Page 10 - Mid Valley Times 11-28-19 E-edition
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Thursday, November 28, 2019 | A10 | Mid Valley TiMes In the garden
Garden Checklist: Wood ashes may not be suitable for your garden
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Wood ashes may not always be beneficial in the garden.
orderYour HolidaY taMales & Masa
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Breakfast With Santa
at the
St. La Salle School Cafeteria
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Serving Breakfast 7:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Come Enjoy Pancakes, Eggs, Sausage, Orange Juice And Co ee!!
Adults - $700 Each Children - $400 Each Take Your Picture With Santa - $300
Come shop the Christmas Boutique.  is event is Open to the Public
Raf e Prizes Includes
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and Much More!!
For more info. Call Benita Torres 393-5608
The 'Garden Check- list' is filled with tips and tricks for local gardeners who wish to keep their greenery, flowers, and herbs look- ing beautiful all year long.
Wood ashes are not beneficial in the gar- den. They have no nu- trient value and only a limited value as a deter- rent to slugs and snails.
Tasks for this time oftheyearinclude wa- ter citrus trees well now to produce a good crop next year.
Remember to check and improve drainage around plants
in low areas.
Monitor rainfall
and adjust water ac- cordingly to keep soil moist for new plant- ings.
When it comes to pruning remember to cut back chrysanthe- mums to 6 inches.
Prune back spent wisteria canes.
Do not apply any treatments to pruning cuts or other wounds because these materi- als are ineffective and often detrimental.
When fertilizing, remember to fertilize cool-season annuals, perennials and vegeta- bles with a light, high- nitrogen or organic fer- tilizer.
Bare-root plant- ing season begins this
month. Consider the hardiness of the root stock when selecting bare-root fruit trees.
Citrus, avocado and other frost-tender plants should be plant- ed in spring after the danger of frost has passed.
Fruits and vegeta- bles: asparagus (trans- plant), onions, parsley.
Annuals: toadflax (Linaria maroccana), stock (Matthiola in- cana).
Enjoy these now, Annuals and perennials: toadflax. Bulbs, corms, tubers: paperwhite (Narcissus).
Trees, shrubs, vines: holly (Ilex).
Fruits and vegeta-
bles: Brussels sprouts, citrus, sweet potatoes.
Things to ponder, use trimmings of mag- nolias, juniper, pine and redwoods for holiday greens. Deodar cedar, spruce and western hemlock lose needles quickly.
Source: Adapted from “A Gardener’s Companion for the Cen- tral San Joaquin Val- ley,” 3rd edition, cur- rently available from Fresno County Master Gardeners for $30. Gardening Questions answered at (559) 241- 7534. Prepared by Judy Parker, Fresno County Master Gardener.
Tenth Annual Sikh Parade
To celebrate the birth of Guru Nanak Dev Ji, The Founder of the Sikh Faith
December 1, 2019 12 NOON - 5PM
(Entering City of Fowler Panzak Park at 1:30pm, leaving by 3:45pm)
All are encouraged to stop by, see the floats, meet people and enjoy the FREE concessions being served.
We look forward to celebrating with all of you.
The parade will begin at 12:00 noon at Gurdwara Gur Nanak Parkash, located at 4250 E. Lincoln Avenue, and enter the City of Fowler at approximately 1:15 p.m. at the intersection of Golden State and Adams Avenue. The
parade will continue East on Adams to Pan-
zak Park, where it will break from approxi- mately 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. Food and refresh- ments will be provided and a recognition ceremony will be held in the park. Thereaf- ter, it will circle the park and continue west on Merced Street, go under the Highway 99 overpass and turn north on Sumner Avenue and exit the City. The parade route map is below. The parade will exit the City of Fowl- er at approximately 3:45 p.m.
Dental E.R.
Pain is a tool that we have to protect us from harm. The pain in your tooth is telling you that something is wrong and it needs to be  xed.
See your dentist as soon as possible about your toothache if:
a. You have a toothache that lasts longer than 1 or 2 days b. Your toothache is severe
c. You have a fever, earache, or pain upon opening your
mouth wide
d. You have a swollen face
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• Reedley 638.2244
• Sanger 875.2511
ABOVE: John Campbell, superintendent for the Kings Canyon Unified School District was among the volunteers during Jefferson Elementary School's Thanksgiving din- ner. (PhotoscontinuedfrompageA8.)
ABOVE RIGHT: Students enjoyed their Thanksgiving meal in the school cafeteria.
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Illistrations May Vary
ABOVE: Jefferson Elementary School students enjoyed their early Thanksgiving meal on Nov. 22.
Pain from nerve damage may result from teeth grind- ing, severe tooth decay or trauma to the teeth through in- jury. Intense, throbbing pain, sometimes accompanied by a swollen face, is often a sign of an infection or abscess.
Same-day emergency treatment available.
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Have a story idea? Call Juanita Adame (559) 875-2511

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