Page 7 - Mid Valley Times 1-27-22 E-Edition
P. 7
Thursday, January 27, 2022
The View From Here
GoFundMe in honor of Orange Cove man
I woke up
on the morn-
ing of Jan. 20
with a particu-
larly stubborn
body ache.
Normally a
couple of Ty-
lenols take
the pain away
without any
problems, but this day was different. It was a soreness I hadn't really felt before. It went across my lower back, up and down my arms, and across my upper back as well. Almost as if I had worked out for 3 hours in the gym when in reality, I hadn't been to the gym in about 3 days.
I thought maybe I slept wrong. I thought maybe the pillow was too high for my neck and it caused an en- tire disruption of my muscle movement. As the morning progressed I figured some light excercise would help the pain go away. It didn't help. Just then I received a call from my daughter. "Mom, the test says I'm positive." She had tested for COVID-19 because she'd been feeling a little un- der the weather. I thought back to the last couple of days. I had also been feeling a few cold symptoms and I was cer- tain it was me who had given her the cold. But I had tested a day prior to my daughter and my test was negative. It made no sense. So I decided to retest.
I went to an urgent care in Clovis called Accelerated Ur- gent Care. I had been there once already that week for the cold symptoms I had been ex- periencing. The receptionist gave me a funny look. "You're back?" she said. "Yes," I re- plied. "I need to retest."
As many of us are, I was familiar with the process of testing, I've tested for CO- VID-19 a number of times al- ready as I'm sure many of us have. I was expecting another negative test result. The nurse walked in and asked me for my birthday. I gave it to her. "Ok, yes, you're positive this time," she said. She explained to me why I tested negative just two days prior. She said COVID-19 takes a few days after the symptoms to show up on the test. The next cou- ple of days (thankfully) were mild.
Other than the positive test result, I would have nev- er known I had COVID-19. I am on the fifth day now (Jan. 25) and again my entire CO- VID-19 experience has been nothing more than a cold. I know others haven't been so lucky. I was vaccinated back in March 2020. I am guessing that played a role in weaken- ing my symptoms. Or maybe it was the Omicron strain that experts say is weaker than the former COVID-19 strains.
Either way, COVID-19 fi- nally hit me and my family. We continue to practice social distancing, I've been working from home and taking each day to rest and recover.
James Neise, 31, was fatally shot on Jan. 21 in Fresno alley By Juanita Adame
Mid Valley Times
The family of an Orange Cove man who was gunned down in Fresno last week has created a GoFundMe to help pay for funeral expenses.
"My name is Kristal Neise, I’ve created this Go- FundMe on behalf of my brother James Matthew Neise," wrote the sister of James Neise. "James was tragically taken too soon from us Friday on the eve- ning of Jan. 21, 2022."
According to the family, James left behind two young daughters.
Neise was found in an al- leyway near Van Ness Av- enue near Fresno's Tower District on the night of Jan. 21. According to information from the Fresno Police De- partment, the 31-year-old was found with multiple gunshot wounds to his upper body.
Juanita Adame
Contributed Photo
James Matthew Neise is pictured in an undated photo on a GoFund- Me page set up for the family. The 31-year-old Orange Cove man was fatally shot the night of Jan. 21 in Fresno.
funeral expenses," his sister wrote.
"We are deeply humbled by the love and support we feel from our community and fam- ily."
James' sister also wrote that he had a heart of gold and did not deserve to be gunned down the way he was and left to die in an alley. Go online to for the Go Fund Me link for Neise.
Anyone with additional information on this case is asked to call the Fresno Police Department at 559-621-2443 or email bill.dooley@fresno. gov.
He was transported from the scene and died a short time later.
Homicide detectives with the Fresno Police Department have continued their investi-
gation and have looked into why Neise, a resident of Or- ange Cove was in Fresno at that time.
"There has also been an expressed desire to help with
“There has been an expressed desire to help with funeral expenses... We are deeply humbled by the love and support we feel from our commu- nity and family.”
Kristal Neise, sister of slain Orange Cove man James Matthew Neise
KCUSD informational meetings for TK/Kindergarten
Scholarships are available
to Sanger High seniors
Kings Canyon Unified School District staff met with parents at A.L. Conner Elementary School Multipurpose Room in Orange Cove on the evening of Jan. 19 for one of the district’s TK / Kinder- garten information meetings aimed at helping parents of new students. Meet- ings were held on Jan. 18 in Dunlap, Jan. 19 in Orange cove and Jan. 20 at boitgh Great Western School and Jeffer- son Elementary School in Reedley
Kings Canyon Unified School District / Photo Contributed
Photo of the Week
MVT Staff Report
Sanger High School se- niors and parents are re- minded that scholarships for college now are avail- able from the Foundation for Sanger Schools.
This year, the founda- tion is offering the follow- ing: two $1,500 scholarships, two $2,500 scholarships, one $3,500 scholarship and two $5,000 scholarships.
Students attending a ju- nior college, a four year fully accredited college or univer- sity, or an accredited trade school may apply.
Application can be found here: https://www.sanger- program...
Applications are due by Friday, March 11. No exten- sions will be offered, and ap- plications must be typed, not hand-written.
Dinuba Chamber awards dinner set for Feb. 18
Mid Valley Times
The Dinuba Chamber of Commerce is now accepting nominations for their annual chamber awards dinner on Friday, Feb. 18.
The chamber is asking anyone who would like to nominate an honoree to visit their website SurveyMon- Ticket price infor- mation will be posted on the chamber website soon.
This photo of Reedley's two water towers, called "Light trails x water towers," was sent in by local photographer, Cris Acevedo. Acevedo snapped the photo on Jan. 9. Have a photo you'd like featured? Email