Page 16 - Reedley Exponent E-edition 5-17-18
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Reedley Elks Lodge appreciation event
Photo Contributed
The Reedley Elks Lodge on April 24 held its Seventh Annual Of- ficer and First Responder Appreciation Dinner to honor the people who serve their cities through law enforcement, firefighting and emergency services careers.
ABOVE: Those honored included Engineer Daniel Lopez (pictured above in the center) of the Reedley Fire Department. He's seen here with (left) Forrest Wright, Exalted Ruler of the Reedley Elks Lodge, and Marvin Elrod, the Reedley Elks chaplain.
BELOW: Parlier Police Officer Omar Hernandez (holding the cer- tificate of appreciation) was honored by the Reedley Elks Lodge. He's pictured here with (from left) Forrest Wright, Exalted Ruler of the Reedley Elks, Parlier Police Chief Jose Garza, and Marvin Elrod, the Reedley Elks chaplain.
Read the story and see more photos on B1.
The Reedley Exponent B8 Thursday, May 17, 2018
Immanuel High Class of 1968
Members of the Immanuel High School Class of 1968 celebrated their 50th reunion on April 7 at a home in Dinuba.
Photo Contributed
In the front row (from left) are Sandy Ridgeway White, Sandi Kliewer Friesen, Lynette Boldt Anderson, Jean Mack, Luann Kliewer Regier, and Kathy Reiswig Harder.
In the second row (sitting, from left) are Wanda Neufeld Doerksen, Joyce Nickel Montoya, Naomi Issak and Bonnie Kleinsasser Nyberg.
In the third row (from left) are Gordon Cornelson, Sharon Bartel Vogt, Janice Friesen Leppke, Norma Hofer Hamm, Tom Regier, Karen Du- erksen Beiler and Phyllis Ens Duerksen.
In the back row (from left) Rod Rempel, John Kliewer, Dan Doerksen, Linda Wiens Middlebusher, Cathy Gunther Oberg, Colleen Warkentin Friesen, Bob Jost, Steve Fast, Bill Harder, Ron Brown, Rick Wiens and Tim Leppke.
Continued from page B1
Appetizers will be serviced, followed by a gourmet dinner. The evening also will include a silent auction and raffle prizes.
The annual auxiliary spring benefit raises funds for projects and activities at Sierra View Homes.
Many people may be fa- miliar with MacIntyre’s story via “American Idol.” He com- peted on season eight of the popular series in 2009.
MacIntyre was born blind from birth and, at the time of “Idol,” had undergone a kidney transplant. His per- sonal story was compelling, but viewers were impressed by his talent as a singer and pianist.
He placed eighth when the then-Fox network series was by far the most-watched show on television.
The winner that season was Kris Allen, with Adam Lambert as the runner-up.
MacIntyre established a career after “American Idol.” Then, a few years later, he had to undergo a second success- ful kidney transplant.
Most recently, he is the subject of a documentary called “I Am Hope: Scott MacIntyre’s Inspirational Transplant Journey.”
In January, he released his latest single, “Look Up!” to Christian radio. An album is scheduled to follow sometime this year.
He also is an author (the memoir “By Faith, Not by Sight”) and an in-demand key- note speaker.
MacIntyre also has an impressive academic back- ground.
At 14, he was admitted in- to Arizona State University's Barrett Honors College and Herberger College of Fine Arts. He also was awarded Marshall and UK Fulbright scholarships and earned his master’s degree in England.
Tickets are $60 per person, or a table for eight at the dis- counted price of $420.
Reservations can be made by calling Sierra View Homes at (559) 638-9226.
Continued from page B7
the teachers I’ve had so far. They’ve all inspired me to want to change students’ lives.”
Ramirez was happy to be selected a Titan Tower. “You have to be able to push your limits,” she said. “You have to be able to get out of your comfort zone. That’s what I’ve been doing. I’m the type of girl who doesn’t stop reaching for her goals, and that’s the thing. My goals don’t stop. They just keep coming, and I’m going to keep going for them.”
