Page 2 - Mid Valley Times 1-27-22 E-Edition
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Manuel Balero Jr.
Manuel Balero Jr. of Sanger died Jan. 11. He was 57.
Mr. Balero was a self-employed business owner-operator.
He is survived by four daughters, two brothers, two sisters, eight grandchildren and four great-grand- children.
Visitation will be from 4 to 7 p.m. with a wake at 6 p.m. Fri- day, Jan. 28, at Wallin's Parlier Funeral Home. A funeral service will be at 10 a.m. Satur- day, Jan. 29, at Wallin's Parlier Funeral Home. Interment will be at Mendocino Cemetery in Parlier.
Sylvester 'Ray' Harms Cisneros Sylvester "Ray"
Harms Cisneros of Sanger died Jan. 7 in Clovis. He was 80.
Mr. Cisneros worked as a building mainte- nance worker.
He is survived by his wife, Gloria Cisneros of Sanger; one son, one daughter, three broth- ers, three sisters, four grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.
A rosary will be held at 9 a.m. followed by a mass at 9:30 a.m. Monday, Jan. 31, at St. Mary's new Catholic Church in Sanger. Inter- ment will be at Sanger Cemetery.
Dopkins Reedley Fu- neral Chapel is handling the arrangements.
Maria Elena
Sanchez De
Maria Elena Sanchez De Contreras of Reed- ley died Jan. 13 in Clo- vis. She was 73.
Mrs. Contreras was a homemaker.
She is survived by her husband, Socorro Contreras of Reedley; one son, three daugh- ters, four brothers, four sisters and 10 grandchil- dren.
Visitation will be from3to7p.m.witha rosary scheduled for 5 p.m. Friday, Jan. 28, at Dopkins Reedley Fu- neral Chapel. A mass will be held at 9 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 29, at St. Anthony of Padua Cath- olic Church in Reedley. Interment will be at Reedley Cemetery.
Gary L. Deaver
Gary L. Deaver of Sanger died Jan. 14. He was 81.
Mr. Deaver worked as a crushing foreman.
He is survived by his wife, Elma Deaver of Sanger; two sons and two daughters.
A graveside ser- vice will be held at 10 a.m. Friday, Jan. 28, at Sanger Cemetery. Wal- lin's Sanger Funeral Home is handling the arrangements.
Barbara Jean Hicks
Barbara Jean Hicks
of Reedley died Jan. 6 in Reedley. She was 77.
Mrs. Hicks was a homemaker.
She is survived by her husband, Ben F. Hicks of Reedley; two sons, two daughters, 10 grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren.
A chapel service was held on Jan. 21 at Dop- kins Reedley Funeral Chapel. Interment fol- lowed at Reedley Cem- etery.
Maria Jesus Hinojosa
Maria Jesus Hinojo- sa of Reedley died Jan.
7 in Fresno. She was 82. Mrs. Hinojosa was a
She is survived by
two sons, one daughter, two brothers and six grandchildren.
Visitation will be from4to7p.m.witha rosary scheduled for 5 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 27, at Dopkins Reedley Fu- neral Chapel. A mass will be held at 10 a.m. Friday, Jan. 28, at St. Anthony of Padua Cath- olic Church in Reedley. Interment will be at Reedley Cemetery.
Dopkins Reedley Fu- neral Chapel is handling the arrangements.
Rogerio Jimenez
Rogerio Jimenez of Parlier died Jan. 13. He was 76.
Mr. Jimenez worked as a laborer.
He is survived by his wife, Teresita Jimenez of Parlier; four sons and seven daughters.
Visitation will be from4to7p.m.witha rosary at 6 p.m. Friday, Feb. 4, at Wallin's Parli- er Funeral Home. A fu- neral service will be at 9:30 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 5, at Our Lady of Sor- rows Catholic Church in Parlier. Interment will follow at Mendocino Cemetery in Parlier.
Alina Marie
Alina Marie Morales- Ochoa of Sanger died Jan. 11 in Elk Grove. She was 41.
Mrs. Morales-Ochoa worked as an operating clerk.
She is survived by her husband, Juan Ochoa of Sanger; two sons, one daughter, her parents, Oscar and Joh- na Morales; one brother and one sister.
Visitation will be from 9:30 to 10 a.m. with a service sched- uled for 10 a.m. Thurs- day, Jan. 27, at Taberna- cle of Praise Church in Sanger. Interment will be at Sanger Cemetery.
Dopkins Reedley Fu- neral Chapel is handling the arrangements.
Karen Ohanesian
Karen Ohanesian of Fresno died Jan. 13 in Fresno. She was 74.
Mrs. Ohanesian worked as a registered nurse for 45 years.
She is survived by her mother, Francis Schmidt; two daughters, four grandchildren, two sisters and several niec- es and nephews.
A graveside service will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 2, at Smith Mountain Cem- etery in Dinuba.
In lieu of flowers, do- nations can be made to Alta Historical Society, PO Box 254, Dinuba CA 93618; St. Jude's Chil- dren's Research Hos- pital,; or the donor's favorite charity.
Dopkins Dinuba Fu- neral Chapel is handling the arrangements.
Irene V. Pascoe
Irene V. Pascoe of Sanger died Jan. 17. She was 91.
Mrs. Pascoe for- merly worked as a fruit packer for various com- panies.
She is survived by her husband, Bob Pas- coe of Sanger; two sons, two daughters and 13 grandchildren.
A graveside ser- vice was held Jan. 25 at Sanger Cemetery. Wal-
lin's Sanger Funeral Home handled the ar- rangements.
ROBBERY Continued from page A1
weighing 200 lbs. with dark hair. She was wear- ing a bright yellowish with green gaiter-style facemask and held a black semi-automatic handgun.
The third suspect is a male Hispanic between 35 and 45, weighing ap- proximately 180 pounds
ABOVE: Suspects number one (front) and number two are pictured from a strongarm robbery at the Circle C Market in Center- ville the morning of Jan. 13. The man and woman used a semi-automatic weapon to hold up and then strike
a female employee at the store.
LEFT: Suspect number three is pictured. The man served as a lookout during the commnission of the rob- bery.
Images from Fresno County Sheriff's Office
and about six feet tall with dark hair. He was wearing dark clothing, most noticeably a dark hooded sweatshirt.
Anyone who may have information on the case ias asked to contact FCSO Detective Bran- don Lehr at (559) 600- 8174, or Crime Stoppers at 498-STOP (7867) or on- line at valleycrimestop- Tipsters will remain anonymous and may be eligible for a cash reward.
Reference number for the case is #22-467.
For the
The Jan. 20 article on the upcoming reopening of the Reedley Library incorrectly stated that asbestos was a reason for the building's closure in 2020. A letter from the Fresno County Public Li- brary explains the rea- son for the closure.
The letter can be found on the Opinion Page on Page A4.
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 Dopkins has been serving families for 126 years and much has changed since our
start in 1895. We are proud to announce the opening of our Reedley Funeral Chapel and Crematory, so we can better serve our
growing communities. Our hope is to have an open house this summer
once the restrictions are lifted, but you can always come for a visit. Also Preneed Funeral Policies are transferable. If you have any concerns, please give us a call.
Funeral Chapel
& Crematory
  Dinuba 189 S. J Street 559-591-1919
Reedley 2200 S. Reed Ave. 559-638-7000
            • Energy Efficient
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• Full Lifetime Warranty
   Free Se Habla Estimates Español
 228 NORTH “L” ST. DINUBA • 595-1959
Michael Franzen
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