to place your orders. You will be helping St. La Salle at the same time.
St. La Salle
Summer Camp
Our Summer Camp will be
open to all St. La Salle School students and youngsters ages 4-12 in the St. Anthony of Pad- ua parish.
It will run Monday, June 4, to Friday, July 27. This year, the Vacation Bible Camp pro- gram theme is “Totally Catho- lic: Shipwrecked, Rescued by Jesus.”
Youngsters will discover a true friendship with Jesus, and they will feel comfortable to lower their defenses and allow Jesus to do his work. This action-filled camp will be packed with games, ex- periments, songs, and plays to reinforce the message that Je- sus’s love for them will never end.
Students of the Month
Congratulations to the Stu- dents of the month for April: transitional kindergarten, Frank Gomez; kindergarten, Jacob Bujulian and Maya Ca- marena; first grade, Addison Covarrubias; second grade, Marisa Sanchez and Cody
Continued from page B2
Program, a nonprofit organi- zation, can assist with Medi- care health plan compari- sons and prescription drug plans. HICAP provides free education, counseling and advocacy services to people
Mariscal; third grade, Natalia Castillo; fourth grade, Mat- thew Herrera; fifth grade, Abigail Garcia and Pricilla Mendez; sixth grade, Mia- Bella Leal; seventh grade, Sofia Hoffman and Charlotte Burks; and eighth grade Chel- sea Flood and Ciara McGahan.
Good Manners Students
Congratulations to the students with Good Manners for the month of April: tran- sitional kindergarten, Matteo Scibilia; kindergarten, Austin Rodriguez and Ryan Aranda; first grade, Natalie Martinez; second grade, Rocio Ruiz and Isaiah Adame; third grade, Wayce McGill; fourth grade, Bridget Rivas and Priscilla Torres; fifth grade, Timothy Wallis and Lilyana Castillo; sixth grade, Aaron Palomera and Braylyn Almendarez; seventh grade, Kelly Fernan- dez and Joseph Wisocki; and eighth grade, Clifford Rodri- guez and Nathalie Medrano.
Dates to Remember
• May 18 – Color Run; ear- ly dismissal at 12:30 p.m.
• May 22 – Kindergarten graduation, 6:30 p.m.
• May 23 – Farewell As- sembly, 1 p.m.
• May 24 – Eighth grade graduation, 7 p.m.
• May 25 – Pre-kindergar- ten graduation, 6:30 p.m.
• May 28 – Memorial Day (no school)
• May 29 – Transitional kindergarten, 6:30 p.m.
• May 31 – Last day of school; Promotion Mass at 10 a.m.
with Medicare.
A registered counselor
can assist you with Medi- care Savings Programs, Ex- tra Help, and Share of Cost with Medicare assistance programs. A counselor is at the senior center Tuesday mornings. Call the senior center for an appointment at (559) 637-4207.
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All Divisions:
Early Sign-ups: May 15th, 16th and 17th at Pioneer Park on ‘G’ Street in Reedley
(Across the street from the Reedley Police Department)
Time: 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Player Fee: $120 fee due at sign-ups.
Tryouts: July 16th – Aug 3rd (location and start time to be an- nounced)
Junior Division: 5th and 6th Grade. Maximum age is 12 years old Player cannot exceed 190 pounds.
Pee Wee Division: 3rd and 4th Grade. Maximum age is 10 years old Player cannot exceed 155 pounds.
Mighty Might Division: K thru 2nd. Ages 6 to 8 years old Player cannot exceed 115 pounds.
All Divisions: All Divisions: A participant’s age on December 1, 2018 determines the playing age.
All participants must provide a photocopy of their 2017-2018 FI- NAL report card, a photocopy of a primary health insurance card and a CURRENT wallet size photo. Scheduled JUNE dates will be announced to collect the copy of the FINAL report card.
The League requires an Original Certified birth certificate at the time of contract certification. The original birth certificate will be requested at a specified time in July. The original birth certificate will be returned after the contract is cleared.
A sports physical is required for all divisions. If you cannot get a timely appointment from your doctor, suggested qualified locations will be listed on the information sheet that will be at- tached to the player contract.
Player contracts and the doctor’s physical exam form are avail- able at the following locations: Foster Freeze on 11th Street and Reedley Pro-Script Pharmacy/Image at 1045 ‘G’ Street.
RYF President- Mike Padilla (559) 307-4745 RYF Secretary- Virginia Tamez (559) 480-8427
“Like” us on Facebook at Reedley Youth Football
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