• Yesenia Velasco – She, too, is a valedictorian and recipient of the Golden State Seal and State Seal of Biliteracy. She has been
vice president of the College Club. And, she is a four-year member of the OCHS band, serving as a squad and sec- tion leader and brass cap- tain.
Velasco will attend the University of California, Merced and major in biol- ogy. For now, she wants to be a general practitioner doctor but plans to take on intern- ships and explore other op- tions as a doctor.
As a Titan Tower, Velasco said she is driven to “make a difference in my commu- nity and world” through hard work and discipline. She said she had a moment of real- ization in high school that changed her perspective: “I discovered only by embrac- ing the discomfort of chal- lenges that I would be able to grow as a person.”
Continued from page B1
former director of the Reed- ley Community Band; Mike Groft of Traver Elementary School and Riverdale High School; Andrew Kvammen of Downey; and Hugh Ad- ams of the Selma Commu- nity Band.
Concert selections will
include “Bugler’s Holiday” by Leroy Anderson, “Them Basses” by G.H. Huffine," “Clarinet Escapade” by Rus- sell Ward, “Gabriel’s Oboe” by Ennio Morricone from the film “The Mission,” and “Lassus Trombone” by Henry Fillmore. The band also will perform Duke El- lingon's “Caravan,” which will feature a drum solo.
Preschool Registration
Kings Canyon Joint Unified School District will begin preschool registration for the 2018-2019 school year on May 15, 2018. Registration will be held at each of the school sites listed below, in the preschool office. Office hours vary by site – please contact the preschool clerk for office hours at your desired location. KCUSD’s State Preschool program offers high quality preschool for families that meet income qualifications and live in Reedley, Orange Cove, Dunlap, and surrounding com- munities.
Families with children 4 years of age, born on or before September 1, 2014 will be eligible to register on a first priority. Families with children 3 years of age, born on or before September 1, 2015 will be eligible to register on a second priority.
Full Day –Full Year Sites
Great Western State Preschool...559-305-7105 Jefferson State Preschool ...559-305-7237 McCord State Preschool ...559-305-7249 Lincoln State Preschool...559-305-7076
Silas Bartsch State Preschool...559-305-7084 Washington State Preschool...559-305-7278
Part Day – Part Year Sites
A. L. Conner State Preschool...559-305-7202 Dunlap State Preschool...559-305-7319 Jefferson State Preschool...305-7237
For more information or to schedule a preschool classroom visit, please contact your desired site at the number listed above. For general preschool questions, please contact the Early Learning Office
at 559-305-7278.
El Distrito Escolar Unificado de Kings Canyon comenzará las inscripciones para el Preescolar para
el año escolar 2018-2019 el 15 de mayo del 2018. Registraciones se llevaran a cabo en cada una de las escuelas mencionadas abajo, en la oficina del preescolar. Horarios de oficina varean por escuela – favor de contactar a la secretaria del preescolar para horas de oficina en la escuela de su elección. El programa Preescolar Estatal de KCUSD ofrece preescolar de alta calidad para familias de bajos ingresos en las áreas de Reedley, Orange Cove y Dunlap y comunidades al rededor.
Las familias con niños de 4 años de edad, que han nacido el 1 de septiembre de 2014 o antes, serán elegibles para inscribirse con primera prioridad. Las familias con niños de 3 años de edad, nacidos el 1 de septiembre de 2015 o antes, serán elegibles para inscribirse con segunda prioridad.
Día Completo –Año Redondo
Great Western State Preschool...559-305-7105 Jefferson State Preschool ...559-305-7237 McCord State Preschool ...559-305-7249 Lincoln State Preschool...559-305-7076
Silas Bartsch State Preschool...559-305-7084 Washington State Preschool...559-305-7278
Medio Día – Año Parcial
A. L. Conner State Preschool...559-305-7202 Dunlap State Preschool...559-305-7319 Jefferson State Preschool...305-7237
Si le gustaría obtener más información o hacer una cita para visitar alguno de los salones del preescolar por favor de llamar al número de teléfono de la escuela que le gustaría asistir. Para pre- guntas generales favor de llamar a la oficina del De Desarrollo Temprano al 559-305-7278.