Page 7 - Mid Valley Times 11-28-19 E-edition
P. 7

The View From Here
It’s al-
ways nice to
run into the
Kings Can-
yon Unified
School Dis-
trict mainte-
nance team
in Reedley.
I first spoke
with Joseph
Gonzalez, the maintenance director close to a year ago.
At the time, Joseph and his crew were excited to have reached a milestone.
They had set a goal for themselves and reached it. The goal was no work re- lated accidents or injuries for 30 days. At first Joseph told me it was not likely they would meet the goal. The guys were not optimis- tic especially during the winter season when side- walks can become slippery from the rain or freeze. Af- ter they reached the 30 day mark, the guys decided to keep going. The momentum grew and before they knew it they were at one hundred days, then two hundred, and so on. I finally came around to interview Joseph in 2018 when they reached the 500 day mark. At the time, I fig- ured I would not hear from them again, maybe I was al- so not very optimistic think- ing maybe a work related injury was imminent. I was so wrong.
A few months ago, I re- ceived a message telling me they were close to hitting 1,000 days with no work re- lated injuries or accidents.
I was shocked to find out the news. I couldn’t believe this team who started with a small goal had now managed to achieve such a large ac- complishment.
I am proud of the guys, every time I stop by to in- terview them to find out how they’re doing, they greet me with a smile and great con- versation.
One thing I have learned from this team is that a large goal begins with a series of smaller goals. They initially set a small goal and contin- ued to work their way up to where they are now.
I admire the maintenance team at KCUSD for their hard work and continued dedication, keep up the great work everyone!
By Juanita Adame
Mid Valley Times
The gym on the Orange Cove High School campus was filled with residents on the evening of Nov. 21 as commu- nity members came together for the city’s annual Thanks- giving meal.
“This is a Thanksgiving din- ner that the city sponsors and it’s been taking place now for several years,” said Manuel Ferreira, board member for for the Kings Canyon Unified School District.
“It’s free, and we expect a lot of people, I’ve been work- ing with the community for many years and I don’t feel that I do enough for the com- munity and I’m always there to do something.”
The dinner featured live music and lots of food.
See DINNERonpage A8
Juanita Adame
Orange Cove residents enjoy early Thanksgiving
Photo by Juanita Adame / Mid Valley Publishing
Residents filled the Orange Cove High School gym on the evening of Nov. 21 for the city's annual com- munity meal. The event featured live music and food.
KCUSD Maintenance hits 1,000 days and counting
By Juanita Adame
Mid Valley Times
Members from the Kings Canyon Unified School Dis- trict’s maintenance depart- ment shared some laughs and congratulated each other on the afternoon of Nov. 22 as the group celebrated one thousand accident free days while on the job.
"This is a great bunch of guys everyone is always willing to help each other out,"
- Aaron Esch
“Awesome, it was just an amazing feeling, I remember being at the 500 mark,” said Joseph Gonzalez, maintenance director with the district. “We were confident back then, but walking in and knowing that the marker had hit 1,000 days, it was an amazing feeling, it felt good.”
Gonzalez said his goal com- ing into the position was to es- tablish an effective work en- vironment where employees could adapt and thrive.
“Great bunch of guys, ev- eryone is helping each other and things run very smooth,” said Aaron Esch.
Esch had been on the job less than one week and said he
Photo by Juanita Adame / Mid Valley Publishing
Members of the Kings Canyon Unified School District maintenance department posed for a group photo on the afternoon of Nov. 22 to celebrate 1,000 days of no work related accidents.
already felt at home.
“We have a good crew, he
said. “They’re anxious to help each other out. o far I’ve seen they’re a good team, they work together really well, if some-
one needs help, there’s always someone else willing to jump in and help.”
For those who have been with the department a longer amount of time, the same at- titude applies.
“I started as a plumber, and when I first started, ev- erything felt easy but I meant it in a way that everything

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